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Everything posted by TheJeffsta

  1. Does it have compatability for general windows programs used today? Many people are used to using files which arent compatable on other OS's and therefore never try anything else. It is also a lack of advertising, I had never heard of it till i saw this topic. I see it is free and only about 43MB, but i dont really see what file from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to download :S
  2. Well the thing with linux programmers is that they (the legal owners of the program actually allow it and want it to be open source. Open source programs are able to be changed and redistributed freely. Its not supposed to be that rude, but why dedicate most of your life to hacking and changing programs protected by law and make the life of others harder than it should be. Just because they cant afford it, doesnt mean they have to basically steal it. Look, i can easily cope without the things i cant afford. I only have XP now because i had to by a new computer due to my last one running Win 2000 not being able to run anything that i tried to run on it. Pirating software is just like sharing and downloading music freely via P2P software. It is illegal and unwanted. It is corrupting the society of today. Music artists arent getting as much money, software producers arent making as much money as they would if P2P, BitTorrent etc. didnt exist.
  3. Well i guess the trick would be to defragment it every few days or something like that so that it doesn't take that long lol. And plus, Diskeeper Pro speeds up the process conciderably - my 14GB used hard drive space only takes 5 minutes at the most to defragement. I know that they have made super computers that have like 10000TB or something like that, but who would want a hard drive that is the size of an a average single story house lol.
  4. They warn you about the conditions that can cause the product warranty to be voided. Opening it up and and/or breaking any seals would void the warranty. Anyway, to use it on the computer you would probably have to reformat it and then all of that.
  5. Atleast he said that he had copied it and given a link to the rightfully own material. Somepeople just copy and paste and dont give any credit to the actuall owner - which can actaully be illegal. You can only copy info and all that if you acknowledge the actaull owner and dont try make out its your very own. Although it would have been best if he had read it all and just rephrased it.
  6. Do the Google crawlers pick up info about all/most of the websites hosted here? If they do how frequently do they scan through the servers? Do all hosted sites include a robot.txt thingy or .htaccess (forgot what one google looks at)? lol, my last site got on it but then my host started stuffing up my site so i stopped using it. What was changed?
  7. Fake windows? Pirated windows is just a version of windows that has been copied of a genuine copy of windows and distributed via P2P, download etc.Any, Microsoft's software always seems to be a hackers delight. All of the programs that Microsoft says should hold hackers back attract hackers to have a go and keep trying. The hackers alway get through. Microsoft needs to spend more time and put it through hack tests or something. My old version Windows 2000 prob had to download atleast about 500 updates or something lol.I agree that there will always be ways for a hacker to get in, but if Microsoft took security more of a priority and take more time with that.It is pritty obvious that the activation bit didnt quite have much success, neither did the copy protect on the CD/'s.Im glad im not working at microsoft as a CEO, programmer or anything like that. The high prices of Microsoft software and lack of anything that is really worth that money is basically the cause of most of this piracy. Many people cannot afford it so they download it or buy it really cheap from some unknown retailer.Software piraters are just low-lifes that want the people to stop making programs and just want everyone elses things to not be as easy to run/maintain. Imagine if they had made a program and then for everyone (well most people) to get it illegally and you not get any money from it.
  8. Have you defragmented your computer lately? You should try that - I recommend using Diskeeper. It may also be cause by a lack of memory or hard drive space. If defragmenting your drive doesnt work then i dont know what to do. Defragmenting normally helps me out of times when my PC is slow. Also, make sure all of your firewall, anti-virus and spyware programs are kept up-to-date.
  9. I am just wondering how to get the current time on a weboage. Ive got one that gets the info from the viewers computer, but i want one that gets the time from a server that has the current time and all of that. Can someone help me out with the code?I am currently using Microsoft Frontpage 2003. I also have Dreamweaver MX 2004 if its easier in that.
  10. Dreaveweaver is best for more advanced websites and allows you to create better php pages (dont think frontpage does them). Although saying that, i still use Frontpage due to already having made a few sites with it and getting really familiar to it and its features. For my next site i would use Macromedia Dreaveweaver MX 2004 (which i have on my PC).
  11. Have they currently released a hard drive (available to the public) that can store 1TB (1 Terabyte)?Imagine defragmenting it once you have got 700MB lol - prob 10 hours with Diskeeper Pro.I only have a 20GB hard drive, that little storage is like living in hell!
  12. What distribution of Linux is the best - has the best/most useful features and offers the most compatibility of normal Windows everyday sort of programs? That Wine program is a bit confusing at times and is a bit too complicated for me lol.
  13. I had a mass break out of that damn annoying spyware on my computer. I still have 1 bit of it left that Ad-Aware and Spybot cannoy get rid of for some reason (registry key). Its a nasty one. Most spyware scanners can get rid of it, try scanning in Safe Mode or when it cant remove some threat, allow it to run on windows startup.
  14. lol, my friend still uses Windows 95 lol. I have the Windows 95 upgrade disk/s (never really looked inside the box). I also have that really early OS of Windows 3.11 (which only took up a few MB's lol.my 500MB hard drive died that used to run Win 95 lol (Win 98 SE stuffed it up)
  15. If you have Windows XP, Goto 'Start' (on the taskbar - the bottom bar on the screen) and then 'All Programs' then goto 'Accessories' then click on 'Windows Explorer'. Inside Explorer, you will need to goto the 'Tools' tab at the top, then click on 'Folder Options...'. Inside the folder options area, click on the 'view' tab. Scroll down to the bottom of the list, and unselect 'Use simple file sharing (recommended)'. You will now have the ability to change permissions for the folders and drives. Note: You cannot share folders/files that are inside a user folder thing under Documents & Settings, e.g. C:\Documents & Settings\TheJeffsta\ - you wont be able to share these folders and their sub-folders. If you need to share them, create a copy of that folder elsewhere - The desktop is located through the user folders things and therefore dont create a copy on the desktop, add one to C:\ or somewhere around there. I hope this helps. If you require more help, now that it allows you to set folder/file permissions, sites on google will be able to help you even easier/more.
  16. Does this hosting service have support for phpBB forums and all of that?
  17. Nope it doesnt really seem to be out of beta mode. I still have the invitation box thing with 50 invites left. The homepage still says that its better. Ive only seen a link on the Google Talk site. The mobile signup thing is only for US residence so it is still in beta and quite restricting to the rest of the world.
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