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Posts posted by baphometslayer

  1. I've been using Firefox for several years now, and this is a problem I face all the time. Sometimes the PDF will load without the client crashing, but it is very slow and lags down all my other tabs. On other occasions the PDF toolbar will load, and then the client will hang, at which point I will have to close the program via Task Manager.To be honest, I've just gotten in to the habit of downloading PDFs instead of clicking on them. That makes it a non-issue for me since I have the Adobe CS3 Master Suite.I wouldn't think of uninstalling Adobe either, since I use it quite often. It's a shame...really.

  2. I'm thinking about buying the Profit Lance system. But one of the thing I'm weary of is programs that teach you how to sell their product.What I'm looking for is more of a way to maximize Google AdSense revenue. Way to pick up traffic to your site, as well as get high conversion rates from visitors to clickers. Does the Profit Lance system do any of this, or is it just one of you typical "Make money by selling our products and having referrals" systems?Any response would be greatly appreciated, as I've been ripped off my numerous internet marketing schemes, so I've make a resolution to myself to research a company before I pay a cent. Thanks.

  3. Obama voted to continue funding the Iraq war.

    Entirely true. Of course, from my point of view that was correct of him to do so. I wholeheartedly agree with him, that despite opposition to the war itself, we have a responsibility to make sure that the troops who are currently in Iraq receive all of the support they need.
    I suppose this is just a matter of how you look at it. We do have the obligation of keeping our troops safe, but at the same time in my eyes we are engaged in a pointless war that we were bamboozled in to. The way I see it, if members of the senate were so opposed to the war, they should have been working to filibuster legislation that would hold Bush liable for criminal charges were he not to draft withdrawal plans. But the Senate would rather go on their vacations than trying to spend endless months doing that, and that's quite sad really.



    Obama does not oppose invading Iran.

    It is a bit misleading saying it that way. I think his worlds involve something along the lines of "leaving force on the table, combined with aggressive diplomacy." I don't think anyone who is elected President can say that "for no reason whatsoever will I ever invade Iran." Of course, I could be wrong.
    This is definitely a sticky political mess that Bush has gotten us in to with Iran, but all he has done is used to fear to make people believe that Iran is a threat. Who are me to tell a third world country that they can't pursue Nuclear power? The way Obama and most of the other Democrats put it, it just sounds like they're trying appeal to anti-war voters, but they still have the intention of invading Iran. I would have much rather have heard that they were going to attempt to work things out in a diplomatic way, rather than a war mongering on.....with nuclear weapons no less.


    Obama voted for the Patriot Act

    Well... Obama wasn't even a member of the senate in 2001, so it's impossible for him to have voted on the original. As to re-authorizing it he did technically vote "for" it, but only after compromises were made, and even then he was not satisfied with it and said so at the time.
    I apologize, I should have clarified it was the Patriot Act 2. The Patriot Act is a blatant violation of our rights as American citizens. They use the premise of "National Security" as their reason for having it, but in truth we are more vulnerable than ever due to our Empire across the world which has stretched our forces and economy thin........sounds a bit like what happened to Rome before it fell eh? They didn't need have compromises in the Patriot Act, it needed to be completely done away with. If you've actually read the Patriot Act along with some of the newer revisions, it really is quite scary. Anyone that disagrees with the Government could be labeled a terrorist. That document is just a domestic form of control.


    Obama doesn't oppose spending our tax dollars building foreign nations.

    Well, I'm not certain, but I assume you're referring to Iraq here. Granted, I don't think we should've gone in in the first place, but if we just pulled everything (troops, resources, money, etc...) out right now, wouldn't that be an even greater evil? Going in and destroying their working infrastructure (even if it was corrupt) and then leaving without rebuilding it would be a poor move in my opinion.
    As it is now, we are in the process of re-arming the sunnis, Saddam's old henchmen. If we were doing things correctly over there, I would be all about staying and helping them rebuild. But as it is, the war is doing nothing but damage us. The industrial military complex has gain a grapple on Washington as well as the media(GE owns MSNBC, GE makes bombs for the war). Is rebuilding Iraq more important than keeping ourselves above poverty? It really is a very messy situation, and it takes a vast amount of information to fully understand what's going on and why. I've done a ton of researching, but even I'm still relatively in the dark. And this isn't just about Iraq. This goes for anywhere else. We don't need to be spreading democracy through the barrel of a gun, that is just Un-American and does nothing but tarnish how people see us across the globe.



    As for how they plan to pay for everything... well, I'll agree there, I'm not entirely certain if it's feasible. I think the Republicans are just as bad in this case though, I've read some of the promises Republican candidates have made and from an economic standpoint they just seem poorly thought out, designed entirely just to get them votes, not actually improve and stabilize the economy.

