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Everything posted by Lozbo
I know, I am using a CSS menu, why dont you check it out? It's at pruebas.lozbo.org/dd/.I am not using on:hover events, I am using a "sucker down dropfish" kind of menu (from ALA) with some js to fix the hovering submenu on IE6.I dont like the xhtml of those pure css menus of Stu Nichols, I find it easier for people learning from the code to avoid having all that tricks of tables amidst the list, it seems too dirty for me.And what are your sources about people disabling javascript on their browsers? According to my experience, its not that high (but i dont have an official source though, so I'd like to know if you have any...).
You mean onhover? I'd like to avoid these js events, as they are ilegal in strict xhtml, though I am using transitional, I'd like to keep to standards as much as posible, and using js events would guide me away from them... I can not replace css :hover with onHover events... Does any one know why is this happening? The submenu disappearing in IE6/7?
Thanks jlhaslip, Ive tried those but i dont like the html in it... anyway Im not using those menus from Stu Nichols in this project... and the js is working, as it has always worked in past projects, its just something weird happening here... Truefusion I hope you have read my post. It provides all the souce coding needed:
I have asked for help in the css creator forum, but I haven't got an answer. Well some one actually posted something but didn't work, so I will post my trouble here to see if somebody can bring light... thanks in advance...
If you see the html output (the source code from the browser, not the original source php you upload to the server) you will find two declarations of the <html> opening tag, which is wrong.jlhaslip thinks you are using php includes to call to another file(s) from the index.php, if that is the case, then you should remove all unnecesary tags from the included file, for example:If you have index.php, menu.php and footer.php (self descriptive), and you call the later into index.php, you dont have (and actually it is wrong if you do so) to have a DTD, <html>, <head>, and <body> tags in menu.php and footer.php again, they are already declared in index.php...Hope you understand.. good luck..
Id like to buy a double screen capable video board, so that I can have two independent monitors in the same computer at the same time.Ive been searching a little bit, but whether on the net or in local stores it seems I just cant find one... does any one know something about this? I would really apreciate light on this matter...
In adition to my response, I'd like to point out that a common issue with dreamweaver is for example, that it didn't write the shorthand for each rule I did in the graphic view. But this can be modified since dw2004 I believe, and dw8 has improved a lot when it comes to css. I don't even remember now what dw04 did, but at least for the built in help-tooltips that display code suggestions as you type, it has gotten better (it has updated its data base, so it holds more properties and values than before). You can edit how dreamweaver handles the shorthand css in the preferences. Shorthand css (for those who ignore) is a smaller way to declare something in css, for example, while declaring border for a table (table or anyother element, just as an example, we have top, right, bottom and left borders) instead of going with each declaration, like: border-top-color:black; border-right-color:black; border-bottom-color:black; border-left-color:black; you could go just like this border-color:black and you need only one line of code. This is just a small example, and as for borders you can even have a shorter hand way to declare border settings (for the width of the border, the color, and the style of the border): border:1px solid black; And what I said is that dreamweaver can be set to write the shorthand while editing in graphic view the style sheet, or the other way around.... Good luck...
I only know about plugins for CMS that do that ... I have not tried it without a CMS, but the options provided here seem good... The plugins I speak of (they are for wordpress, actually), are made in flash and they look very fansy and work good. If you'd like more on this, leave a reply...
Background Image Picture On A Website how do u make a pic a backround??
Lozbo replied to bebas's topic in Programming
w3schools.com Is a good resource site, you should try the css and xhtml tutorials there, and start coding the right way: with standards! -
I would also advice to try to switch from html frames to a xhtml + css based design... here at the trap seventeen forums we can help make the transition smoother for you =DIt's not actually that hard to swicth from frames to server side includes in php (for example), and they work the same way (more or less hehe) and you can even have the css display the items as if it was a frame... like this page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/how the content stays absolutely positioned in the browser window, and yet I was not using frames there, its just pure xhtml and css!
I agree with sprnknwn, I still dont know a perfect wysiwyg editor, they always mess up our code... But I can also state that I would never go only code, because there are a lot of things that I wont be doing, like having to write very common and used tags that dreamweaver does automagically, like br, or strong, or p, or headings...There are also a lot of advantages for example to notepad, the coloring for the text, the built in ftp client, the quick modules here and there for common tasks, the drag and drop funcionality for a lot of things (adding an image on the page, pointing to a link in the built in file explorer, etc), and the list goes on... there are really a lot of little things that make dreamweaver my default web coding software. I still have not known any opensource wysiwyg alternative that can succesfully replace dw (at least for me), and I have tried a few...
