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Everything posted by Darkyo13

  1. if you would want to start using proteins powders i would like to recomand you one that has vegetal protein not animal one it's said it's more healtyer it's also a Shake from a wellknown company allover the world, it have 30+ years and is in more then 130 countryes if you want more info send me a PM or enter my site is a site made of *BLEEP* it isn't made by my i bought it and i can't change almost nothing on it also here is some advice about To build muscle you need tp eat at least 1g of protein per pound of body-weight per day. That is 300g protein if you weigh 300lbs. Here is what a veg should eat to get proteins: -Beans. Black, hummus, kidney, lima, etc.. -Legumes. Peas, peanuts, peanut butter, etc.. -Nuts. Walnuts, almonds, etc.. -Seeds. Sesame, pumpkin, hemp, flax, etc.. -Milk. Soy milk, almond milk, etc.. -Soy. Soy beans, tofu, soy cheese, etc.. -Whole Grains. Brown rice, breads, etc.. -Veggies. Broccoli, spinach,etc.. -Protein Powder. Soy protein, hemp protein, rice protein, An example of what you could eat daily
  2. there are alot of thing bad about coke 1 is you can't lose in weight you any may get fatter , another reason is you get ugly Stains and also corrodes your teeth, you can't sleep good, and the body isn't hydrated like it should be because coke is a diuretic drink and that is a drug that speeds up the rate of urine production (meaning it removes water from your body).also i have some advices to how to quit coke 1. get all of the coke out of your house don't keep even 1 coke in your fridge you want to stop drinking coke so don't say "i'll quit after i finish this bottle" quit in this moment2.try to drink milk if you don't like water also don't drink cofee if you want to quit coke switch to something more natural like orange juice (made by you is the best and healty), milk or other healty drinks3.keep with you any natural drink every time so if you get thirsty you could drinks something good and you won't need to go to a shop and be temptated to buy COKE 4.Some symptoms may come so be prepared and just think that they will go with time let's say today i will have a headache and stomachace and theetache or something like this.. tomorow i will have only 2 of this after 2 days i will have only 1 and then no more bad symptoms so be prepared and stay strong5.Always keep in mind why you decided to quit coke it was because you wanted to lose in weight, or maybe health problems or dunno any reason you could have it will help you to remain a non-adicted to coke person :DHope i could help ya
  3. i'm glad i could help also if any of our advices dosen't work try contacting microsoft support they will help you for sure
  4. Darkyo13

    Hi Im Laura

    hi and welcome to Xisto hope you will enjoy us you will find alot of interesting things here also your introduction is rather short you could add more about you hobbies, interests, etc.. it could be usefull if you want more FB friends maybe more people will add you if they see that they have something in common with you
  5. i'm interested about CPV dose edomz pay did they pay you ?? maybe i will add it to my future sites
  6. i'm not good at html 5 or css 3 but i can tell you you have an interesting site i really like it congrats and goodluck into making it better
  7. Notice from rvalkass: Anything copied must be placed between Quote tags.
  8. I would like to start building an webpage and after looking in KS i found that alot of people uses dreamweaver i would like to get more info about this program and also some reviwes, tricks, etc.. anything that can be usefull :DAlso if you know a better program for noobs that would want to start their webpage please add them and comment about them
  9. you can try this first Open the Windows Update troubleshooter by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type troubleshooter, and then click Troubleshooting. Under System and Security, click Fix problems with Windows Update. if that didn't work try this # Did you accept the Microsoft Software License Terms? Install the update again and review and accept the license terms. 1. Review any error messages. 2. Open Windows Update by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button. In the search box, type Update, and then, in the list of results, click Windows Update. 3. Accept the license terms, and wait to see if the update is installed successfully. 4. If an error message about license terms or cancelled updates is displayed, click Try again, and wait until you are prompted to review the license terms. Were you installing a driver update? Driver updates for devices such as video cards can occasionally cause errors because the files being installed are corrupt or aren't the correct files for your version of Windows. Windows Update should provide you with the most up-to-date drivers for your verison of Windows. However, if you have a problem installing device drivers from Windows Update, contact the manufacturer of the device. For more information, see Update a driver for hardware that isn't working properly. Did you cancel the installation process or disconnect from the Internet? It's fine if you did. Just check for updates again and install any updates that were cancelled or interrupted. Is there enough free disk space on your computer? If you need more free space on your hard disk, you might need to uninstall programs, delete your temporary Internet files, delete files that you don't use, or empty the Recycle Bin, and then try again to install updates. What else can I do? If the previous questions don't address the problem, you can learn more about what happened and what to do next by reviewing any error messages that are displayed in Windows Update. Open Windows Update by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button. In the search box, type Update, and then, in the list of results, click Windows Update. If an error has occurred, an error code and a link to Help will be displayed. If there isn't a specific Help topic for that error, you can use the error code to search online for help.
