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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Its pretty easy actually, Step 1: After creating your initial design, make a copy of your text layer and if you have an icon or some other image make a copy of that as well. Step 2: Edit > transform > flip vertical those copy layers Step 3: Right click the text layer and select Resaturize to make it a image that can be edited Step 4: Grab your square marquee tool and set the feather to 10px. Step 5: With your marque tool go halfway between your copy layers and then drag down, making sure the marquee square covers the bottom half of the layer, and then press delete. You should have a feather look to the copy, and remember if you put any layer properties on the layers turn them off if they ruin the fade look. Step 6: Put your Opacity to between 20-25% and your down, also if you need more help go here for a list of tutorials on image reflection.
  2. Well as some of you are aware that I got my first website design gig about 3 months ago and on the verge of finishing it after my client decided to stop the designing of the ecommerce section of the website. Which is a blessing because outside of setting up a cart and doing coding here and there I have no clue about the finance part of ecommerce. To start off I did not choose the hosting site so sorry Xisto - Web Hosting , second the admin panel is horrible and very limited what you can do as well, 1 MySQL DB (50Mb), does not allow CHMODing through FTP software, FTP software is very limited (had to use CUTEFTP bleh, Windows hosting, limited on the php scripts I could use(none), etc etc etc. The only reason they went with the hosting become of the ecommerce thing, the support was great though I give them that. Also for some reason the hosting hates firefox, so if you see no images just do a refresh and yes I spent countless hours on how to fix this, yet nothing, any suggestions would help and maybe give me an idea where to go with it. Now my rant is over I can go on to the site which is called Art By J Frances. I will tell you this that it is a gallery site/e-commerce site (postpone for now) that I spent a total of 48 hours of designing, testing things out and other stuff and I am proud of this design. I used several scripts that focus on images such as the light script, and a reflection script which worked wonders and impressed the client as well. Also the colors I used are awesome as well especially the yellow on the blue that I used. I might go into some simple php scripts that don't require MySQL, which is not alot but I can think of something though. also it is 100% valid except for the embed source tag and talk to truefusion about it earlier so when I get the time I mess with it and see what happens to make it not error out on me. So it's opinion time, I know a lot of people are waiting for me to showcase my design and try their hardest to bash my design, good luck . Also for idea's how to focus on the images as well without over doing it to much. Update #1: Thanks haslip the object set up works, had to do a little tinkering to get the width and height right but it works, and the center does look better but you can notice though its off center. Reason being is that for some strange reason the z-index I have is not going over the flash file, I might have to add something to fix that. I also did a speed report and I am fairly please with the speed of the site. Update #2: Well the preload script seems to be working so their shouldn't be any flicker anywhere.
  3. Well sadly for me some reason yahoo messenger 9 is not working for me which I can glady say this is my first beta software that has not worked for me. I can get it installed if I do it the right way, however, for some reason its not accepting my password. Heck I even tried it on my vista computer and it didn't work, hopefully a stable version comes out and fixes the problems I had. I made a topic about at trap when I found out about YM9 and when I installed it Maybe some of hte problems I have listed can be figured out by someone here, the yahoo tech's couldn't figure out what was wrong with it either, and so I have to wait for a stable version to come out. Of course I plan to reinstall my computer laptop so hopefully whatever cause the problem will be fixed when I reinstall it again.
  4. OOOOOOH you beat me to it, found out on his okrut profile, well with my devious mind I had some cakes already picked out, but I have to send them later MUHAHAHAHA. So I stick with this image for now.
  5. Good God some of you have had a lot of pets I just got 4 cats my oldest 17 years old .I only can imagine the pet food you all have to buy for these pets .
