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Everything posted by baphometslayer

  1. And this ladies and gentlemen, is why the tech industry is booming!I can't wait until I get my A+ and Networking certification. I'm going to be BANKING!
  2. It's called propaganda, and governments and campaigns have been using it for YEARS, and people have been falling for it for years. Search for some Communist Campaign ads. They all REAK of "Vote for us for CHANGE". I find it hilarious that people still fall for these shenanigans. They need a propaganda preparation class in High School.......seriously.
  3. I'm having the exact same issue. I was in the midst of making some heavy changes to my page, and I was getting ready to set up some new MySQL tables, but then the cpanel stopped loading. The same happened for my webpage. So I went and took a nap. I'm pretty patient, so no biggie.
  4. Alright, one of my buddies had the camera so once he gets them posted I'll snag the group photo. It was such an amazing event! My friend had his banjo with him, and he managed to get Ron to sign it. He's such a modest and caring man, he said, "ah, are you positive you want me to write on your banjo?". He was worried about ruining it!
  5. It's actually quite funny that you mention you'd wish a Libertarian would get elected to office. Just how close attention ARE you paying the primaries?Also, based of your rants about the border and hospitals, I can only assume that you are ill-informed on the issues. As for the wall they propose building, why do you think it's such a bad idea?There's not many ways to get around a wall...unless of course you go by water. But even then, were we to end our useless war mongering, our military would be at home, and fully capable of handling the wall as well as the oceans. Most of the illegal immigrants here in Texas simply cross the Rio Grande during the dead of night, and our Texas National Guard is in Iraq, so we have to rely on privately contracted borders guards that don't work for anything.And open-border policy would surely be the demise of our economic system. Our economy simply couldn't handle the immense strain it would cause. I suggest you further study the principles of the economy before you go on ranting about that. And the only hospitals that are closing are one's that are funded by the government. The immense strain, like I stated earlier, from the illegal immigrants is running them in to the ground.
  6. I'm also a precinct leader down here in Texas! I've been doing as much as I could, calling people, canvassing, block-walking, and organizing meetings. And yes, today is the money bomb for Ron and Carol Paul's 51st Anniversary of marriage. OHH, also, Ron Paul is coming to Victoria, Texas this Saturday and I'm going to be able to meet him, take a picture with him, AND shake his hand. I'm SOOOOO excited. Meeting a celebrity would NEVER compare to this.
  7. Cripes! I had a dream one time where my dog could talk. Haha, how funny is that? Maybe that's like a stock dream that people with pets have....I think I'll look it up.
  8. I'd have to say the strangest dreams I have EVER had is when I am having a lucid dream. More often than not though, when I realize that I am having a lucid dream I'll start to wake up, and I actually have to try resisting waking up in my dreams. It's a VERY crazy experience, like something out of a weird movie.But anyways, I'll get on to my dreams;1. I was having a dream that started with me being at the high school I graduated from. I was going through what was a typical day at school, but I went in to the gym and that was when I realized I was dreaming, and began to lucid dream. To start, I went up to the hottest cheerleader and started groping her. A little perverted I know, but what would you do in a world where you could do whatever you wanted? After that I went in to the principals office and basically tore it apart. I hated him during High School because I got in a bit of trouble and he actually had the nerve to tell me, "When we come to school, we leave the constitution at the front door." This was a violation of my rights, all over some songs me and my friends made and recorded where we basically made fun of the jocks and stoners. After that I went in to the teachers lounge and used the Cola vending machines and ate all the delicious treats they would always have in there. Then I went to my favorite teachers room and we jammed on the guitar like we always used to do after school. I woke up at that point and was bummed out cause we were playing some awesome Beatles songs.2. This wasn't a lucid dream, but for some reason I was in Connecticut. Me and my friend were really really hungry, so we hoped in my car and started driving around looking for a place to eat. The reason that this was such a weird dream to me was because even to this moment, I remember ALL the directions I took while driving around, how weird is that? Anyways we stopped at a Gas station store and for some reason they had two lines divided by a huge concrete wall, one for boys and the other for girls. I ran in to someone I know on the girl side and she told me that one of my friends had drank them self to death, and I was like "big surprise. After that I got to the counter and the store closed!! Then for some reason my car was able to fly, we went to Whataburger, got some eats, and then I woke up.3. All of my other weird dreams are always when I'm back with one of my ex girl friends, except this time they are like....really hot for some reason. I usually have false awakenings when I have these types of dreams, and the delusions will usually tend to last for several minutes after I wake up.OH, and did you know that during one of the cycles of your sleep, your entire body is paralyzed!?!? I woke up one time during that and was REALLY freaked out because I wasn't able to move. Probably one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me, haha.
  9. Like many above me, I also use FileZilla. It has a nice, simple interface, and allows for drag and drop copying/file transfer..I haven't really tried anything else, but the need to try any other FTP software hasn't arisen yet.
  10. You make me all warm and fuzzy inside. Also, if anyone is interested, be sure to become a precinct leader and help spread the message of freedom.