    Most Republicans have lost the ways of true fiscal conservatism. And yes, most of the Republican economic plans are just that, made to get votes. Ron Paul is probably the most seasoned in economics however, and he IS a true Republican. It's amazing that he is a fringe candidate when he's the most conservative on the stage. But then again, the media and lobbyist have a lot to lose should he get in office.


    One thing I can't quite grasp is his belief that we should withdraw from the UN. What's your view on this?

    It's quite simple really. Being a part of the UN does nothing but undermine our National sovereignty. If we were a non-interventionist nation like our forefather wanted, we wouldn't even need to be a member of the UN.

    But as it is, with all of our constant war mongering, we are a part of it. If Ron Paul were to be President, he'd strengthen our National Security by ending the reach of our imperialistic ways and bring all troops across seas in the 130 countries we occupy as of present home.


    On Ron Paul. He would bring the government back down to it's legal level. The Federal Government has done nothing but grown out of control. We were supposed to be a Union of States, with the States governing over their own people. Now the Federal Government passes National laws, sometimes overriding State laws. All of the mainstream candidates will keep it this way, because they are funded by lobbyist, who benefit off the Federal Government having so much power over regulation and law making. The country needs to be given back to it's people and taken out of the hands of corrupt, and power hungry people.




    PS - Thanks for the civil discussion, sincerely. I don't get many chances to have one such as this. I am usually very quickly attacked and ridiculed for no reason.

  4. Hahahahahahaha. Alliance beating Horde anyday, anywhere? I played on Ursin(PvP), Illidan(PvP), snf Dragonmaw(PvP).On each of the servers I played Horde, and in every single battleground I had EVER entered we whooped the living TAR out of the the Alliance. Sometimes we even felt bad for them. Even the pre-made Guild teams would get whooped.I did however play alliance on Gorana, and we lost, but not as much as on the other servers. I perhaps it just depends on what server you're one.Horde pwns either way.

  5. So you need to post 1000 stories in order to get paid 10 $... My time is not that cheap.

    I have to agree with that myself. Posting comments might be easier, but 1000 posts even takes a lot of time to get posted. Maybe if this website gets as popular as Digg to where I would frequent it a lot, I might post and stuff just because the content is there.

    I'll just have to wait for it to get popular! :o

  6. baphometslayer: remaining democratic hopefuls are nothing but bad


    You have in no way elaborated on this and why. I'd like to see an elaboration/reasoning for this statement otherwise the rest of your post just seems too descant to be on the board.


    Also the following below has been proven time and time again. (even though it may be up to interpretation)


    baphometslayer: the media's censorship of the truth has even become evident to me, now that I am aware of all the issues. USA messes the world up, one nation at a time and that is something I am NOT proud of. If we continue electing the same people over and over again, we will continue to mess the world up.


    Heh, who does this remind me of? *smug look @ Bush*


    Ok now to my real point.


    Although you seem to have a valid logical point, I'd have to side with Thingcubed here, when I say that change is possible, even though it may not seem that way. We have to hope for the best that the person elected actually get's something done and not someone who just wastes good time only benefitting their own wallet. I don't know about you all but electing a man who was CEO of a bankrupt company to run a country seems like pure idiocy to me. I'll side with someone who has excellent grades, great leadership quality, and isn't afraid to face off to the tyrants "Old Boys Club" that is Congress.


    America isn't necessarily considered their home to them as much is it's considered great business market. I believe that if the economy continues at the rate that it's going we'll have no choice but to go to recession which means that this next president will be crucial to U.S. economic survival.


    P.S. I want to hear Obama's plan about the deficit with China...

    Thanks for the post, this was the type of discussion I was looking for. As far as the democrats go, the reason I think that we're really left with nothing is because they intend to continue our empire building. No one will address the issue. Everyone moans and whines about the economy, and the HUGE deficit that we've been building up. And the democrats come in and plan to bring more socialism to us. The only way to pay for this is to raise taxes, because as it is currently, all income tax collection go straight to paying of interest to our debt. It'd be fine if they had a plan on how to pay for their plans, but they don't.


    I'll just make a list to boot.


    Obama voted for the Patriot Act.

    Obama does not oppose invading Iran. YAY, more wars. There's nothing like spreading democracy with a gun.

    Obama voted to continue funding the Iraq war.

    Obama doesn't oppose spending our tax dollars building foreign nations.


    As you can tell, I have a different view of the war than most. People who believe that the terrorist attack us because we are free and prosperous are just simply uninformed, it's plain and simple as that. To get a better understanding of why they hate us, research the term "Blowback" as noted by the CIA, and our involvement in over-throwing and elected official in Iran during the 1950s.


    I'm also a huge libertarian, and I very seriously doubt that the democrats will work to protect our liberties, specially not when they pass such acts as the Patriot Act, and intend to attempt to take my guns away from me. Criminals will still be able to get guns, so law abiding citizens can be left defenseless. No thanks.


