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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. that i did not need to know , lucky for me though sex is not a big factor for us (thank god for that) or me and the gf wouldn't be together this long.its my preferance and she understands that.
  2. see im not crazy at all snlil maybe u need to see a docter about those eyes of your.
  3. well with all the hosting account that span 3 websites i think it would have to secure.
  4. a topic of alternate google sites has already been posted. plz look at topics before post new ones.
  5. 23 yrs avalon well and i thought you were a little younger hmm i guess i was wrong on that , but in the us thier is a 7 year rule that is the same as marriage, it goes after 7 years of the couple living together in the same location it practically marriage can't remember what the other stuff that goes with it but for me once i take that step i want the love to be their.my parents are on their 32 anniversary and they are still going at it ***wink wink***.
  6. nice one tru, i don't see anything wrong with it what so ever i give you a nive 10/10 for that one.
  7. i suggest making one of the computers the main source of the connection and then network config the other 3 to it.
  8. well now your making people look like they have no commen sense, but yeah back in the day i had like 5 quotes and sig going on in my signature block but reduced to down to what you see now.
  9. who knows but that is a sweet design that they did, would have made it a little bigger to fill it out more.but the game though never heard anything about it so i couldn't help you with that.
  10. don't forget photobucket.com as well, but you image for one doesn't exsist so it not showing up, but yeah try using a image host that is reliable like the the ones that have been mentioned.
  11. i have several several times with my current girlfriend and we have be together for a year now , and its practically the same way for us as well,but yeah thats a cowardly way to break up. hopefully he makes up his mind and the right desicion as well.good luck.
  12. well what makes me mad (add some other words to it) that these terrorists are using religion as a way to kill people, i don't ever recolect the koran saying its ok to kill people me personally i say if want to use religion ot kill people i say your not welcome here in this country anymore, and also start deporting people that are not supposed tp be here as well.cuz i be damn to have my children grow up in a world where people kill people just cuz its justifiable and its not.if osama bin %^@%^ come out of hiding and start talking this would be over but since hes a chicken $%# and brainwashes young minds to kill intead of helping out other people, we will be fighting until no one is left and i don't want my kids to fight cuz they are force to i would want my kids to fight cuz they choose too.
  13. thats is a interesting question but no the signature block does not count toward hosting credits, it would be interesting mod ot have but no one would use it just for the fact people would max that out and just post until them get the right amount of credits.
  14. well i know 3 people on that list 2 i worked with and one of them that was hit by a vehicle of course i had the displeasure i loading 5 bodies to be brought to the morge to get shipped back home. but what the funny thing is the non hostile death that have happen while over thier it was a split between suicide and carelessness.but of course everyone knows about the weapons that where sold in the middle east the ak-47 is the most popular weapon of choice since its cheap to make and as cheap to buy.and most of the other weapons that have been sold are veitnam-WW II weapons which makes them even cheaper to sell off and since most of todays bullets still work with these old weapons its not that hard to buy them.but yeah russia did this during the cold war era, hoping to get enough countries to back them up, but since 1989 only very few are backing them up but they are some of the most powerful too.china, some african countries, all of the communist countries that still exsist, parts of central and south americathe list goes on people, but that what happens when you deal with dirty politics and broken promises, and as i see no one is going help us recover they needed this hurricane to break us down even more, so all it takes is someone to launch some missles and WWIII will begin as it will be USA vs the world.that not opinion thats facts.
  15. thanks avalon and rval, this posted will be reported to the mods of this forum and this would be your final warning since you broke two rules in one post.topic title has to be clearer then please help and you posted in the wrong forum.
  16. for me for the first few times it was lust hten it turned to love but with my current gf, we talked first then it became love we still keep on talking about our feelings, problems and anything else that is on our mind.i would have to say it depends on the two people.
  17. well with the second london attack they just ran out of materials, thats about it, they would have done it if they had everything.
  18. i visited their site this morning they got it all brand new looking layout and on top of that some new looking software, but the big news is that 2.1 is finaly out at a wonderful price of $185.00 have fun people.
  19. hey this is going from the home of the microsoft Washington state, i know it still mind blowing, but now thinking WTF did she get the resources to do this, one, most of microsoft is expensive as hell, oh wait its not illegal in the middle to sell bootleg computer software thats right.that answers that question, but really though i wonder how mich cash was thrown around to get her to go to that school hmmm....hey lets see if she can become a member on here and teach us a few things.
  20. well i looked at his account form and he asked for the Xisto.com domain name i suggest pm the admin about this ASAP.
  21. well here is the location of the mod http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/1012 to use spell check in the forums.
  22. $5 that someone working with them put it their, cuz how could no one notice it until after it was shipped hmmm suspicious.
  23. umm no they won't and if it is posted here they will get banned for post illegal content on this website.
  24. its to late the event that started this chained events has already happen 9/11 ring a bell, of course now the police are quitting, us soldeirs are getting fired upon by gang members, people pooping and peeing everywhere, dead bodies everwhere, coffins washing up all over the place.all i have to say once the stock market crashes, mankind will be nothing more.
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