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Posts posted by baphometslayer

  1. I'm sick of people saying there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. You don't know that. You haven't inspected the ENTIRE country.There's 169,234 square miles of desert in Iraq. The Army has dug up thousands of conventional bombs and artillery shells in the desert, don't you think that someone, somewhere would have been able to bury some kind of weapon in the desert and have it NOT be found for years?

    The United States never even searched for these "WMDs" in the first place. That was the United Nations' job. They searched less than a dozen sites and WARNED THE IRAQIS IN ADVANCE about the searches. There are satellite photos showing some of the sites moving several large covered flat-bed trucks just days before the inspections. Where did these trucks go? They disappeared into the desert and were never seen again.

    Don't try to play it off like we need out because the troops don't want to be there. THEY VOLUNTEERED! If you sign up to join the military, EXPECT TO BE IN A WAR! that's your job. They chose this, they can't complain, they weren't drafted. Besides, most soldiers aren't pissed they're there or anything, the news just finds the one or two guys in the unit that misses his family enough to hate being there and will say so on the news.
    On another note, can someone please prove to me that this war is about oil? I just can't see this. If it was about oil, why aren't Americans running the oil fields instead of the Iraqis that are now?

    I believe you're missing the entire point of people whining about there never being any WMDs over there. We were explicitly told that the Iraqi regime was a direct threat to US interests because of two reasons. Because Saddam had WMDs and he also had links with Al-Queda.

    Lets not nitpick here, last month the Al-Queda theory was proven to be completely false by the Pentagon itself. I don't know about you, but I'm sure we still haven't found any WMDs.

    And that's a problem, the entire pretense of this war were those two reasons. One of them is false, and the other the current administration isn't even TRYING to pursue. Does that not bother you at all? Being lied to? Probably not, like is stated above people are sheeple and follow the news almost completely BLINDLY. The fact is, all we're doing over there now is Nation Building at the expense of the American people. Bush ran his campaign on a promise of NO NATION BUILDING. But I digress.

    And I dunno about your last quote. Presidential campaign donations prove that a large fraction of the troops over there are disenchanted. Why shouldn't they be? They face the chance that if they become injured they'll have to deal with a LESS than adequate medical attention that the military will provide them.

    So, until anything new happens, THERE ARE NO WMDs in Iraq, there never WAS. And don't plan on that changing, they aren't even looking for them, they never planned to. The administration lied to us, and the people took it in the a**, like they always do.

  2. i played for about 6 months and now I'm on a break for about 5 months, because the lack of time that i suffer. But great game probably the best in my opinion but a little to hardcore :lol: cause it's really hard for a new player to do something now with all the pirates. But eh the hardcore aspect is the best thing about this game. because u can't really feel it.

    I hate that in other mmos u don't care if u play like crap u die no prb you respawn, in some like wow there isn't even a chance that some equipment might drop when you die, so... you just don't care.
    But also a disadvantage is that ppl that just start playing find it really hard and move to other games and that is really ashame.
    I wanted to start again when they added the new content and graphics but i got upset that the T2 for the dominix is a cloaking ship. anyway i find eve the best because it's the game that is going to grow and has potential they can do virtually everything they want and expand the world. I hope they will release the update where u can have a character and walk inside stations.

    Cause what i don't like about eve is the fact that u don't have a character for you to relate to and that hurts the game. And also maybe they put some mini games in space stations or something cause what i don't like is that in that game u can't relax with something it's just fight fight fight or mine mine mine and then exit

    I always related to my avatar. I spent a long time lovingly crafting it to look how I wanted it. However, CCP is working on a solution to fix a problem like the one you have.

    Once they get done with it, we'll be able to step out of our pods and actually WALK around stations. Not only this, but they've said things like, "You'll be able to own your own bar". Wouldn't that make for some awesome RPing?

    But yea, it's a game that you can't just not care about dying like most games. You got to be pretty cautious in order not to lose anything. It is pretty hard for new players as well, but the key to solving that is having friends to join in with you or that are already in. I've brought numerous friends in to the game, and thanks to the help of me and fellow corp mates, they caught on to the game WAY WAY faster than I did.

  3. Pretty much worthless. I never watch TV unless there isn't a computer around where I can surf the web. all the videos I want, I can get them off the 'Net. I don't play video games; just flash games.


    Video games aren't a complete waste of time. Nothign is. It's just more wasteful than, say, posting here on the forums. Now, TV, that's a different story. Sure, you gather information, but you don't give any out, which is meaningless. At least in video games, you can have a little interaction. Nothing is a complete waste of time.

