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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. DUDE THAT PWNS!! ahahaha this will never get old no matter how many times I hear it. I'm laughing so hard that barely can breath. THe last part just capped it off.
  2. If haslips post doesn't help this link could help out as well. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. Here are some links to ajax chats, although I been hearing soem bad stuff about it can't give specifics but their around. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://github.com/brettstimmerman/lace http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ PHP Chat links http://www.pixel2life.com/tutorials/php_coding/chat_scripts/
  4. Although I can't see it right now, but I would think you have an extra line possibly an echo that makes the 2 posts try your search around that conclusion.
  5. videos do not exsist anymore topic closed to prevent spam.
  6. I agree it's a good design however it looks a bit compact unless you plan to make it a portfolio site then it is fine. I think the the button stick out to much, although try not to make them invisible but try to match the color theme of the site. Also if your trying to look for a good index in search engines like google, they will by pass it immediately, just due to the fact that any links in the Iframe will not get index properly, thus you must rely on links outside the iframe to do all the work.
  7. call me stupid but i do believe Xisto is using the same credit system as trap. Meaning that one post doesn't equal 1 credit. It did in the beginning but once the credit system was redefined, there was no need to count posts. So a post could be anywhere from 1-30 credits (for those writing tutorials). Also both sites require that you do quality posting, but if you feel you cannot keep up the quality posting with the topics being presented (intermediate-expert) here you can try Xisto.com (beginner-intermediate) for a more broader range of topics. To find how many credits you have you just click ot the main forum and you will see your credit count right under the shoutbox.
  8. I agree with pyrost, I notice that you been here awhile so I know you have come across Xisto - Web Hosting.com from time to time. I know Xisto - Web Hosting has micro plans as well if you looking for something a bit smaller.although godaddy is great, most people unless they have a very large site, don't go through most of that space 250gb of bw seems excessive if you have a small site.From what I seen on your site the first plan would suit you just fine.
  9. basically to use the code all you do is create blank index page and load that up to your main page with the code i provided up top just put the location of the joomla folder and it will redirect it 1-5 secs after someone goes to that page. Do make note to add some text saying that they are being redirected. but oyu have to remember you need to have the full link in the redirect page meaning it has to be the full location like so http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I set up an example for you using my account http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this link will become http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this link, that is how the redirect works. If need be have a blank index file to be used as the cpanel redirect. However if you don't use the pre-install script and load it your self you might get past all that nonsense. For some reason unless some knows why when you use the pre-install script you can't upload it to the main folder for some reason. But the cpanel i gave you should work if in you need some more help contact me either at msn @ saint-michael@hotmail.com or saint_zodiac@yahoo.com and I give walk you through it a bit better.
  10. Heck if this guy knows what he is doing then why don't use just disable his account altogether, or can he hack is way through that as well. do you have some sort of filtering software, like the school use?My question that seems to be coming out is how is he getting admin access into his account when you have block every attempt at admin level?
  11. Their are rumors of a reunion, I'm in shock and awe, because billy was the one who left. Although I have disagree his better stuff was from when he was in the Smashing Pumpkins. They were not that underrated, they had the goth /grunge image going and that was still trying to filter into the rest of the industry at the time.
  12. Cpanel rarely puts beta's in the software package, just due to the fact of how unstable it might become and the potential of errors that could happen to the server.Usually when the full release of the software that cpanel packages is out usually they let the admin know (OpaQue) and they go ahead and update it from there.
  13. @albus that is hilarious should give one to everyone on their birthday, ahahaha.
  14. Welcome to the site and trust me when i say this no one else can beat what we offer for free web hosting. We got the fake sites trying to do what we do and thats provide quality hosting for quality members.so here your assorted welcome to Xisto fruit basket and enjoy your stay here. Make sure to the read the Xisto read me, you can either click on the link at the shoutbox or click the following link to get an idea of what we are looking for.Plus I see you just got hosted which is pretty quick , just remember 1 credit equals one day of hosting so the more you have the more your sites stay up longer.
  15. Although some of you have already seen this post about Firefox extensions and what not, thought I give out a quick advertisement to those who don't know about it yet. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/91541-topic/?findpost=1064358046 Basically these tools are used to make designing easier in Firefox easier and more fun.
  16. oops can't believe I forgot that.Ok on your domain admin panel you need to have these servers pointed to it.Nameserver 1 NS1.TRAP17.COMNameserver 2 NS2.TRAP17.COMThen you park it.so sorry about that.
  17. Although I haven't tried it myself I do know that live search script is public for others to download and use. I know it's a combo of ajax and whatever else they use. Seen a wordpress version for it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I seen a couple of others but I would have search deep again to find them, but the concept is still the same. I think yahoo is using a version of it as well.
  18. Since I am not a linux user nor expert mysql user I did find some links that could answer the problem that your having. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=276470 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=18403
  19. Well recently we lost one of our tech guys, so opaque had to train a new tech to help him out. Also due to other current projects he hasn't been able to go through all the emails, tickets and anything else.Give it some time and patience as he is working through this process. A suggestion would be wait at least 7 days for a response to come or wait to submit a new response as well.
  20. Best thing you can do is tell her that if she needs someone to talk to any time day or night that you can be relied on or have shoulder to cry on. She has to trust you if it's a personal problem, and the best thing you can do is listen to her and if you cannot give her an answer best suggestion would be to let her know what her options are on who can help her and what not.Don't do the comedy routine no matter how good of a friend you 2 are. Because that is bad taste and it shows you really don't care. It's all about trust, best thing is not to push it but let it come out slowly. Best thing to do is hang out with her, maybe get her mind off the problems she is having and when she feels she can trust you then she will let you know whats wrong with her.
  21. Well besides the fact that IE is like one huge security hole, they lack the useful extensions for the browser as well, but since I made the post about useful extensions for firefox I doubt to many will use ie but just to keep it updated.
  22. I think i found your solution it took some searching but this should do it. IE http://sillydog.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=37697 FF http://www.wikihow.com/Restrict-Web-Browsing-Using-Firefox
  23. Well only 1 plug in doesn't work however the web developer plug in completes most of what I just posted. Just look around and you can find it.
  24. Reason you can't is that you getting the same account, meaning 1 less person would get an account. although you can have unlimited Xisto.net accounts. But if you need more space and bandwidth you need to upgrade to a paid account.
  25. I am proud to be American the history that hasn't been tainted by fools like Bush. It show how strong we have become not buy individuals, but as a whole. Although most Americans regret about what happen in the past. Although we justified it in one way or the other, or have paid for what we have done.I Proud of the struggle we have fought for to get where we are today. But thanks to bush and his pwoaks (insert bad word here) he has ruined 200+ years of history in 5, 1 if you want to believe the conspiracy theories.I believe in the justice our fore fathers gave including the compromises they made in order for our country to be what it is today. Although it is tainted now, I'm actually embarrassed as to what Bush did just so he can make money for his "friends". If I was a secre service agent I would not take a bullet for his dumbAZZ.
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