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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well in the last few years Norton has become a big resource hog, but depending on how much ram you have usually 1 gig it will run smoothly like some Anti-virus software. Although I dn't use AVG, from what I been hearing from those who do use it, its not really a resource hog. But since your computer is going on 7 years it could be a possibility that it might be in your case.
  2. Usually when you install a new mod you want to have backup of all the files you plan to edit just in case soemthing goes wrong. My suggestion would be to get a fresh file for that specific error and then load it, most of the time it corrects this error as sometimes as you reverse engineer a script you might have forgot some and thus create an error.
  3. Well This post will consist of day's 2 and three since I completely missed the email from day 2 (go figure) Day #2 Day #3 Well I guess that is good to know at least I perspective that Wendy is calming down fro mthe way she was moving the first days, but what I can't figure out is why why Drexlina and Sundae still haven't left Costa Rica yet, who knows they might have figureed out what the transmitters were and got rid of them . Well Hopefully now that everyone is a bit calmer after traveling about 150 miles in 3 days. If you think about it that is pretty fast for a turtle of their sizes.
  4. To answer your question about safe mode the setting is currently set to off, however I would be very careful of setting up a proxy site especially if your trying to bypass government firewals because the Hosting owner could get in trouble and that could be very troublesome to those who have hosting here.
  5. Im waiting to see what Team Destiny brings out, they should be equally as good when he posts them.
  6. Until an update to the script is made that people won't lose all their credits beyond the 10 or 30 needed then you will be losing all of them except for the 4 needed to keep you going, yeah its a bummer but thats how the script works.
  7. haslip is referring to the actual uploading of the image, in which once you get the error to do you refresh your browser and go to the gallery to see if its there or not. Also I did a some research and these are the system requirements for the gallery: now I am assuming that the "or better" is referring to PHP 4.x.x and not PHP5. A recommendation I would make is check yabsoft's forum since they would have the stronger support to your problems, but make sure you give your php version, MySQL version and other info they might need for this.
  8. I haven't used a yo-yo since the early 90's besides the fact I couldn't to many tricks with them I didn't really see a point with them except to kill time. I seen a few programs about these yo yo competitions and all I have to say on that is those are some of the sickest yo yo tricks I have ever seen. I saw people carrying cases loaded with small yo-yo and big yo yo's and that do tricks that more or less defy the laws of gravity when they perform them. Yeah practice makes perfect but I don't think much money is made off the competitions (maybe $10,000 at the most) but at least people got a good hobby out of designing no tricks like the martini and what not.
  9. Would it be possible if any for the user to add styles to the tables through a series of bbcodes to change the border color, set up a header similar to the note bbcode, make the borders thicker or dashed, and a background color with in the table? I believe thier was a bbcode that was used that when put in you could set up a background color against the text.
  10. Thorned Rose you have to remember the USA was founded on violence and of course "Freedoms" such as to bear arms to defend yourself. However, thanks to technological advances in the last 230 years when it comes to guns, no matter who has one someone will have a more superior weapon. Thanks to people who made armor peircing bullets bullet proof vests, kevlar helmets are practically useless. The government won't get rid of the second amendment because that breaks the freedom/democracy a person in America already has. Don't forget the stricter the laws become then more and more people will be stealing weapons to be used to commit crimes so either way you put it either legal or illegal someone will get a gun as the become more enraged and desperate like this VT student was.You are correct that the sole purpose is to kill thats what they were made for everyone knows that, but you have to realize the streets are no longer safe anymore thanks to gangs and perverts who have nothing else better to do then hurt people. Also it's all about making a profit from the historic gun collector to the Head of the mafia, as long as people keep on buying them the gun companies will keep on making them.Their is a lot of blame that will be tossed around for incident from faculty to even the police because they knew this happen 2 hours before the the massacre that happen, but they chose to ignore it and looked what happen. Could it have been prevented? Maybe. Could their have been less casulties? Maybe. Could the shooter seek the help he really needed? OF course. These are questions people will be asking as the Major one of what went wrong is trying ot be answered. However the sad thing was he was a coward who didn't seek the help he needed, his teachers knew about it before and tried to help him but he refused and most likely his dark path to destruction start long before that. We won't know what went through his mind as he decided to kill people and when he actually was killing him people will only speculate as to why and from what information was know about this shooter.But to argue against you for a moment WM, some people did try and defend others, but you have to remember the shooter made sure no could get out so most likely he would have fired several shots into each person, and from what I heard he had quite a few clips and most likely emptied every one of them before taken the cowardly way out. Yeah it is true that someone can survive at close range but since he had several clips he most likely shot 3-4 at some of the victims and when he got close enough like with the teacher that sacraficed his life took one round. I highly doubt they will release the information about how many rounds went into a person or how long it took them to die and we don't need to know it anyways because its none of our business.However WM, Thorned Rose and Smack you have gone a bit over board from some of the posts I have read on this topic, insults personal or not don't need to be said like they have on this topic. We have our opinions but make sure to respect others regardless of where your from or how you were raised. You can express those opinions but like everyone else don't be targeting people like it has been shown in this topic.