  10. A very interesting ideeaIt could be very helpfull tu ordinary people and also extremly helpfull to some companyes especialy resturants where the do alot of cocktails and on all they add ice, also you could do alot of things with a machine like that Ex: -instant cold beer i know alot of mans want this -food when overheated in a microwave you could enter that food after in a reverse microwave and cool it offIncidentally what Mr. Grissom achieves is exactly what we wanted more exactly Slowing the molecules. Or rather removing the high energy high speed molecules by blowing them away, what is left is the mass of low speed molecules. Latent heat of evaporation leads to rapid cooling.the problem is i think it won't be made in less then 50+ yearsEdit:i found a interesting link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_refrigeration
  11. Hi MayukhDebnath Very nice introduction! You really did a good job of telling us about yourself. I'm sure with your interest in web site design and hosting you are going to fit right in. Glad to have you here at Xisto! i think that if you want to learn and you are very interested you can start your own website than ad some ads and start making some money and with that money you keep them safe till you got more then you can try to go to a college it would take some time and nerves but you can do it
  12. FAB is the best till FAB appeared i would use Burn and on second place was red bullalso if you are a energy drinks drinker and you want a natural energy drink pm me and i would give you a link or enter on this site and pres to order then search for FAB and see more info about it if you want http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. Chocolate icecream or vanilla icecream? Chocolate icecream better taste Blue or red? blue because red drives you crazy if you have to much Coke or pepsi? i don't really care but coke would be first Milk chocolate or white chocolate or dark chocolate? Dark chocolate but bittersweet chocolate is the best Miranda Cosgrove or Selena Gomez? Selena Gomez lol she's more beautyfull
  14. i liek salamangkero postalso i would like to tell you a movie that i did not agree with that rape scene even if it looks more real then in 300look at the movie Irreversiblethe other movies like 300, etc.. i don't have a problem with the rape scenes but in Irreversible it was to much..
  15. ty awniii i'm waiting and waiting it's seems like i'm waiting for ages and also ty for telling me i recive mails from xisto when the scripts runs i didn't knew that you are really helpfull
  16. One year ago i was afraid to ask a girld out and didn't knew what to say and what to do and i tought to write a "tutorial" of what i remember reading a year ago also what i ussualy use not all the time but ussualyThe most important thing is all you have to do is be yourself!Do not be afraid to ask a girl out if you don’t at least try you wont know if she will say yes or no so don’t be afraid of rejections . When you talk to her look at her face most of the time at her eyes also remember to smile. Also observe if she looks at you and when you see her looking at you and then make eye contact see her reaction if she gaze for a long time it’s good also if she quickly looks away it’s still good but means that she is nervous.Don't start touching her if she isn't didn’t touched you first (I don’t mean on her butt I mean holding her hand etc..)Also if you want to look at her body don’t stare at her butt or breasts look from her eyes slowly to her legs then go up to her eyes again and smile:D that’s only if you want to look at her and you aren’t prepared with what to say if she observes you staring at her also it gives a bad impression to stare at her butt/breast.Don’t forget “saying something sweet might get you good impression; doing something sweet will always get you a good impression. “(a little edited from a post opaque did)Wear nice, clean clothes and add some cologne when you go out. The first impression you can change it very hard so always be clean, good looking ( even if you aren’t a model if you put some nice jeans and a nice shirt on you you will look coll also try to match the colors girls see immediately if you mix bad the collors ) smelling nice , smiling… Also if you have a female friend that you are not interested in dating her but only stay friends and you get along well with her try asking her for help if you aren’t good at matching the collors, or you don’t know how to be a little trendy, a girls opinnion is the best thing you can have :DIf it is the first time you met the girl and don’t know her well but you would like to go on a movie or a juice something like that don’t ask that directly. First ask for her number if she will give you then you are one step forward, if you met with that girl more then 10 times and you know her a little you can ask directly “Do you have any plans for this weekend? Maybe we can go to see a movie (or juice something you want it dosen’t have to be a movie)” also after you ask her “Do you have any plans for this weekend? You could also wait for a response and be more gentle if she said no ask her if she would want to go to a movie with you if she say yes than ash her if next week she is free, if she again tell you that she is busy it’s most likely that se is afraid to go to a date or se dosen’t like you . BUT EVEN IF SHE REFUSES YOU stay cool and don’t get a sad face always smile, respond to her nice telling her something like “To bad maybe another time” don’t try to look as interested as you are when you act like you don’t really care so much she will like you even more don’t do this to many times or she will get a bad impresion that you aren’t interested in her bett change your attitude few days look like you are interested in her then few days look like you aren’t interested sometimes it works because se is now confused and would want to know if you like her or not and if you made her curious about that then it’s good.OFF:also sorry for my bad english if you don't understand what i wanted to write in some places pleas tell me so i could try and explain it in another way wich i hope you will understandEdit:I almost forgot to tell you before you ask for her number be sure you asked her name don’t laugh you may look stupid if she gives you her number and when you call her you observe thath you don’t know her name stupid isn’t it so be sure to ask for a name before a number!