    So you're saying information can't be gathered from Video games? Back when I gamed on consoles there was a lot of reading involved. I was already a skilled reader to begin with, but playing RPGs back in the day really helped out one of my friends.


    People just need to face the fact that 89% of the activities in our society are worthless. But then again, worth is based on an individual basis. So whatever, the OP has his opinion and I have mine.


    Moving on.

  4. Get a PS3. I don't know what most of these guys are talking about but the PS3 is extremely powerful and the games look way better than on the PS2, and I don't even have a HDTV.Plus with it's online capabilities upgraded, it's great. I can download demos for games right from the console.Not to mention you can mod it and make it an awesome grill. lol

  5. basically, i always felt that when bush took office in 2001 or 2000 i think, he expected an easy term as president in a perfect nation at the time. but when 911 hit he was not prepared for a war and such an angry nation, so he declared war upon afghanistan and vowed to take down bin laden, which is the logical thing to do. but i beleive he decided to go to iraq and liberate it to make it seem like he was doing something about terrorism by liberating a country and executing a leader that posed no threat to us at the moment. they had no nukes. so he should have left. but he decided to declare war upon iraq, which is a horrible move to make. so instead of devoting the entire mass of the american armed forces to find bin laden in his cave, he decided to continue the fight in iraq.
    and B.T.W the war in iraq is not 100 percent bush's fault. congress aproved his proclomation to go to war against iraq. so it is 30% bushes fault for making the proclomation in the first place and 70% congresses fault for aproving it.

    so even though i am not a bush supporter i do not think its right to put all the blame on him alone. blame congress too. and those damn floridians for reelecting him

    Sorry, Congress did not approve the Iraq war. The war is completely unconstitutional. Bush is on a runaway power trip that needs to be ended. Take a look at some of the Executive Orders he has put in to effect.

    It's completely sickening that Americans are letting this happen to them under their nose. Start electing officials that will actually represent you!

  6. I went into my CPanel and removed the forwarding service I had which was set to

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ===> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I went in and removed it and then entered in maliciousintent.net into the address bar and it worked fine. I was in my directory but I navigated to my forum and it showed up as

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ precisely how I wanted it to. I've come to believe that the forwarding service is nixing with the system somehow. I need to get my landing page finished and get it in there.


    EDIT - Issue resolved. Thank you jlhaslip for all the help, it was appreciated.

  7. I parked the domain, but now when I type in


    in to the URL Address Bar, the page loads and then the address changes back to


    I may not have turned of the forwarding and masking over at Godaddy....so let me do that now and report back.

    Thanks again.

    EDIT - Nope, that's not the issue. I'm lost. The nameservers are changed correctly at my registrar and I have maliciousintent.net parked. Am I missing something?

  8. <a href=http://forums.xisto.com/topic/55323-anyone-play-eve-online/ to baphometslayer</a>
    I play eve online. I hit just about 11.5mil skil points on my main account "Michael Pendergast" and I love everything about the game, its been just over a year since I started playing and ive been addicted to it everystep of the way. The game play is the best ive ever seen but the players that run through the game with me are one of the main reasons its soo great. The community is awsome. My favorite things to do in game is anti-pirate with main character, pirate with alt (lol just alittle hippocritical) and the whole economy, the 0.0 and lowsec spaces, and the corporation settings.

    Hit me up in game if you wanna hang sometime. Cya around


    -reply by Michael Pendergast

    Neat to read your reply. I hadn't seen it until just now. Anyways, checked your profile and you don't appear to be at negative standings with my alliance. It does appear you are however a bit aways from me.

    I'm in the HYDRA alliance so you should have a good idea of where I'm based. (In the north)

    But yes I can agree. I play because of the community. Everyone in my corporation is awesome and we all get along so good.

  9. I don't know what the law says in your state, but it's typical that after your Driver's License expires you legally have 30 days to re-new it.Despite that, sounds like a bad day. Running out of ink messes my days up enough because the only time I ever print anything is when it's for something important. But have the auto-feed mess up too!???!!Tough luck. Hope things are better for you now.

  10. First of all, GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT! That is not the only thing we are in Iraq for. And when you say that we are wasting our time over there, think of all the young men and women that have lost their lives, serving in Iraq so you could go to sleep at night not worried about an insergent bomming your neighborhood. And we are also over there so we can help the Iraqis recover from a vicious dictatorship, and help them take controll over their own contrie.

    Also, do realize that my daddy served over there so be careful what you say about thee war.