  11. I dunno you go some good stuff going like the pop ups on some of the links and some ok content. But it seems a bit tight for all the info want to put on the site as you update as the weeks go by maybe you could open up the design just to bit to let the rest of of the design breath. Also I would work the colors as well, to me they just don't look right especially the grey to green colors you have going on. Other then the stuff I mentioned, seo sites are always good to have especially to help smaller sites out.
  12. With the Skype worm it a simple process of your computer getting infected the worm grabs all the emails that your skype account has and sends a Instant message to click on this which also downloads a trojan so other malicious software can installed on that infected computer. Also a person is directed at least 8 which in the most likely case are scam sites to of course get that person's info, but so far it hasn't cost any real damage like some of the other attacks skype has seen in the past. SOURCE Here As well all know everyone is in the P2P since napster and bittorrent first came out and then after that people started setting up dummy files with the works of viruses, trojans, malware and so forth. A good example of this is of course Limewire p2p and the good stories that this client brought up about all the nasty stuff. If you remember my topic about the Storm worm I mentioned a few days ago, this wrm decided to pick up p2p Id's, then with the use of botnets and Hijack computers security research believe that these attacks will become hard counter-act and could spelled trouble for the millions of P2P users across the world. SOURCE Here Although nothing big has come out of P2P programs that I have been aware of but it looks like another storm is brewing for a new generation or series of attacks.
  13. Apple presentation I just got this link from my teacher about this new product Apple is coming out. I only could imagine what the price tag for this product will be.
  14. Well all I would do is just send a email with a picture of the item and say enjoy the cinnamon roll in big bright letters . But yeah Willy Wonka would be idea in order to transfer a item digitally.
  15. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw this today HERE. Just 5 days after I made this topic about Sony discontinuing the 20gb hard drive. They plan to increase the hard drive and add more junk so those who do everything expect play video games will have more room to work with. So I see 2 ways they will go with this; 1 they will create a seperate hard drive that comes with the patch or 2 they will drop either a $700 price tag with the perk or just give the next version of the Ps3 some updates and keep hte same price, But what gets me is the price tag for this $1.7 billion loss so far in making this bad boy and with hte few games that have come out since it's launch it will be quite sometime before we see a PS4 and Sony getting a profit off this. Hopefully though by the fall and winter season they will start making some profit since thats when a chunk of hte games are coming out.
  16. Yes you can apply CSS to your site here, off course you can apply CSS anywhere even offline when designing a website.
  17. Teh bible never predicted a date jus the fact that once the secen seals are broken the 4 horsemen of the apocolypse would come and satan would be free. I can't remember where when I heard it but I believe somewhere in the Christian Mythology that a date was made, but I am not sure on that.But with the Mayans that is just straight spooky right there, On the history channel they alk about how one of the temples has 4 sets of 90 steps and at the peak equals 365 and on that same temple the image of a snake is seen coming from the temple into the ground. I can't remember the story that went with the snake, but to think the Mayans had the most advance calenders but most likely every apocolypse nut will be prepared for something to happen, but like most dates I really doubt anything will happen except for the ritual suicides and what not. But we got 5 years to go till it happens so all we can do is wait and see.