    Hillary Clinton is just.....Hillary Clinton. She won't be anything but a lap dog for the corporatism that is raping our country and its people.


    I honestly don't know why anyone falls for "I am for change" trump speeches. Obama doesn't even write his own speeches, and to boot, he talks about change so much that it isn't likely he'll do anything. If he did get in to office, and turned around and pulled a Kennedy on us, then he would be a true hero in my eyes. But I don't see that happening from someone who collects so much funds for his campaigns from Corporate lobbying groups. It just isn't feasible.


    It really just depends on what side of the fence you're sitting on. I'm neither Republican or Democratic, although I will be voting Republican in my State's primary, it won't be for anyone that even comes close to how corrupt and slimy Bush is. My candidate actually WOULD bring change, and his supporters realize that much without him putting the word in his speeches 20-30 times.


    The size of our government is very much the problem in my opinion. It needs to be brought down to it's constitutional levels, and the Republic needs to be saved.

  7. I've been following the primaries for the Republican and Democratic nomination for the President of the United States and I have to say it's very discouraging. I'll start by saying outright that's I am neither Republican or democratic, but my candidate for the Republican nomination is Ron Paul. All of the remaining democratic hopefuls are nothing but bad, besides Mike Gravel. I've never been political aware until this election, but it has become apparent to me that the biggest problem with most Americans is sheer ignorance of any of the candidates and the issues that matter. The media's censorship of the truth has even become evident to me, now that I am aware of all the issues. USA messes the world up, one nation at a time and that is something I am NOT proud of. If we continue electing the same people over and over again, we will continue to mess the world up.And when a candidate preaches they will "change" things, it is nothing but a strategy to get the votes of the people. They will change nothing, and I hear it so much that it's sickening to me. If anyone were to research their candidates, they could easily tell that there would be NO change at all. Yes, I'm talking about Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. These are the contenders from across the fence that say they will bring change. The sad truth is that they won't, no matter what they say. Personal liberties are being stripped from us, and they condidtion us to accept this, and adhere freedom of liberties to chaos. We have a man who wants to fight for the liberties of everyone, who wants to end our needless wars, kill the obnoxious income tax we have to pay, and reduce the size of the Federal Government to it's constitutional levels. This scares the media and the establishment, because they make SO much money off of the government and their regulations that do nothing but help huge corporations while hurting the citizens of this country as well as others around the world.This is my rant, and I can't stress how important it is to do independant research in to the candidates. Don't watch a TV ad and decide your vote. Don't read an article in the paper and decide. Don't even watch a debate and decide, because the media even censors those!!Anyways, I was hoping to stimulate an intelligent discussion with the members of this community. It only seems plausible since the economy is crashing, and the cause of this IS the government. -Peace and Love

  8. Corruption is rampart in all levels of High School. I got in a bit of trouble at school for a website I was running. Despite them completely ignoring the disclaimer, I got in a bunch of trouble.I got called in to the office, where the Principle and Sheriff were waiting for me. I claimed that they were violating my 1st amendment rights, and the principle just looked at me and said, "When we come to school, we leave the constitution at the front door." This is downright blasphemy!I went to a pretty small school, but the students were VERY open about their activities, even to teachers. The school board played favoritism with their children whom were in the school. It was all very discouraging. When I have children I'll either home-school them or be very selective with a private school.

  9. It's simply astounding that people only come to attention about these things when it attacks something personal to you. Fox News is ANYTHING but "Fair and Balanced". They are nothing but a mouthpiece for the Neo-Cons. Fox News censorships and lies over the last couple of years have become so apparent that it's almost sickening to me....The mainstream media is nothing but evil.

  10. The reason is simple;Since World War II Americans have had their hand in every major conflict in the world. And with every conflict, we leave a presence. We're currently occupying 130 countries and building more military bases around the world, while at the same time they are CLOSING bases here. I know this because the Ingleside Naval station just 30 minutes from here was closed.We sponsor our own form of terrorism. Unclassified CIA documents prove this, we staged a coup in Iran in the 50's and overthrew an elected official, then place a military dictator in power.We put Sadam in power.We trained and were allied with Osama Bin Laden.We fund BOTH sides of the Israeli / Pakistan conflictAnd lets get one thing straight. The "Americans don't do it, the government does" argument is pure baloney. It is within the power of the people to elect Representatives who will accomplish what they want done. But our entire election process has been turned in to American Idol, and that coupled with a agenda-backed, censoring media keeps all the Honest and diligent candidates out of the limelight.The Senate and Congress have the power to override ANY veto the President signs. The only problem is, no one is willing to stage a filibuster, because they'd rather go on vacation than save thousands of American lives.Americans are too apathetic for their own good. And thus is the basis to why we have as much blame as the government does.Anyways, enough ranting for tonight :)

