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Posts posted by baphometslayer

  1. thanks leiaah, your probably the single most person that helped the most, in fact your the only one who gave me a good solution. I never changed the permissions on this folder, so this problem needs to be adressed, at least an announment needs to be posted so that if other people run into this problem they dont flood the board or sHout box (I can't veiw the shout box anymore, haha)Anyways, im going to address this issue to an admin later so that any other problems like this can be settled in a timely manner without much cluttering of the board,Once again, thanks leiaah!

  2. If anyone has the time, I'de be greatly thankful if someone would put me together an awesome Top banner for our Website, any info needed about what kinda of content is on it is that we are a Horde guild, and i would like the banner to have a dark feel to it.Awesome, and thanks, also, I will post credits on the webpage and where to contact the designer if he/she wishes so.The clans name it is "Malicious Intentions"Thanks

    Notice from cmatcmextra:
    Merged, error fixed

  3. Yea, i was doing a console, we use BlueJ in class to write out any assignment that we dont handwrite, I like it because it's easier to compile instead of just trying to run it. We start with an existing program, so I dont know if i would be able to get help as I'm not able to distibute it because its on the computers at school, and im at home right now.But all we pretty much have to do is *bottom* a method called "addInterest" with one parameter called "rate" data type double. And we have to make other various desicions such as whether to make these private or public, accesor or mutator. I know and understand how to use all these but the only thing i was never good at was using test classes for contructing methods, and to my understanding if you make it private then it is only accessable by the class that it is in. Anyways, i dont want to bother anyone personally, as im sure it would be easy for most veterans to achieve, and we have a book we get for reference and practice "Computer Concepts with Java: Advanced Placement Study Guide" The only thing that i personally see with this book is that it only covers material on the AP exam at the end of the year.And thanks, i checked out the tutorial and it was helpful quite a bit itself.

  4. I stopped playing Runescape about 2 years ago, and i quit with a crap load of party hats and stuff, so one of my friends tells me how much they are worth now and i was like "wow". So i was bored and all and I went to ebay to see how much one million gp was worth, and at the time it was 20 bucks for ONE MILLION. So the first thing i did was sell my white party hat, which is worth 50m.So i put 30m of it on eBay and it freakin sold with a Buy It Now Option for FIVE HUNDRED BUCK!!!!!!!!!!(500) OMFG, i still have like 6 party hats left, so all in all the easiest way to make money on runescape was to have played years ago, and banked up on rare items, that THEY PRACTICALLY GAVE AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!Not to mention a good account can go for about $200, which is what im gonna do after all my hats are gone. it's insane that someone would pay that much for a game, and its been several months, and i recieved the money, so i didnt like get ripped of or anything,.......amazing isnt it?

  5. My account was suspended about three days ago and I got my credits back up, and it told me that it would take a few hours to get it back up. So 3 or 4 days later its giving me this error----------------------------------------------------ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access / on this server.Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.Apache/1.3.33 Server at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Port 80-----------------------------------------------------------I can still access the FTP and download and upload stuff, so i dont know what is wrong with it, and 2 days after trying to figure it out myself I've got to come here and ask for help.Anyone know whats wrong?

  6. I'm taking my first year in a programming class in high school, computer science AP 1, and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a good website that I could be able to use as refernce, sort of a newbie guide to learning java, I'm currently trying to do a lab where we create a bank account, then contruct methods to be able to deposit, withdraw, and getBalance......most of the time the teacher just shows us a very NOT informative Power Point and ruishes us into the assignments, and I need to pass this class so i can start in Comp Science 2 in College, and also so I can start with a little bit of programming knowledge, and if anyone knows of a site, i'd greatly appreciate it (I'm not looking for a website with the labs already done for you, but just a guide for learning)Thanks

  7. these came out like a week after i got my iPod mini. A friend got one of these nanos and personally i think they are too small.....I have big fingers and I myself find the pad hard to operate without hitting the middle button. And it is true, they need to stop making these things so friggin small..

  8. o god, all I can see this becoming is a version of Harry Potter for an Older audience, except for the differences that this one started on a game instead of a book(Halo has been printed already) The games werent that great, want to see something better, go get a copy of Half-Life 2.Maybe i'm just picky or maybe it's just the unessicary talk about it at school about it that annoys me so much.Anyways, the movie might be good, so I'll probably check it out.

  9. another good way, but very novice as it doesnt really save information os to use a Windows Boot up disc to reboot the comp MS-DOS mode, from there you can use the format c:(or the HDD your formatting). I know this method seems very out of date, but it was the first way I learned to format on my own when i had just started messing with computers.

  10. To say something about why the major didnt use buses to get people out, and interesting fact that needs to be addressed is what the Mexico Government does when they are threatened by a Hurricane....Everyone knows that Mexico is an extremely poor county, I live close to the border and go across at least twice a year, and its sad to see the poverty. But Whenever they are threatened by a hurricane, the government takes ALL their buses in the area, and PAY for transportation out. If the mexican government can do this, then why didnt the Major of New Orleans do this, this is an interesting topic and there is no real answer at the time, but when you people say things like "why didnt we do all this BEFORE it hit", everyone needs to remember.........Hindsight is 20/20, this is an interesting topic, and I myself have been in disscussions about this for several hours, there is no real answer, its hard to say.And currently, last i checked there is a tropical Depression near Florida, I myself Live on the Gulf of Mexico in Texas, and many people from Mississpi and New Orleans have taken refuge in My town, and many of the wealthy business people here have donated a large amount to these people, this has brought out some of the good in our people, and also the worst (looters). We need to stick together, and help everyone through, but sometimes that means Tax raises, then everyone says "oh wait, tax raises? Nevermind, they'll be fine" Anyways, I Wish everyone well that has been affected by the Hurricane Katrina...

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