  6. On monday it was reported that Quicktime 7.2 and 7.3 versions come with a new exploit in which malware could on to a person's computer through streaming videos. They only mention that XP and Vista are the only affect systems and no word came about on the Mac operating system. They mention that a buffer overflow bug was made in which it "contains a stack buffer overflow vulnerability in the way Quicktime handles the RTSP Content-Type header." For those who don't know what RTSP is, RTSP is the Real-Time Streaming Protocol which apple uses for its QuickTime software to complicate the problem even further they mention that since ITunes uses Quicktime for its music it could be "widespread", and so the solution they gave until a patch was found was to block RTSP, disable the QuickTime ActiveX component for Internet Explorer and QuickTime plug-in for Mozilla, and disabling JavaScript. So not to get to far a head of myself, in Thursday's article they mention that for this to work a person would have to download a file with common extensions such as .mov or .3gp. They also mention in the current update that in fact the malicious files is actually a XML "will force the player to open an RTSP connection on port 554 to the malicious server hosting the exploit." On top of that this exploit can be enable through browsers as well by clicking on a url that is connected the malicious server and when tested against the common browsers Ie 6/7 and Safari 3 have prevented the attack; unfortunately firefox users cannot prevent this attack because of the QuickTime plug-in and thats if users have Quicktime as their default player. Symantec mentions that its antivirus software will detect the exploit as Trojan called Quimkids, and so make sure for those who use Norton Antivirus to update your software and scan to see if your computer has this trojan installed. Right now no patch has been made at this time but I would suspect that there should be one by Tuesday the latest. So they still recommend that you "prohibit the RSTP protocol on your networks; disabling QuickTime browser objects; disabling JavaScript where possible; and avoiding untrusted QuickTime files." Now how Vista is affected by this is that the security is set up in such a way that Vista doesn't allow buffer overflows to happen, however, Apple programmers failed to enable ASLR addressing, and thus the reason why Vista will become open for malicious hackers, and software to get into a Vista running computer. Of course Apple was quick to fire off blame to Microsoft by saying ""If programmers are required to code their application differently, then it's not Apple's programmers who are at fault for not using ASLR, but Microsoft for not enforcing and making this feature a default behavior of all applications." So expect some back forth on this exploit between these two companies until a patch is made and the exploit is resolved. It is also interesting to note that 7.3 just came out recently because of a exploit used in the TIFF files and some java support problems as well, and with the above quote expect QuickTime to become big in security related news next year. Of course will keep you updated on this exploit as well. SOURCES Article 1 Article 2 Symantec Trojan Info Trojan Info #2
  7. I thought I let anyone know that is looking at electronics especially laptop computers and stuff like and so what do you get for this package deal? Well I tell you 1 Compaq Presario laptop with a 80Gb hard drive, Vista operating system (most likely Home Premium), a printer, a wireless Wi-Fi router, Norton Anti virus software for just $300. Also to let people know whoa are Best Buy shoppers that they are selling Gateway computers for $300 as well, and on top of that the OLPC computers are just $188 instead of the $188 instead of the $400 price tag that comes with getting these two computers, i think.Of course I wouldn't doubt that these are old models since they made mention that laptops are just breaking the $500 dollar barrier right now, but I wouldn't be surprise if you see a lot of promotions and stuff like that this year.
  8. A small reminder though that it is also a good idea to update your firmware for the router, and also another could thing to do is release your IP address and then renew it. That way when you renew the IP address your router will be able to pick it up and give you a stable connection. Since we are doing this the old school method to release and renew your IP go to Start > Run > Type cmd.exe > then type ipconfig /. It will display options for IP configuration and so just type in ipconfig /release and then wait about a minute or so. Then type ipconfig / renew, and then hopefully that will help keep a stable connection. Also it is wise not to use the default options for your router because usually they don't work most of the time, but since there are different brand name routers I can't give your a good set up for it/
  9. I would get a hold of xistsupport ASAP because I know they don't do that kind of request that I am aware of. So don't click on anything or fill anything out until it confirmed.
  10. I would say spam block the aol messages for a few days and by then the spamm blocker will kick in and send all the AOL stuff to your spam folder. Well I did find something about the service and this is what they say. So I go with my spam block method and see if that works at all.
  11. Dummy me had to think about this question for awhile before it clicked in, but anyways this was a big issue about 1.5 - 2 years ago, but it set up so the hosting request forums cannot be seen by guests or non members, and so you don't have nothing to worry about. However, if you don't want to take the chance after you get hosted you can edit your post and remove the email address if you want to.