  11. Ok, this is the perfect topic for me because I've played sOO many MMORPGS, but before i go into details, I've had the most fun with Star Wars Galaxies, but this was BEFORE they ruined the game with RoTW.SWG - I started playing this game shortly after I had quit playing iRO(ill explain later). But when i got into this game, it was so appealing to me, not because i like Star Wars, but because it was so different from all the other MMORPGS, if anything, before the revamp to the game, this was the most unique online game out there, all the variety was put into this game, and those say that FFXII and WoW have all the variety, they are like all the other games, with the skill systems and all the skill cooldown crap, pftt. But the thing about this game was that you could Fight alone, mix professions and do all kinds of stuff, and the WHOLE economy was completely derivitave of the players, which meant all the players made all the bulk items, whether from self gathered resources or from powerful loot components. And then when Jump to Lightspeed came out, that was soo awesome, to be able to manage a ship of either the Rebel or Imperial side, as well as freelancing. Sadly the game was ruined by Sony's attempt to make it like every other MMORPG. 9/10iRO(Ragnarok Online) - This was a very weird online game, shipped straight from Korea where this game is dominant(even over WoW). The game had an anime feel with 2D character sprites on a 3D background, with*cut* BGM. Only thing wrong with this game was that you had to GRIND EVERYTHING, there were no quests or anything to gain XP faster. The only quests in the game were to make rare equipment, that took HOURS to get, but sold for alot. The PVP in this game is amazing though......castles systems, twice a week at set times. The pvp in this game was so huge, that they held an International Tournament...with 2 guilds from each country competeing(USA got 2nd or 3rd) You should try this game if you have time7/10Runescape - everyone knows how crappy this game is, but I was young when i played it, and 2 years later I end up making $2000 off some crappy party hats that i banked up on before i quit, can ya complain? 7/10 (only cause i made so much money)World of Warcraft - I dont need to say anything about this game, cause everyone already knows. this is the game i currently play, on the Illidan server horde side, 60 Warlock, 52 Rogue, and 37 Shaman, mail me if your on this server! Only thing i dont like is how u cant communicate with the other faction in ANY way unless you use hacks!

  12. Ok, first off, I'm a huge fan of both Empire Earth and Age of Empires. And I like Empire Earth way more, but when i play a game of EE, i ALWAYS stop the Epoch at the Imperial Age, because in my opinion, it just gets to a point of BS after that. EE2 was horrible, i cant stand that game at all so i've kept to playing EE as much as I can.With Age of Empires, there is too little content, certain civilizations end up using all the same units, with little room for actual strategie, which RTS stands for Real Time Strategie.......if you browse the battle.net lounge, one common rule you see is something like "no seige" or Cho Wars...this doesnt make it a bad game.Another thing, Deathmatch in Age is horrible, no gameplay skill involved at all, ITS ALL ABOUT YOUR MICRO, pfttt, like I want to waste my time practicing to use my keyboard faster, I'de rather play EE where you actually have to think of ideas to counter an enemies.....My choice is Empire Earth! BUT NOT EE2!!

  13. thanks everyone for all the ideas, and to everyone else in Rita's path, I wish everyone well and hope it misses you :'(They announced today its the 3rd Strongest Hurricane ever in the atlantic Basin, far strong that Hurricane Celia that hit Corpus Christi 30 years ago.At the moment the hurricane's straight path is pretty much headed straight where i live on, on Mustang Island, in Port Aransas, which is 30 minutes away from Corpus Christi, when hurricane celia ripped through it made a natural channel, and the only protection we have from the storm surge is the 10 foot SAND DUNES we have lined up on the beach, which are all natural, but the hurricane is already Cat 5.....and it isnt even halfway throrugh the gulf.If we are lucky....for those of us in Texas anyways....the high pressure system thats in Texas will move down and push the hurricane farther towards New Orleans.....sorry to say but it would save so much more trouble to hit that are since almost everyone is already gone and the damage has been done....but everyone can agree another coastal area down would skyrocket gas prices, since the Texas are of the gulf is the major Oil producer.Anyways, i still have tons of more boarding and securing in the area to do tomorrow, so im going to go off to sleep. Thanks guys.

  14. Yea, I've played it for awhile and like said, it requires a good system, and if you plan on ever getting ahold of the end game content, it requires TONS of time.The game graphically is awesome, the landscaping is done so well that you'll spend tons of time just looking around when you first get in.As for saying you needed DSL, I'm not sure how true this is, i myself played Star Wars Galaxies for awhile with Dial-up and was able to kick *bottom* in pvp, but these are two completly different systems, but i would suggest you have DSL or higher if you are going to try to enjoy this game, as at times even with a fast connection it lags pretty bad, and dial-up wouldnt help one bit.If you plan on playing play on the Illidan server horde side and any of your friends, i'd be willing to help you get a helping hand if ya needed.

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