  11. That was kind of the point of my post. By the way, I don't watch the news, not the mainstream news. I know what's going on in this country, more so than more well educated people. You seem to be ok with that fact that our liberties are being squandered from us. Is this true? Then why consider voting for someone who would do just that? That's all Romney will do. Why not vote for someone who promises to defend our liberties, and protect our nation, instead of wage wars so that the Military industrial complex can continue to profit off of murder and genocide? And throw the lives of young American men in to a battleground where we have right to be there, just to see them die while Corporations profit. We're in a very sickening situation right now, and I honestly fear for the lives of our soldiers everyday.
  12. Hahahahahaha, I always get a good chuckle when someone tells me they are ready for change. It's quite hilarious that people fall for that rhetoric. I guess people are suckered easily.
  13. I have a Miniature Doberman Pincher and a Toy Chihuahua. As you can see they get along well.
  14. One of the last people to actually write his own speeches (mostly) and respond to questions that weren't pre-planned was Kennedy. Most candidates don't speak their mind, everything they say wasn't written/thought of by themselves, they just tell the people what they want to hear (top candidates included for sure). I know that Obama doesn't write his own speeches, but your statement that I underlined is very misinformed, unless you're talking about people that actually made it in to office. Of course, it really is a shame. I wish people would see past politicians sneaky ways, and vote for the candidates speaking the truth, rather than catering to crowds in order to get votes.
  15. You're just as bad as the media. I could go on about all the things wrong with McCain and Romney, but I'd feel that I would be wasting my time......oh what the heck...Romney - Top advisors are lobbyists. How about a president that will do the right thing for the people of this country, and not the corporations. Also the biggest flip-flopper on the GOP side. He also raised taxes when he was a governer in Massachusetts along with supporting weapon bans in his state. He's quasi-liberal, if you will.McCain - Has absolutely minimal knowledge of the economy, which was evident in the GOP debate in Boca Raton when Ron Paul asked him the question about the economy. McCain replied, "Of Course we need more sunshine", and proceeded to name off his economic advisers without addressing or answering the question. He's also willing to commit 5 more generations of Americans to the deviant war we are involved with in the Middle East.....riiiiight.I realize we're in the mess we are because of a Republican president, but what people don't seem to understand is that he has drifted so far from the Republican platform that it's sickening. All throughout history Republicans have been the party of Peace, and fiscal and social conservatism. None of the candidates are true Republicans, save one. Perhaps if you didn't watch to much news on the television you'd have a better outlook on the situation.I guess some people just enjoy having their personal liberties stripped away one by one. I wouldn't vote democrat unless they intended on protection our liberties, and it is evident that neither Hillary nor Obama would, which is apparent through their voting record in the senate. Anyways, I sincerely hope you take a step back and reevaluate the field. I took a semester off from college because the message of the candidate I support is one that intends to protect the people of this country, and turn the direction of it around. I'm a precinct leader for the campaign, and I spend a large amount of time every week spreading his message, because the media has done everything in their power to ignore him, because he is so against their agenda.Best regards
  16. I got a couple of Staph infections when I was doing construction in one of the towns ravaged by Hurricane katrina. I had no idea they were serious. I just had a few Scotch and cokes, grabbed a fresh razor, and cut the core of the Staph outta my knee and out of the one on my *bottom* check.They went away just fine and I haven't had another one since....and it's been over a year.
  17. Ok, Ha...ha...ha...ha. Now I KNOW this is just an elaborate joke. Anyways, thanks for the entertainment, I seriously thought you guys were serious at first, lmao.
  18. I tried this game for about a month. I played it very casually, and got my Swordsman to level 18, and a Wizard to level 12. The game is very repetitive, as are all Asian MMORPGS.But this one does have some unique features. For one, you can mix skills from different professions, and upon reaching a certain level, you can even equip armor and weapons available to other professions. This adds for another unique aspect of gameplay. The only drawback to this is the amount of time it takes to get to that level. You could get there fairly fast with a good AoE group, but it's hard to come by a reliable AOE group.It also has harvesting and crafting. I would usually tend to gather things overnight, and be able to wakeup to a large amount of resources, which I could then refine. I normally sold these refined materials though instead of crafting because I like to take on one aspect of a game at a time. :oYou can also fly once you get to level 15. All you gotta do is beat a Frog King for a quest, and it does require a pretty good group to pull off.All-in-all I'd say you should give this game a try if you're willing to play in an item mall based MMORPG.