  12. Admin can't unsuspend your account unless there is a particular reason to do so. If you have negative credits all you need to do is post to get more then 4 credits and then wait 1 hour for your account to get reactivated again. I check your credit count and so you have plenty of credits to get your account activated again. Also refer to my post how to change your domain name as well.
  13. Yes you can host this script just as long as you have a legal copy of this script since it seems you have to pay in order to use it. Xisto has everything you need in order to run the script including mod_rewrite, php and of .htaccess as well. So you should have plenty of credits and from the looks of it your posting is good to as well so all you have to do is wait and your set.
  14. Man and I was going to ask if we get more credits out of this update, but I guess not . Well hopefully with these two problems solve everything will go back to normal and we bring on the spam. Well ok no spam but at least back to normal .
  15. I hope you gave that server a big spanking OpaQue Could that also be the reason why the database did a 7 day rollback as well? Or no idea?
  16. I know I maybe answering my own question here but have you guys been reporting these problems at https://support.xisto.com/ at all? It would seem that these problems are piling up, and it seems they can't get fixed in house at the moment. So what I suggest to the mods is find out all the problems that are going on at Xisto and draw up a large ticket for Xisto - Support to start fixing these problems.
  17. For those who have suspended account click here on details on why it happen and what to do to get your accounts reactivated.
  18. Everyone you need to go to https://support.xisto.com/ and let them know your accounts have been suspended. Last week server upgrade happen on two servers and accounts on trap started to become suspended either from being in the negative or having anywhere between 0-4 credits. Again go to https://support.xisto.com/ and let the tech know your site has been suspended.
  19. Well I thought I chime in again and remind you that the member group titles are meaningless to the extent that it won't get you more credits or more hosting privileges. The only thing you get at 500 posts is the ability to change your member title, and with that in mind don't go posting just to get a high post count because then it would be considered spamming if those posts are not of quality to the rules. Notice from jlhaslip: And believe every word of what he tells you... (check his posting count)
  20. Due to limit of the number of quote tags I have to continue with a new post with in this topic. Situation I update my windows patchs but what about the others SituationMy Browser is so slooow SituationDefrag or not to Defrag that is the Question Situation Autoplay could it be bad? SituationKeyboard is ok but I want my Quick Launch toolbar to do it faster SituationThe shutdown process is slow and lame I want it cool and fast. SituationIts a Dual world after all. SituationEven though it is the end, there is always something else Phew hopefully also this information doesn't drive you as insane as I was in setting this all up then you will learn some new stuff, or learn other ways to do it as well and maybe give you a fresh perspective on problems such as the ones listed here. SOURCE
  21. Well if thought hte software portion of getting a faster computer wasn't challanging enough how about getting your hands and keyboard dirty with these fixes that actually get to the root of the operating system. WARNING: Make sure you know what you doing or you might end up reinstalling your operating system if you do something wrong by not following the directions they give for these tweaks. Situation Starting windows: SituationI got the tools I just don't use them I would have to save Fix #1 and #3 would be the most effective in this, of course if you plan to use fix number three plan to drink a lot of caffeine related products as that list is HUUUGE!! As there is like 15276 different items on that list. Situation Vista is saving my data, but won't let me recover it. NOTE: Hopefully they mention something about the WinSXS folder. I guess not, of course I am not about to drop that kind of cash for Vista Ultimate either. Situation My Computer is somewhat new but oh so slow, OH NO!!! Links to that Article:Page #1 Page #2 Page #3 Page #4 Page #5 Situation Trojan Horses and Malware Oh My, and being a standard user is EVIL!! Situation Oh yeah I got uber speed, but I think I can get more if my router is up to date. SituationInternet Explorer has become completely unusable for browsing the Web. (No Comment) SituationMy Right Mouse button does all these stuff, but then it can't do this stuff. SituationIs my computer really secured? SituationI know backing up is a good thing, but I forget to do it. Vista to Ultimate Article
