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Everything posted by Vistz

  1. Not sure about ysNoi, but as for me, Ubuntu generally runs faster than Windows XP. For one thing, Ubuntu doesn't have the extra files and junk that comes with Windows. The startup and shutdown time are noticeably quicker in Ubuntu. Also, one main thing to add is that Ubuntu does not get viruses. If I recall correctly, as of a few months ago, there were 3 viruses that were known to Linux, and most, if not all, of them have been fixed in subsequent updates.
  2. Wow. This brings back memories. If I remember correctly, I would play Runescape for hours on end. Getting my stats to the next level would be my only objective. And then after that, I would go into the wilderness to see if I could kill other players. Nowadays, I don't have time to play because of college and other commitments. But all in all, those were good times.
  3. Here's a site that I've used before: Text Em I used their services when I was creating Blackberry applications over the summer. This was especially useful since I didn't want to waste the text messages that I had on my plan.
  4. Hi Chinago, welcome to Xisto. I'm also a new member and I hope you'll enjoy it here. I see that you know a lot of web development (scripting) languages. I'm just starting out but I hope to create good websites soon.
  5. Vistz


    Yea, I'm actually working on a website currently. I'm hoping to pick up some tips from everyone here about website development. I know that Xisto is geared towards graphics than Xisto. Hopefully I can use some of your ideas to make my site better. Hope to meet all of you.
  6. I made an account on there and the content is indeed copied/pasted. But if you are in fact the person who wrote the original post, then I apologize. And just to clarify, I didn't intend to personally attack you. I just hate it when the original poster doesn't get credit for their hard work.
  7. If you don't already know, I'm referring to the Google feature where when you type something into Google, the results show up immediately, even without you pressing "Enter". Google Instant has been out for awhile but I want to share my opinion on it anyway.I find this feature annoying because I don't want every search result for the first few characters I type. If I wanted this, I could have just stayed with the old style of searching (hitting Enter). Also, if you stayed with the old style, you would still be getting possible search strings in the drop down box.But on another note, wow. Just wow. I'm really impressed that Google managed to pull this off. And so efficiently too. Bringing up a new page of results for every few (maybe every single) character you type? Then again, it is Google we're talking about. Efficiency is their game so I guess I shouldn't be too impressed. But still.This brings me to my final point. For those of you who have slow connections, Google Instant is going to be a pain to use. As for me, I'm running Ubuntu and for some strange reason, the CPU throttles 15-20 minutes after any sort of CPU intensive process, i.e. watching a video. Because of this, after a few minutes of using Google Instant, my computer slows to a crawl. That's one of the main reasons I decided to stay with the old style of searching.But that's just me. How about you guys? Any good/bad experiences with Google Instant?
  8. Agreed. In my opinion, this was one of the better improvements that Google has come out with. The text under the image itself took up a large portion of the page, collectively of course. The one thing about this I find annoying is that when you click on the image, it takes you to the website the image was found on. Then, the image you clicked on is placed on top of that. My point is that when I clicked the image, I didn't click it to get to the website. But other than that, I don't see any problems with it, unless of course it takes awhile for the pictures to load.
  9. Vistz

    Ysnoi Here...

    Hey ysNoi. Good to see you again. Looks like we have another person over from Xisto .
  10. This is good to know. I'm currently in the process of developing 2 websites and I would like for them to be ranked high in Google. I have one question for you though. What would constitute as a website of PR 7 vs a website of PR 1 or PR 0. I'm just curious because I don't want back links from "bad" websites.
  11. If I were trying to increase my cents, I would make a longer post. But to answer your comment, you're violating the Board Rules when you copy and paste from other sites, like say this one for example: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. I think you're talking about the package where you pay $10 for 10 years. And for that, you would need 1,000 myCents ($1 = 100 myCents.
  13. Good tutorial. Just a reminder to put information in quotes if it's not your original work
  14. That's interesting. But when I got to Xisto - Support and I go to "Order", it gives me the option of domain registration (after I choose a plan). You said that I could get a domain name for free but the only option I see is the one for $12.95 a year.
  15. Hm. I'm not sure about Xisto but it is definitely less active than Xisto. I'm a little disappointed because I was looking forward to responding to more topics.
  16. I have a question regarding domain names. My goal is to make a website where I can put games that I've coded. But I don't have a domain name. I plan to purchase a domain name from Xisto - Support for $10 a year (I think that's the price). What if, some time down the road, I don't want to keep paying Xisto - Support for the domain? For instance, what if I find another web host provider that will allow me to purchase a domain for $9 a year or something? Is there a way to transfer my domain from one host to another?
  17. If you look at "Doing your best" in that regard, then you do not always need to do your best. For example, if you're taking out the trash or solving some simple math problem, then there is no need to try your best. On the other hand, there may be those who are handicapped somehow and in fact need to try their best in order to take out the trash or solve a math problem.I feel like that too many times, individuals underestimate the magnitude of the problem they are trying to accomplish. Therefore, they end up putting less than "their best" and the end product does not look good.My opinion on "Doing your best" is that assess the situation, and put in 10-15% more effort, just in case the problem is more complicated than you anticipated.
  18. It took a little while getting used to but I prefer this new way of viewing Google Images. Now, instead of clicking a link that will take me to the next page of results, all I have to do is scroll down. And if I happen to reach the bottom of the seemingly endless pictures, I can always just go the next one. And if I still haven't found the picture I'm looking for, I would probably refine my search string.
  19. To answer your question, artificial intelligence is exactly what it sounds like. It is something created by a person or group of people in some way to simulate actual intelligence. Intelligence being the thought processes that actual people go through when trying to solve a problem. AI, in its most primal use, is, in my opinion, used in basic games such as Checkers, Connect Four, and even Chess. It is used to come up with a possible move that will result in the computer's win. It is formulated after you make your move. Therefore, it simulates a game played against an actual person. AI has gotten substantially more advanced than just formulating winning game moves.
  20. I've used this site before and I've got to say, I've enjoyed it. The good thing about it is that even if you don't know a thing about hacking, you should be able to find the solutions.
  21. Also, if I knew information on how to hack, I would probably be adverse to teaching it to someone else. I enjoy learning by practice so if I were to start to learn on how to hack, I would most likely practice on someone (something). I would do this in such a way that would not cause permanent damage of course.
  22. These are the test results that I got from my computer that's on the network at my university. I had run the test again at my house earlier and the numbers were close to double the values shown above.
  23. My personal favorite is VLC Media Player. I didn't see it on your list though . I like it because it is lightweight and can play virtually any format. Plus, since I am running Ubuntu, it is a welcome when compared to bulkier programs such as Windows Media Player.
  24. I personally prefer Eclipse. I realize that using NetBeans IDE is a lot easier for creating GUI's. But I like the UI for Eclipse a lot better.
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