  17. i really didn't understand a thing from what you said could you explain better please i'm really interested in this topic
  18. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ isGary Brolsma?s break-out web cam performance lip syncing and dancing to Romainian(my country) pop music that one just can?t turn away from. Numa Numa was an instant hit when it was released and it has been viewed over 30 million times on YouTube alone (not counting duplicates). ill add more videos later if you want more and you consider them funny
  19. The most important tip: Do not hold your important data by email unless it is strictly necessary. Do not keep sensitive data on public and free mail service (Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.).List of tips continue here:1. Choose a password hard to guess which contains at least one number and / or a capital letter, which was a change in a few months.2. Answers to questions should not be secret and the real nor easy to guess. Anyone can find out more or less work as a calling on your cat or the car driving.3. When you are given the option to recover the password via a phone number you use it. Yahoo and Gmail for example have that option.4. Set your alternative email address as another account with another password, secret and other answers other questions that do not expire if not accessed for a long period of time and that you access only in extreme cases.5. Never, absolutely never, do not register major accounts on the email address used to discussions on the Yahoo Messenger / MSN Messenger / Gtalk or which is posted on the Internet. Mail address that you keep confidential data should not be available to everyone, and here you talk about your secret knowledge that address both the eyes of strangers as well.6. If an account has been affected and changed the password was not using the same PC from which you logged in lately to recover the account. If that PC is infected and it contains a spyware program will remain without alternative email address, you're gonna be secret questions and answers, nor will you recover your account. Find a PC from which you have not logged in to recover the account and make yours a fresh install of the operating system. Format That means not only installing the OS over the old.7. Do not give anyone your passwords. Not even friends. In particular messenger can not talk with a friend you trust 100%, but with someone who stole his friend's account and trying to learn and your account information.8. Do not answer questions such dubious "as a teacher calls on you in general."9. Do not use the same password for all accounts you hold. One account = one unique password.10. Use Type mailinator.com services will create accounts for websites you do not really need and you will soon quit.11. Do not download attachments with the extension exe, scr, bat, pif, com12. Use two browsers. One that will log on major accounts and another for browsing the Internet. Not for browsing the internet to be set as the default browser (default browser), while the accounts are secondary browser.13. I recommend not to click on links in mail received, but right click on them to copy the link and access it with another browser (not in the same browser to another page that you are logged on the account but in another browser).14. Always click "sign out" when you finish the job on that account.15. Use an updated antivirus product to date and up-to-day browsers.16. Do not download programs from unsafe sources.Hope it was usefull information!
  20. use proxyi also have a question that is not really of topic how could i change my dynamic ip to a static one? if its possible
  21. i must somehow agree with him one of the motives beeing marijuana is natural cristal or cocaine are made by human ... + some of the doctors prescribe marijuana to people.. i think that if you are a doctor you wouldn't prescribe to your pacient something that bad that would kill him.\ i did not try drugs only legal ones from SpiceShops..and i advice you to don't ever try them they are in my opinion worse then some of the legal drugs...i quit legal drugs for almost a year and i don't want to try them again! Take care!