  22. I thought I toss some more info about the beta testing thats been going with SP3, and that there seems to be an added bonus to the Major update besides fixing everything that has shown up in the last years. It was mention that SP3 boost the speed of office products (interesting). Also They extended support up to 5 years for the Home Edition of XP (very interesting), and they also gave a time table for both SP3 and SP1 and that is sometime next year. So I would say it would be a spring release for these two SP's to be out at the earliest with a summer blast at the lastest. SOURCE
  23. Well after my success with the 20 software that everyone should have topic I came across another set of software, but this time they are used to speed up. Yeah yeah I know that there are like hundreds of different software out there that claim to speed up your computer. In reality they don't and create more problems then a person would really need, but I know PC World has been out for a long time as I have purchased some of their magazines back in the day. So I believe the list of software should be more beneficial to some aspect, meaning that there are a few registry cleaners and some internet boosting software on this list. By the way I let you know if I use the software or not, and from what I seen so far I haven't so try at your own risk and stuff like that. DTweak Interesting that this software was actually bult for the vista OS, so I would definitely say that try this at your own risk especially on the fact if you crash your system you just wasted a vista installation. Download Link AusLogics BoostSpeed Ok I know I tried various software like this saying it will boost computer speed but in fact all it does is turn your computer into windows 95 with dumb down graphics, screen saver turn off and stuff like that. Download Link Cleanup Assistant Ug I don't even trust this software thats is why I have to reinstall windows in a few weeks (school semester ends), stupid program really know how to clean everything out. Lost all my MSN emoticons that I used, cleaned out my firefox bookmarks which really irked until I found out that a copy of it was tored through an early verion of FF 3 I had installed so I was happy again. So unless you know what your REALLY doing stay away from this software. Download Link Eusing Free Registry Cleaner My I wonder what this does Download Link CCleaner Read my comments on this piece of software here Download Link Auslogics Registry Defrag Ok I will admit that I believe the registry defraggers are a lot better then cleans in the sense that it works like a regular defragger and moves files around and stuff like that. Download Link Advanced Windows Optimizer I have actually used this software and thought it did pretty well for what it has, and that is pretty much everything you see on this list. So it is worth its $40 since it pretty much has everything all in a nice little package, of course that was on my parents older dell because I had to use it often just to get that piece of junk to run normally. I think it was the RAM that was causing the issue since it was never replaced in the 5-6 years they had it. Download Link Advanced Windows Care 2 Personal I believe I saw this as a giveaway of the day at one time, I would say from the look of the description it has some good applications like listing your hardware and stuff like. What can I say it free. Download Link Well I thought I end it there because the next page has to do with internet boosters and well know how well those work, I think, but the only tool I see remotely useful is PMySpeed PC Lite Edition. Only because you can get detailed info about your download and upload speed, and yeah I know of the online versions of these tools but what can I say you could get a more accurate picture without your browser in the way. Download Link ON page 4 though is some interesting tools a excel booster, which boost the loading of excel data, and a PDF booster that pretty much does the same thing. Although hte PDF booster sounds a bit interesting since it could boost the loading of them online. So take a look at the list and see if you recognize anything or try them out and see what kind of results you can get with these tools. SOURCES Page #1 Page #2 Page #3 http://www.pcworld.com/article/139791/CheapandFreeTools.html
  24. Well you haven't been paying much attention about OpenGL, so here is some information about what you thought vista doesn't have. I have to agree with you on that Galahad about "Microsoft is having big problems convincing their business costumers to migrate to Vista." I believe it was mentioned that it would take a couple of years the most for all the big businesses to convert from XP to vista. Of course that begs the question why even bother getting a SP3 out in the first place? It's obvious they want people to run and install vista on their computers, but if your going to give a major upgrade to an older operating system your prologing the fact they won't do it. Of course now the problem is those are just now testing vista out will have to wait even longer until they fully test SP1.
  25. I haven't noticed anything odd, not that I am looking. Do you have any print screens of this alignment problem or post some links of websites where this is happening so we can see this in action. Maybe the new update will fix this problem and it comes out today so see what happens when you install it.
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