  18. I just finished watching a programing on the history channel about the Mongol Leader Ghengis Khan and I found out some interesting info about this man. First off his birth name was Tem?jin and his actual name is Chinggis Khan and the reason why it whas Ghengis Khan is that the French research misspelled his name when they were looking at documents referring to him. Some other interesting info is that Ghengis Khan Empire took 70 years to build and also is the largest ever. They mention that at the Height of the Roman Empire it was 1/4 the size of his and Alexander Empire was 1/2 the size of Ghengis Khan at the Hieght of his power. His Empire stretch from the from Mongolia to inner parts of Europe, which included all of China, Persian Empre, lower half of Russia to name a few areas. Also they mention that he and his son had man comcubines through the empire and researchers estimate that Ghengis Khan ancestors cover about 1% of the countries that he conquered and world wide 8% are related to Khan. Or 1 in every 200 people are related to him, with a estimation of 32 Million people are actually related to this Great Mongol Leader.All I have to say is the Ghengis Khan is the mack daddy of the world if he has that many relatives, I only oculd imagine what that family reunion would look like .
  19. Now it's up to 33 people that have died on this tragic even last I heard (about 30 minutes ago). Whats going to more tragic is the families of the victims will have to constantly deal with the media coverage over this as the media will keep on talking about this event like beating a dead horse. Yeah it's big news for everyone especially in Virginia about what happen, but now it will be a ratings race for everyone when updates are made about who the shooter was and his family and the names of the victims and their families being constantly hounded for interviews. Don't take it as me being cold hearted about this tragic event I feel for those who lost a love one, but one thing the media does best is keep bringing up the past and not letting it go, I already can guarantee that 60 Minutes will be a report about in about a month or so, maybe 48 hours will be doing about it. I know Fox News and CNN will be milking this for awhile and all this time they won't let the families grieve properly.I hope the families of these victims will be able grieve without the media asking 30 million questions.
  20. Yep I would because then I my name would become immortal in the history book as I go farther then anyone has ever before and I get the chance to one with the universe as well. So if I was giving this opportunity to go their where no man has gone before I would do it.
  21. Well for the update today which I believe they started maybe either 8 or 9 am this morning, the turtles are, what I found very interesting was the fact that the turtles all started in different locations, I should have saw that coming but here is the email I got for the first update. COME ON Saphira I want to see you to swim as hard as you can and get yourself out of that 8th place .
  22. If I remember correctly that WMP 11 would be in the installation package for vista but they released it before anything else. Now I could assume since it's january release theat their could have been some patch updates for WMP 11 but I heard come across or heard anything about it.
  23. While looking for something to read and what I came across this article. In Which 11 female turtles will be tracked from their nests in Costa Rica to the Galapagos Islands, which is a 1200 miles journey for these turtles. The reason they are doing this is that they want to make people aware of the fact thes leatherneck turtles are becoming extinct, due to the enviroment and poachers that steal their eggs. So if your interested about where these tutrles are at and soem other information go to the following website: http://www.greatturtlerace.com/ On the website they set up something like a baseball card in which they give stats about the turtles which I think is pretty cool. another feature they got on the site is that oyu can cheer on one of the turtles, in which you recieve updates about the turtle you pick and see who won. Then the usual tell the friend and even donate some money to the cause as well. The turtle I picked to cheer on is Saphira, so lets win it for all turtle kind baby . Turtle Fact can grow to 6 feet and weigh up to 2,000 pounds, that a lot of turtle right, try to pick up one of those bad boys, and back problems will be the only thing that you will be worrying about
  24. depending what you install (hardware or softwar) they give a list of what WIFI signals that are in range of your location and their you can pick one, you do not have to pay anything for WIFI connection unless you get get a ISP that uses WIFI as it's main connection then its just free. But if you set up something like I mention that you would have to pay for the satellite ISP provider to get installed and everything. So the only thing you have to pay for is the parts to set up a wireless connection and then your good. One thing I did forget he PCI cards you need a provider for them to work so that would be paying for those I believe.
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