  19. Sounds like a messy situation. I was in SORT of a similar situation back when I was in high school. I had been dating my ex for about 7 months and she started to get in to meth again. She had been a huge druggie a year before I met her, but I always stressed to her how much I disapproved it, and I would not put up with it. We were expecting to be together forever, I have even applied to go to LSU and move away from Texas so that she could go to her school of choice.But one of her friends moved back who was all in to meth and all kinds of drugs, and he was also a homosexual. She would hang out with him when I was busy with school or some other obligation I had from college, and she knew I didn't like it. She started to come over messed up on all kinds of stuff, Xanex, Ex, cocaine, and meth a couple of times. I had even confiscated a bag of meth I found in her purse and she flipped out on me, telling me to give it back and stuff. I had to threaten to tell her parents for her to stop, because they were devout Catholics and she would've been in a heap of trouble.Time went on and then out of no where my best friend's dad died. I had to be there for him through the entire thing, and that just pissed my girlfriend off....which I wasn't very happy about. They were holding a memorial for his dad at the bar he owned here in town, and I was going with my friend. My ex couldn't come because they were hanging Christmas lights or whatever, and she got mad that I wouldn't come over to help. After the memorial we were going to have a bonfire on the beach and drink a little. I told her not to come, because it would be bad if she did. She came anyways, and she was messed up on ALL kinds of stuff. To make things worse, I was blacked out, rambling on about her habits. The next thing I know, I come to and she's wailing on me, landed one solid punch on my left eye, which I had to get treated at the University Health Center, and she also nailed me in the groin twice. After that I ended it. She begged for me to take her back, and come over a couple of times coked up, and would just be all over me. 5 months later I run in to her at the grocery store and she tells me that she eventually went to rehab and stopped everything. Her parents even stopped drinking. That was a huge blow to me, because I had been so devoted to her, and all I wanted was for her to be clean for me. After that I started thinking about her a lot, but soon after she moved to Baton Rouge to begin school. I went through about a month of depression, and I kept in touch with her a little bit and tried to salvage things, but it couldn't be done.What you need to do tazanupaws, is to think about whether or not she thinks the same way about you that you think about her. Otherwise it's just wasted effort. If you spent all the energy loving someone that loved you back, it would be as if you were getting back 300% of the love that you give. That's the magical thing about it. You just need to spend a weekend or so and really evaluate the situation and come to a conclusion that's best for you. Time heals most wounds, but it really, really sucks during the process of the depression and desire.I hope you come to a conclusion that will free you of this curse. I seriously suggest you sit this girl down and have a talk about all of this with her once you've thought it out. That really is the best option.
  20. Yes, it does prove that the world is round. I've used to troll a lot at the Flat Earth Society Website, have you actually read their FAQ about the Earth being flat. I mean, come on, they say the world is encompassed in a HUGE wall of ice, and on top of that ice is an ENDLESS plain of nothing but ice. Please. There are much better conspiracy theories you people could be concentrating your time on if you believe that the government is deceiving you.....honestly.... At this point I can't tell whether or not you're in on the joke, or you actually believe this nonsense.... This on the other hand is a very agreeable statement. But they're using it for far more ambitious purposes, such as attempting to setup a New World Order, and putting the people of the world under control through means of Eugenics and genocide through war. But to deceive people about the earth being flat? Hahahahaha
  21. Thanks for this tutorial. All this time later I used it and it still worked flawlessly. Great job! Now to get to modding everything I want changed.
  22. I was just curious if anyone here plays EvE online, the space simulation game.If anyone here plays, how many skill points do you have, and what are your favorite aspects of the game.For me it's the fact that everything in the game is basically run by players, even the economy in Empire space. In 0.0 Space everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is run and controlled by the players. PvP is open and adds a certain risk that makes it excitign to venture deep in to low security space.
  23. Another question I know the answer to. I grew up near a farm, so I know a lot about animals and such.Generally, cows do have to be pregnant to produce milk. Cows begin to produce milk after they give birth, and will continue to do so until they are "dried-off". For most cows, milk production increases until about 90 days after they give birth, then it will gradually decline. If I cow is re-bred during the 60-90 day period, she will typically produce milk for another 300 days, using the rest of the time to give her mammary gland time to recover for the calf she is holding in her womb. There are however certain breeds of cows which come from good milk lines, examples are Jersey and Holstein breeds, that will produce milk without ever being pregnant while they are young. This is called Spontaneous lactation, virgin lactation, or Maiden Milk. This also happens with a couple of type of dairy goats.
  24. The type of Bees that produce the most abundance of honey are European honey bees, genus Apis Mellifera. They produce the excess honey to store during the winter season when flowers do not tend to bloom. The European honey bees produce such a large excess of honey that they are used around the world by humans to harvest honey.The reason they probably produce so much is because Honey bees are social insects, and the various types of bees have their defined function that they perform for the Hive. The bees basically live to do nothing other than support the Hive.These include the Queen, drones, and workers. We all know what the queen does, but the purpose of the drones is solely for mating with the queen. If the Hive is short on food, the drones are the first be kicked out!The workers are all females which are sexually undeveloped. They are also the smallest type. A colony of bees generally has 50,000-60,000 workers bees. The function of the worker bees is to feed the queen and larvae, guard the entrance of the hive, collect nectar for producing honey, keeping the Hive cool by fanning their wings, and producing the wax comb which is the basic structure of the Hive. The Wax comb is 2/1000 inch thick, but can support 25 times it's own weight.With that many worker bees working around the clock, you're bound to have a load of honey. I hope that I answered your question.
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