    I get tired of seeing you people call anti-war activists out as if they didn't support the troops. Support the Troops needs to be thought of as a SUBJECTIVE term. And, despite your request, I am going to say this;

    The war in Iraq was a mistake of epic proportions. Bush purported that there were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. We STILL haven't found any. Then Bush claims that Osama Bin Laden and Saddam had links together. Although the media is trying to downplay this, an extensive study by the Pentagon has revealed that No, they had no contact whatsoever.

    So what now? We went in and messed their stuff up. And we have to fix it, but we need a deadline set in stone, otherwise this will never end. This war is screwing our economy while the Neo-cons and Liberals continue to promote corporate welfare. Not to mention the no-bid contracts the White House has issued to the likes of Blackwater, Halliburton, and KBR who do nothing but violate their position by breaking laws and stealing money which is also putting our SOLDIERS IN MORE DANGER(Research Blackwater on this one). These Corporations need to be held accountable for their actions, yet they are TOTALLY IMMUNE and are not held accountable to the American people.

    Your dad served in the war you say? I am infinitely grateful to him for putting his life on the line over there, but the war was a mistake. Also when you join the forces you take an oath to protect the Constitution. Funny, because the democrats and Neo-cons in the Republican Party are violating it beyond belief.

    As for blaming the war on the Republicans.......all I can do is LOL. First you need to understand the situation the Republican party is in. The party is being hijacked by people who shouldn't even be able to call themselves Republican. You want to know who was a good Republican? Research Barry Goldwater. He represented the ideals of the Republican party before Religious dingbats took it over. Anyways, please blame the Neo-Conservative Republicans for the war. At the moment a lot of True conservative Republicans are attempting to re-take over the Party, but the people in power now are illegally blocking as every chance they get. It's hard to fight the man.

    The fact is, it is now possible to blame the Democrats for this mess as well. Hell, even I voted to put them in office in 2006 because they promised to end the war. The Democratic party then proceeded to SCREW THE ENTIRE ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT. All the people that are in power right now, and none of them is lobbying their power to end the war. And please, I don't want to hear any of that "Bush blocked it" BS. Perhaps if you knew anything about the American Political system, you'd realize that once the Democrats got in office in 2006, they could have ended the war if they very sincerely wanted to. They didn't. They made a half-assed atempt to end it, and after they failed, they just said, "Well, we did everything we could, lets try something else." What they needed to do was stage a filibuster and DO NOT FALTER until they got a resolution passed. They're playing you fools like a harp just so they can get more power. And all the while, they were attempting to CUT the war fund. Sorry, but that's not the way to end the war. That's the way to put our men and women overseas in more danger than they already are.

    So please, don't demonize one party over the other. They are both equally to blame. And please, take your crazy liberal-self and listen to a logical Democrat - Mike Gravel.

    Mass Starvation, destructive Climatic Change, New Pharmaceuticals,

    I attribute the fall of the nation to people like you who promote extreme partisanship Politics.

    Global Warming - Not a proven fact. There's plenty of research on both sides of this argument. This confirms my earlier suspicions of you being liberal. Gullible as always.
    Presciption pandemic - Something Democrats would spread with their prolific and unconstitutional "Universal healthcare"
    Mass Starvation - Where the hell do you live? haha

  11. This strayed a bit off-topic, but I've got to agree with Qittie deKay on religion.In fact, I see it as virtually impossible for Religion to bring peace. It seems to me that it is up to the individual to promote peace, with or without Religion.I myself am a huge promoter of Peace, and I just happen to do so without Religion. Because honestly I think the only thing religion does for Peace is make it a cloudy concept.

  12. About America, Asia and creativity and openness. To be completely honest, I always thought Japan had the right idea when it came to openness and creativity. Over here in America you have groups of people both in and out of the government who are restraining and even trying to choke out creativity. It's really quite sickening because all it is, is them trying to push their morals on to everyone else.When in fact, parents need to get off their lazy asses and tell their kids what they can and cannot do, and actually enforce it, rather than relying on the FCC to keep quality entertainment that children shouldn't watch off tv.I know China is a whole different story, but i was mostly pertaining to Japan and South Korea.I don't care what ANYONE says, it's boils down to shi**y, lazy parents. People are relying on the school systems and television to raise their children, when in fact it is the LAST thing they should count on.