How To Make Cms For My Dynamic Website? A Content Management System
Lozbo replied to owbussey's topic in Programming
There are a lot of open source CMS (which means they are free). Those are (i think all but I am not sure) generally based in php/mysql. Here at trap seventeen (if you are hosted) you can try in your cPanel a quick install of the mentioned above CMS, depending entirely on your site, the complexity and extension of your site (and the purpose) is which CMS you would go for.I would strongly suggest Wordpress, as is both simple and standards compliant. I like a lot Wordpress (go to wordpress.org/download/ cause wordpress.com is for the online based blogging system, that means you can't completely control the administration of your site), because of its simplicity but also because you can control a lot of what's going on in the template code, and you can develop a standards compliant, full xhtml/css site (as oposed to joomla,for example).I've been working a lot with joomla lately and I dislike the way it works, it has a lot of non-semantical html, it does not go with the philosophy of XHTML. Its very big and very powerful, but its also very complex, not very recommendable for a newbie.Nevertheless, if you'd like to try and see what are the options you can browse to http://www.opensourcecms.com/, the slogan is "try before you install" that means that they have installed on their servers all the cms they present, besides of an explanation and reviews for those... they have the admin panel and the "default" front end for you to see (I say default because you can, and most likely you would WANT to, edit the default template to fit your design). Very good resource site, you would find that there are several types of cms, for online education (like moodle), for blogging (like wordpress or b2evolution), for portals (like xoops, joomla or mambo), for e-comerce, etc...The best of all: they are free! -
I am surprised to see how many people actually uses notepad for CSS! I thought most people would go with dreamweaver...I also write down my own css, but from dreamweaver, my main choice for web coding. I am not sure if the crimson editor (open source) supports CSS, but if you want a good open source start you can try the amaya browser (http://www.w3.org/Amaya/), besides of being a browser, its also a wysiwyg (x)html/css editor, and has all the attributes in a graphic layout for you to edit...I strongly suggest you go with the code, its easier to locate bugs and stuff and its easier to control what you are doing exactly as you want it... but if you are new to this you might want to try first the graphic way, and learn from the code in the process (that's how I learnt). A good tutorial web site which I used to check often while I was learning (I'm actually still learning new things everyday) is w3schools.comGood luck...
Yes, Tyseen knows what he speaks about! hehe, so Tyssen, do you have any secure validating script you can share? i have not checked those pages you posted gaea, they are opening as i type... thanks!
Title Attribute and HTML entities for special characters
Lozbo replied to Lozbo's topic in Programming
I know what are those things you say, and as far as I am concerned, they are called XHTML ENTITIES, as the thread's title reads... what i wanted to know is if those entities are still working on things like <alt> <title> or even text generated through js <script>... Because it seem to work fine here but i am not sure if it works some where else... -
Alright, so you take the validation thing inside the sendmail.php... I was kinda actually hoping you had it in JavaScript, more like something AJAX.. But thanks anyway! (I know that those things wont work if the user has js turned off but I know its a very little percentage so I can live with it )Thanks for your help anyway!
Hey jmb2006. that is interesting, you mean the exported jpg or gif should be opened up in ms paint and just save it as it is? You mean it doesnt save on ms-paint format? I will try it, but as of now, I'm reluctant to believe it. About time variations in sites, let's do a test, lets grab a site, say http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for instance (or propose something else if you like), and see what people find out to be clocking in their own machines... I tryed it with the firefox webdeveloper extension (for this site) and got: 14.4K 128.34 seconds 56K 33.45 seconds T1 1.44Mbps 1.47 seconds And with vertain: Page speed: 6.19 sec Does any one know what are the references for vertain's way? (the link that kvarnerexpress provided at the beggining of this thread: http://www.vertain.com/?sst )
Hey gaea, I would like to see that script you talk about, could you post it please? You mean a form validation script right?
Additionally, if you are also seeking to achieve best functionality and accesibility, you can try out this page: http://icant.co.uk/csstablegallery/tables/35.php Its a tabular data css showoff, go on and click on anydesign (not the name of the author or the download file link, cause that will lead you to write an email or download the css) Its pretty cool... you can take the example xhtml for your tables and grab whatever CSS file fits to you, they are free... Its easier if you just grab the xhtml and paste it right as it is, and from there you start to modify all the stuff you need (unwantend columns or rows).
Nothing happens or it does send you to /contact.php? when you hit the button, check the address bar and see where is it now, if you are still in index.php, there should be a problem with your javascript, else the problem should be in that php, in which I'll have to take a closer look... But try these things first....
I know hehe, thats why I added "(jeje)" after writting it... and btw: TWO needs a 'w' ... I now have found a dealer at mercadolibre.com, but its too expensive, 12 mexican grand... (but its in spanish both hardware and software, and it says its available with telcel) I'm doin' some more research about it, I'm trying to contact some people to help me get this phone... Thanks for your comments anyway =)
Ive seen a really good smart phone, the Qtek 9000, its everything i want: Pocket PC (with Windows Mobile 5.0) Screen with a higher resolution than 240 x 320 It is GSM It has a 1.3 MP camera It has a bulit in keyboard It uses SD as its expansion card It has WiFi I really like this phone, the only problem is that I dont know if they sell it in Mexico, or if TELCEL will work with it... does any one know? Creo que deb? escribir esto en espa?ol, ya que mi duda es para p?blico mejicano (jeje) Si alguien necesita traducci?n anyway just leave a comment.
It seems you did very well after all Flakes, Roc?o told me she was getting very good comments about this course. By the way, this was suposed to be an Optimization Course, so its not always about getting the best quality with the lowest file size, because, depending on the media for which it is meant, you will sometimes need to have a bif file size, due to the quality of the image, which in that case will be the priority.Congrats Flakes! I'm looking forward to the next semester in which there will be more courses and maybe you can come up with a subject of your choice to include in the program.
I believe that it also works (if the window opened as a pop up) if you add to the link the target attribute and point it to "_parent". It is not strict xhtml though...
Another Kind Of Css Background Float Trouble now with a ul
Lozbo replied to Tyssen's topic in Programming
Wait, I now remember, henwolf i havent figured it out, I sent you the wrong link on that message, Im sorry the problem you refer to ... i havent seen it in a while...I dropped this project a long time ago, actually I dont really remember if i solved it or not, but good you remind me of it because i need it again these days and I need to find an answer.As of now I dont recall what was I doing, but let me dive into the code once more and Ill be posting my progress here (or I'll gladly accept suggestions from you or anybody else who finds a way around this)...Greetings