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Everything posted by 20qs

  1. See also: Both quotes above come from en.wikipedia In My Humble Opinion I do not know if Indigo Children Exsisted before the report in the 1970s by Nancy Ann Tappe but they do now, you see fact has a way of forming in peoples minds and once it has become an accepted thing it is then an accepted fact. Whether it is scientific or not or even factual it becomes a fact in the beliefs of those who have found for themselves the exsistance of Indigo Children to be true. Now, to the problem I find in the post that I quoted. It is not advisable to give advice as to whether or not one should or should not take perscribed drugs, if you are having a problem with a diagnosis that you feel to be false then you should seek a second opinion or a third one or even a tenth one. Also we don't know the age of Maggie as this could also be a factor in the diagnosis. Bipolar is a tricky diagnosis and can in some cases lead to schizophrenia and other forms of mental illness. Schizophrrenia though is usually not evident in persons under the age of 18 and usually doesent show up until persons are well into their 20's.
  2. Sometimes if it doesent work in Mozzila but works in Microsoft you can work around it by nesting the divs in layers this though is not W3 Standard. So to be W3 standard you would have to write a subroutine for your page that filters the browser and uses either div or layer accordingly... when all else fails check the page that you are looking at in as many browsers as you can. Because what works in one may not work in all... Also remember to check in opera and other off brand browsers that are niether mozzila or microsoft.
  3. First off the likely hood that you would find an unclaimed island is rather small but, if you did it would be yours to claim and to call what you wish ( ie. free to claim and name) now comes the tricky part, depending on what country is nearest its borders you may have come conflict of interest in whome actually owns the land that you may have come acrossed assuming that you found an undiscovered island. Most of the countries of the world have claimed the land from shore to shore and some countries even claim the land that is under the ocean, some even claim the oceanic waters themselves or at least the portion that is above the land that they have claimed. Also countries claim the land that is under their territories as well as the surrounding land that is under the waters and the sky from ground to the limits of the atmosphere. This is why countries have a problem with unauthorized persons flying into their territories and or floating in to their waters. So, given this you can see that most of the Earth is claimed by one countrie or another. But, if some how you were still able to find an unclaimed island you would have the right to claim it. Also, because it was unclaimed by any country you would also have the right to declaire it a country unto its self and there for no longer subject to taxation or any other outside influances. When stating no other outside influances though I will have to say that human rights and other conciderations would still be in effect for the most part. Also, if you are the sole occupant of this island you may have a bit of a problem in actually declaring it a country be cause of its lack of population and or resources. Its actually a very good question you have there. I hope that you find your answer and that this reply has been helpful.
  4. Hello I am 20qs and I am the owner of 20qs.com... which is a new site that I am currently creating. In fact I have just started so there isn't much there as of yet but, enough about that. I have been an info-holocic all my life and I have been into computers in one way or another since I was 8 years old. Im now 39... I have been building websites of my own since 1996. So I have a bit of knowledge in this field, my interests are very wide, I have a pretty good IQ and I also have life experiance to back it up. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Thanks.
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