  13. I think it's wrong when people try to control other people's lives.Here's a new concept that people need to accept; Mind your own damn business. If you think abortions are so damn wrong then I have a solution for you. Don't have one, it's that simple. I don't believe in abortions either, and thusly I will never be involved in one. But Miss Betty Sue down the street, she can do whatever the hell she wants with her body. It isn't my business, your business, or the government business. Why can't people accept that?

  14. Why do all you damn liberals always go on a mad rant trying to get people to quit smoking? The fact is that you can show a smoker all the numbers in the world against smoking, and in most cases, they'll either ignore you or laugh at you.It's honorable that you're asking people to stop smoking to try and save them(I hope), but still, the persistence is getting old. But, if you ask me, I always say that cigarettes should be illegal if the government feels it has the right to outlaw other substances that are not nearly as dangerous as smoking, or drinking alcohol.

  15. There have always been, ever since I can remember telemarketing calls. They always call looking to solicit crap that no one would ever buy in their right mind. Even after repeated calls to cease and desist, they never listen. My question is, is their some type of hot line where I could call to add my home phone to a do not call list? :P
    And what do you do to combat against telemarketers, and their pre recorded calls....

    I've come to learn that list is a scam. They've been selling numbers on that list to marketers. I'm on that list and the past few months I've been pounded with tele-marketers. I changed my number because of it.

    The easiest solution is to not have a phone. Get a pager! Lmao

  16. I attempted to park "http://maliciousintent.net/; in my Control Panel and it gave me this....

    Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs:, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ip.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver.

    Thank you.

  17. Ok, so I'm having a problem with my website and several hours of scouring Google has done me no good towards finding a solution. So, on to my problem.I got hosting here, thus http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ was created. I then bought a domain from GoDaddy, and had it so that it was masked to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ problem however is that no matter WHERE you are on the website, "http://maliciousintent.net/; still shows in the address bar. This makes it difficult for people to link directly to content, and I feel that would be a huge hindrance once it picks up. Can anyone help or direct me in the ways of getting my website to show http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ etc etc?Thank you.PS - I tried posting this twice in technology but it wasn't showing up....at all. So sorry if they magically show up or something. And Again, Thank you.

  18. Here's the things that help that are out of the control of the youth: Consumerism and idiotic parents.

    Ding ding ding ding. This guy nailed 1 of the problems of this 2 part anomaly. Take a look at the news, and tell me what you see. Parents these days are looking out to blame ANYONE but themselves. This coupled with sleazy corporations who are marketing gangster rap to the 8-10 year age group, and you have a recipe for disaster. And please don't get me wrong, it is NOT just gangster rap, but that honestly is the best example to use.

    Anyways, parents want violence to be left out of TV, video games, music, everything. But what they need to be doing is raising their damn children. Take control, tell them what they can and cannot play/watch/listen to. It isn't parents just being idiotic, they are also amazingly lazy as well.

    The other portion of this problem can be blamed on our education system. For some reason the people that control our lives think that having a person that is well rounded in all academic areas is somehow better for their being in the real-world. I'd beg to differ. It just turns the student off and they begin to slump in to this attitude where they feel school is useless and skip it. We need to start having students specialize their learning as soon as they are out of Elementary school. It'd be probable that you would be able to keep their interest up if they were learning things that they would actually like to learn.

    Violence is mainly caused my consumerism and Idiotic/lazy parents, in all honesty.

  19. I'd hate to break it to you, but don't credit Spears with her beats or lyrics. Artists that write their own music are becoming sparse in entertainment. I'm not really much of a hater, but most people become this way because it's covered on the news like it actually means something to everyone.News flash; It doesn't and the only people who care are the ones who follow Hollywood lifestyles more than they do current affairs. This is the basic foundation that is corroding society. Take for example the latest issue of Rolling Stones. It's got Britney Spears on the Cover, and the title of their article is, "BRITNEY SPEARS- Inside and AMERICAN tragedy."Ummm what, AMERICAN tragedy huh? Yea, thanks for painting Americans in the same filthy category as this women, to whom everything has happened to on no one's but her OWN accord.When we can stop seeing her in the 5 o'clock news because she took a bunch of pills and got her children taken away, people will most likely stop the hating, most of them anyways. Nothing about her makes her more important than the thousands of other people who go through the same thing, except that they aren't famous.So yea, I listened to her songs when I was younger and enjoyed them. She's past her prime and she screwed her life up. I'm tired of hearing about it, when there's a war going on and American lives are lost everyday, which attracts a few seconds of Coverage a month.Each and every soldier that has died is a THOUSAND times more important than Britney Spears in my opinion. So yea, that's my opinion on the matter.

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