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Posts posted by nanna

  1. Hello MichaelwolfWelcome to Xisto there is plenty of topics on gaming stuff and health in the forums.Everybody on Xisto are very friendly and very helpful.Well i look forward too seeing you around and i look forward too reading your posts on Xisto.

  2. Well people your not going to believe what happend to me today.I had two shocks but funny shocks.I was stood looking at the puppies in the whelping box and all of a sudden i got the urge to pick one up for a cuddle.So i picked up lady the puppie that our daughter is keeping and im looking at her fat belly and i look and i notice that lady has got a willy so lady is not a lady now he is a marley lol.I laid Marley back in the whelping box and see gaston the puppie we are keeping laying there so i pick him up for a cuddle.While im cuddeling Gaston im looking at one of the other chocolate labs and i notice the chocolate lab has a willy so i look at Gaston thinking ive picked up the wrong chocolate lab and Gaston has a willy too.We now have the task of choosing which chocolate lab we are keeping.Im a bit sad as we were keeping gaston the first born puppie but which one is the first born one now we will never know now.

  3. Well its here November i love this time of the year.There is so much exciting events going on.To start it all off we have 1st november all saints day and in Belgium this is the time of year when people visit loved ones graves and place chrysanthnums pot plants on their graves.Then we have the 11th November Rememberence day where people remember people who died in any of the wars.In england on the first Sunday nearest to the 11th this is called poppy day and the Queen and the royal familie and members of the government lay poppy wreaths at the cenetarth and in towns aroun england poppt wreaths are laid at war memorials.On a happier note on the last Thursday in November you have Thanks giving which all Americans celebrate.I know this is to celebrate pilgrims and years ago i dont know if this still happens there used be put at everyones place at a dinner table 3 pieces of parched dry corn was placed Something like this happened please if your reading this correct me if im wrong.The day after Thanksgiving is the start of the Christmas season.We now enter December where we have four weeks before Christmas in the church calander we have the start of advent and here in england we have a tradition where we have advent calanders which has 24 doors on it an we open a door each day until Christmas eve.And now in Europe on the 6th December we celebrate ST Nicholas this occasion is really for children. If the children have been good all year round then ST Nicholas leaves the children toys and lots of nice sweet goodies like chocolate figures marziepan figures speculass biscuit figures clementines and lots more.But if children are naughty then they go in Zwarte piets zak (black peters sack).And now we arrive at 24th december Christmas eve the start of christmas this is also the night Father Christmas comes when everyone is in bed.The 25th December the biggest and bestest day of the year Christmas Day where we celebrate the birth of christ.And families open presents that Father Christmas has left.And in england we have a big roast dinner with roast Turkey and all the trimmings at this time of the year we say eat drink and be merry.The day after Christmas Day is Boxing day also known as the feast of saint Stephen.We are now at 31st december New Years Eve the last day of the year this is more of the celebration for adults where some go out and celebrating seeing the new year in and at Midnight they sing Aud Lang Syn.We now start a new year 1st January this is normally a quiet day where people are resting and getting over there hangovers from the night before.On the 1st January in London and New York they have the New Years Day Parade.Well i hope you can see from reading this you van see why i like this time of year.

  4. The puppies are two weeks old today the last 14 days have flown by.Their ears have been opened for three days now.They have been walking for two days now its funny seeing them walk then all of a sudden they wobble over :D .And today they eyes opened its made them look like puppie dogs now.And tomorrow we got someone coming to look at the puppies and they are interested in the golden lab a boy.It makes you think that now with the ones to go we got another 6 weeks with them which i want to enjoy every minute with them as then comes the sad part of them going to new homes.I will post more photos on here over the next few days.

  5. Another thing if mrdee never excisted we wouldnt have celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary this year.And our two children wouldnt excist either.I am glad he does excist or we wouldnt have our two beautiful grandaughters.And we wouldnt be sat here today reeling with excitement over vthe birth of Dido's 8 lovely puppies.So its very lucky mrdee does excist. :D

  6. I noticed today Dido seems to growl and snap at the puppies when they go to feed from her when a puppie gets close to her face or mouth then she growls and snaps at that puppie.Yesterday when Dido rolled the blankets up they was to puppies rolled up in them.so i took the 2 blankets out and just left one in the whelping box which of course she rolled up.Luckily the bottom of the whelping box is soft.

  7. Welcome to Xisto where everyone is friendly and helpful.As you will see there is plenty of topics to post in on the forum.It will be nice to see some of your posts on the forum anything you need to know there will always be someone to help you at Xisto.I look forward to seeing you around.

  8. Sheepdog i dont think Dido growling and snapping at the puppies has anything to do with her food as she dont eat in the whelping box she eats in another room.This has been happening the last three days its not constant its now and again.Im wndering if its she goes to clean a pup and it wont let her so she telling the pup off.Or maybe when pups are feeding and one just been fed and it goes to feed again she maybe telling the pup not to be greedy.Apart from this problem she feeds them and cleans them with no problem.Is it normal that she still nesting as she keeps scraping the blankets into one pile.