  22. i would like to see a respons to this question too because if you translate it is like you made it
  23. How to remove a prorat server?1. Disable antivirus2. Enter ProRat.Net! Wait few seconds till the add disapears and download the program!3. Extract, password pro4. Open it, there's a button ...5. After you click it,also click Remove Prorat serverthat's it you are no longer infected with prorat
  24. In this tutorial we will learn to break this type of captcha. What is it?- Background color is random- Color figures is always the same- X position of various figures- Y position remains unchanged figuresWhat it means to "break a captcha? Basically, need to display text in the figures of each image (of course, are random). But look at the code. Php to generate images: <? Phpheader ('Content-type: image / png');$ Img = imagecreate (239, 25);$ R = rand (1, 255);$ G = rand (1, 255);$ B = rand (1, 255);$ L1 = rand (0, 4);$ L2 = rand (0, 4);$ L3 = rand (0, 4);$ L4 = rand (0, 4);$ L5 = rand (0, 4);$ Poz1 = rand (0, 48);$ Poz2 poz1 + = $ rand (9, 48);$ Poz3 poz2 + = $ rand (9, 48);$ Poz4 poz3 + = $ rand (9, 48);$ Poz5 poz4 + = $ rand (9, 48);$ Background = imagecolorallocate ($ img, $ r, $ g, $ ;$ Color = imagecolorallocate ($ img, 100, 100, 100);imagechar ($ img, 7, $ poz1, 6, $ l1, $ color);imagechar ($ img, 7, $ poz2, 6, $ l2, $ color);imagechar ($ img, 7, $ poz3, 6, $ l3, $ color);imagechar ($ img, 7, $ poz4, 6, $ L4, $ color);imagechar ($ img, 7, $ poz5, 6, $ l5, $ color);imagepng ($ img);?> 1) Background - white figures - black.The first step is to remove color. Image background will become white and the figures will be black. To see the PHP code: $ Img = imagecreatefrompng (https://www.salesforce.com/products/platform/overview/ ");$ White = imagecolorallocate ($ img, 255, 255, 255);$ Black = imagecolorallocate ($ img, 0, 0, 0);/ / Simplify image/ / White background/ / Written in blackfor ($ i = 0, $ i <239; $ i + +){ for ($ j = 0, $ j <25; $ j + +) { $ Pixel = imagecolorat ($ img, $ i, $ j); $ Rgb = imagecolorsforindex ($ img, $ pixel); if ($ rgb ['red']! = 100 & & $ rgb ['green']! = 100 & & $ rgb ['blue']! = 100) { imagesetpixel ($ img, $ i, $ j, $ white); } else { imagesetpixel ($ img, $ i, $ j, $ black); } }}/ / Finished simplification cap1.png image is to be "broken." Note that the numbers of code (which r, g, b = 100) are set to black, rest white pixel. Now the image is black and white.2) Find the rectangle figures.Like I said, random numbers are placed on the axis Ox. The idea is that we need to divide the original image (the mare/cap1.png) into 5 smaller files, each containing only a number! An important detail is that the default font used imagechar function () is monospaced (courier far as I know), and any number "written" font size = 7 can be framed in a rectangle of length 9.So for example, to find the first digit, you must find first black pixel (looking from left to right) and retain them X'ul. Then the rectangle extracted from X to X 8. PHP Code: / / Find the first digit rectanglefor ($ i = 0, $ i <239; $ i + +){ for ($ j = 0, $ j <25; $ j + +) { $ Pixel = imagecolorat ($ img, $ i, $ j); $ Rgb = imagecolorsforindex ($ img, $ pixel); if ($ rgb ['red'] == 0 & & $ rgb ['green'] == 0 & & $ rgb ['blue'] == 0) { $ Istart = $ i, $ i $ IFIN = 8; break 2; } }}/ / Find the rectangle of figure 2for ($ i = $ 1 IFIN; $ i <239; $ i + +){ for ($ j = 0, $ j <25; $ j + +) { $ Pixel = imagecolorat ($ img, $ i, $ j); $ Rgb = imagecolorsforindex ($ img, $ pixel); if ($ rgb ['red'] == 0 & & $ rgb ['green'] == 0 & & $ rgb ['blue'] == 0) { $ Iistart = $ i; iifinal $ 8 = $ i; break 2; } }}/ / Find the rectangle of figure 3for ($ i = $ iifinal +1, $ i <239; $ i + +){ for ($ j = 0, $ j <25; $ j + +) { $ Pixel = imagecolorat ($ img, $ i, $ j); $ Rgb = imagecolorsforindex ($ img, $ pixel); if ($ rgb ['red'] == 0 & & $ rgb ['green'] == 0 & & $ rgb ['blue'] == 0) { $ Iiistart = $ i; iiifinal $ 8 = $ i; break 2; } }}/ / Find the rectangle of figure 4for ($ i = $ iiifinal +1, $ i <239; $ i + +){ for ($ j = 0, $ j <25; $ j + +) { $ Pixel = imagecolorat ($ img, $ i, $ j); $ Rgb = imagecolorsforindex ($ img, $ pixel); if ($ rgb ['red'] == 0 & & $ rgb ['green'] == 0 & & $ rgb ['blue'] == 0) { $ Ivstart = $ i; ivfinal $ 8 = $ i; break 2; } }} / / Find the rectangle of figure 5for ($ i = $ ivfinal +1, $ i <239; $ i + +){ for ($ j = 0, $ j <25; $ j + +) { $ Pixel = imagecolorat ($ img, $ i, $ j); $ Rgb = imagecolorsforindex ($ img, $ pixel); if ($ rgb ['red'] == 0 & & $ rgb ['green'] == 0 & & $ rgb ['blue'] == 0) { $ Vstart = $ i; vfinal $ 8 = $ i; break 2; } }}/ / Finished finding rectangles I found what I needed (values ​​are retained in the variables $ istart, $ iistart, $ iiistart, $ ivstart, $ vstart). Now we need to crop the original image to extract just the numbers (for use this function imagecopyresampled -> http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagecopyresampled.php) / / Division in 5 files/ / From left to right Cropuire$ Img1 = imagecreate (9, 25);$ Img2 = imagecreate (9, 25);$ Img3 = imagecreate (9, 25);$ Img4 = imagecreate (9, 25);$ Img5 = imagecreate (9, 25);imagecopyresampled ($ img1, $ img, 0, 0, $ istart, 0.9, 25, 9, 25);imagecopyresampled ($ img2, $ img, 0, 0, $ iistart, 0.9, 25, 9, 25);imagecopyresampled ($ img3, $ img, 0, 0, $ iiistart, 0.9, 25, 9, 25);imagecopyresampled ($ img4, $ img, 0, 0, $ ivstart, 0.9, 25, 9, 25);imagecopyresampled ($ img5, $ img, 0, 0, $ vstart, 0.9, 25, 9, 25);/ / Finished cropuire from left to right From what is seen above, the figures are saved in 9x25 images. Let's see them:3) Comparing images.Now that I obtinuit images that contain numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4), it is saved to the server for later comparison. Where we can use the php script should use the following code: $ Cif [0] = imagecreatefrompng (cifre/0.png ");$ Cif [1] = imagecreatefrompng (cifre/1.png ");$ Cif [2] = imagecreatefrompng (cifre/2.png ");$ Cif [3] = imagecreatefrompng (cifre/3.png ");$ Cif [4] = imagecreatefrompng (cifre/4.png "); What remains to be done? To compare the pixels of $ img1, $ img2, $ img3, $ img4, $ img5 with each $ cif [0], $ cif [1], $ cif [2], $ cif [3], $ cif [4] at a time. If $ coincides with $ img1 cif [2], the corresponding figure is 2. / / Function compare imagesfunction compare ($ imagine12, $ cifra12){ $ True = 0; for ($ i = 0, $ i <239; $ i + +) { for ($ j = 0, $ j <25; $ j + +) { $ Pixelx = imagecolorat ($ imagine12, $ i, $ j); $ Pixely = imagecolorat ($ cifra12, $ i, $ j); if ($ pixelx! = $ pixely) { / / Different pixel $ True = 1, break 2; } } }return $ true;}/ / End function/ / Compare images & stuff/ / If the method returns 0, the images are identical/ / Returns 1 if the images are different/ / And go to compare with the followingfor ($ x = 0; $ x <= 4; $ x + +){ $ Value = compare ($ img1, $ cif [$ x]); if ($ value == 0) {echo $ x. "\ r \ n"; break;}}for ($ x = 0; $ x <= 4; $ x + +){ $ Value = compare ($ img2, $ cif [$ x]); if ($ value == 0) {echo $ x. "\ r \ n"; break;}}for ($ x = 0; $ x <= 4; $ x + +){ $ Value = compare ($ img3, $ cif [$ x]); if ($ value == 0) {echo $ x. "\ r \ n"; break;}}for ($ x = 0; $ x <= 4; $ x + +){ $ Value = compare ($ img4, $ cif [$ x]); if ($ value == 0) {echo $ x. "\ r \ n"; break;}}for ($ x = 0; $ x <= 4; $ x + +){ $ Value = compare ($ img5, $ cif [$ x]); if ($ value == 0) {echo $ x. "\ r \ n"; break;}} That's it. You have managed to crack a captcha! Congratulations
  25. i wanted to know that too because i am new to this forum so the first thing i did was to search if anyone already asked this and got a response i found that you get free hosting for only staying active in this forum (posting) if you are active you get myCents that you can use to get a free hosting also if you want a domain etc.. hope i could help you ----------------------------- i also have a question i just recived an email that my account was finnaly linked to xisto YEY the problem is i still don't see any mycents in my profile how long it will take till update?
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