  9. Puppies are 3 days old today.I cant believe how much they have grown each of them.Lady being the biggest of all 8.I dont know if this a normal thing but Dido growled at 2 of them we were quiet shocked at this.But other than this she is good with them she feeds them cleans them its so cute especially when all 8 are feeding at one time.She also has mum on her own time so what we do is leave the gate of the whelping box open so she can come and go as she pleases.I hope we are doing the right thing doing this as we looked at it as she cant feed the pups all day long we think she she should have a break from pups now and again.Dido dont stay to long away from her babies.We having to keep mozart and dad Lucky away from Dido and the babies as for the moment as when they come near the sitting room she gose to attack mozart and lucky so weve got a stair gate in the door way of the sitting room we are lucky niether lucky or mozart can jump the gate.Me and Mrdee are so enjoying having the puppies here :-)

  10. To VickyWelcome to Xisto.I must agree there are lots of interessting topics.I myself am also new here and have made some nice friends.And everyone i have met here are very helpful and friendly.As you may have seen on my status my labrador had 8 puppies yesterday.Well i look forward to seeing you around on the forum if you need to know anything about the forum dont be afraid to ask anyone no matter how big or small it maybe.

  11. My dog Dido is due to give birth any day now.So today i thought i would make some phone calls to some vets.as we are on a low income i thought i would ask around if anything went wrong when Dido is giving birth if i can pay the vets in installments for any treatment dido might need.But was told by 2 vets this was impossible and they advised me to get in touch with pdsa and or the rspca.I phoned the pdsa explained the situation which upon the person on the other end of the phoned asked for my post code which i gave then to be told that in my post code area they didnt have a clinic.So now i phoned the rspca explained the situation again asked if we could get help from the rspca.i was asked did i have both labradors and as i let them mate i werent entitled to any help because Dido would likely have a large litter and i would be selling the puppies and making money from the puppies i cant have any help at all.This doesnt help our situation at this moment as we dont have the funds to pay for a private vet.Tonight i spoke to our local vet and also asked if they would accept if Dido did need any treatment can we pay for it after we have sold the puppies they said they would have to have half the cost of the treatment and ok it with head office.I just hope and pray that the puppies birth goes straight forward because i just dont now what we are going to do.I have even looked into getting pet insurance but for help with costs for births of pets you need to be insured for a year so also no use.All im doing is trying to be prepared if it dont run smooothly with Dido and the puppies.Im not asking a lot just help for my dog and her puppies to be.

  12. Hello seekreadwriteWelcome to KS i hope you enjoy yourself here everyone is so helpful and friendly and will help you were ever they can.It will be nice to see some of your handy work in the forums here.Welcome again and i cant wait to see you around.

  13. Well Dido is 45 days far not long now till the puppies come along.

    I ordered a lindam soft sided playpen with a one handed gate opening which I am going to use for a whelping box for dido and the puppies.

    I cant wait to see the puppies and cant help wondering how many she will have.

    If anyone reads this can you let me know if you think the playpen is a good idea to use as a whelping box please let me know ASAP.

    I am including an image of the playpen.

    Posted Image

  14. The only animals I've ever been brought up with was cats and dogs.I remember when I was at home as a child we ever had 3 dogs, strange, I remember their names too: Rex,Bitter and Bessie.And I remember 3 cats we had too: Snowy,Whiskey and Blackie.I also remember when I was very young we had a budgie too.Mrdee and I have been married 25 years and we have had many pets in the 25 years.We have had a total of 9 dogs so far and 6 cats so far.We also have had numerous birds, I love canaries which I am hoping to get another canary in the near future Mrdee would love a Mynah bird.When our 2 children were growing up we had 1 or 2 guinea pigs and we had several hamsters which are buried in our back garden.Our son also had his own ferrets, smelly animals that they are.Mine and Mrdee's first pet we had was Mira the dog she was mrdee's dog but when we moved in together I became her mummy, she was so special to us being our first pet we had together. One of our saddest losses of all our pets was Brandy the poodle, we used to run a cafe and every day we took Brandy with us,this one day it was a warm day and as usual the door of the cafe was open and Brandy never ventured out the door.But this one day I needed to go and get a bit of shopping and I left brandy at the cafe with mrdee as I knew I would not be gone long. While I was away, Mrdee was doing some cleaning in the cafe, and Brandy walked out the door to go and look for me and got hit by a van :( .A vet was called but they could not do anything to save her :( .We now have the exciting event of Dido having puppies, they are due any day from 23rd October.When the puppies are born we will place photos of them in the gallery.

  15. Hello and welcome to KS i hope you enjoy yourself here on KS.There are lots of friendly faces here and there are always ready to help you with any questions or queries you have in all different topics.I am also new to KS i want to get hosting here so i can start a blog about delicious recipes as i love cooking.I hope to see you hanging around here reguarly and if you have any questions about any recipes dont be afraid to ask me.

  16. Im sorry to say but i dont find anything wrong with KS.If people like you didnt come and slag KS and the people on KS (Opaque) off maybe there would be more users posting on the forums.If you dont like the way your sites and things are working then why dont you move it over to AL if they are so good NOT.AL has such a friendly community it slags people off behind their backs (I am not a *BLEEP* and my husband is not "a nothing" ) and when the going gets tough they delete their chats.

  17. Sheepdog i just googled ember days for this month i have missed them the last day was the 24th sept 2011.The next ember days are in december 2011. I think what i am going to do is start cutting it down from the outside and work my way in till i can get to the base of it and dig it out the ground.My sister is going to help me with this.I will keep you updated to how we are getting on.

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