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Everything posted by sukhi
] yes it is true he has earned this in some category for junior or weight but he has !
So you say that the Christian missionaries who all the time were trying to make all Indian great people mythology would accept the existence of Ashoka when they found ample proof for the same ? I don think so. Christian cult people never ever will belive anything that is not 110% sure. Ashoka is proven by all scientific methods one being radiocarbon dating. By the same logic that why God who is so powerful wouldnt come down himself then why does the SAME POWERFUL God need a broker ( messiah /prophet ) on his behalf to come down ? you cant apply 2 different logics to same God. are you understanding logic ? Hindusim has more precise dates than Biblical date based on astrnomical and moon date not just a obscure date which begins with a non -existing person Jesus. Astrnomy was btw invented in India. We have much more depth in dates than simple tribal solar calenders. Go and study Indian Astronomy and dates of all Rama , Krishna clearly mentioned in the scriptures. you are mistaken my freind because you have not read anything other than the Bible. Hindu Scriptures detailing God's human form birth are in depth written in the their biographies and also these places exist in India. Sai baba did many miracles and he changed lives of lakhs of people and hence he is on par with Jesus. the system of miracle is considered a deception now. So saying Jesus did miracles and hence he is divine etc makes him more look like the brand of miracle - workers who are increasingly being terms fakesters. Sorry All your arguments are illogical and full of lies. I am not interested in debating with a liar and a cultist. It is just a waste of time debating logic to an illogical guy.
From Wiki : Sorry they found out that BC and AD are not reliable in the scientific and historical community and hence read below : From Wiki : We use this scale now as it is more scientific. Doesnt prove Jesus Existed historically in fact your arguments are further weaking the existence of Jesus. So do you accept that Krishna Existed ?
Thanks Sheffield. I wanted you to post this. My argument rests there . Jesus Doesnt exist. Figure out how
No I am not saying Krishna is Jesus. I am saying do you agree that Krishna Existed ?
Yes totally true. But we have to get out of our comfort homes and do the work. The evil want us to keep cribbing and do nothing as the saying goes : the only think evil needs to triumph is that the good do nothing. We have to get out of our homes , help needy people , do protests against corruption , spread awareness, donate money to organisations who work and not just want to be in AC rooms with the money that is given to them.
I dont want to read all the crap that you have posted. It is just to confuse people. My question is simple : Do you agree that Krishna Existed if Jesus exists only in the domain of Literature of the believers ? Please dont quote me sites ..I can quote you more that he doesnt exist .. so answer my question first Did Krishna exist .. If your answer is No then Jesus also did not exist.
From Wikipedia : now from the last line the no of stars are (7 x 1022) and hence the probablity of life existing only on earth is inverse of it which would be around 10-22 which is a very very low number. Going by this mathematical logic , clearly we have a probablity of life existing only on earth very very verryyyyyy small. why does one want to think that only on earth life exists ?? what special status does earth have it merits life only on earth ??
@Anwii : Nice poem .. it's ryhming is good and even though it is on the negative tone of reality ... it makes for good reading because of the nice rythming and rythmic paragraphs !
Mr. Goenka gives a revolutionary speech where he discusses what is needed to achieve humanity's highest potential. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ He also mentions of Ashoka the Great which shows how world leaders should be. Truly Inspiring.
And you though the Church has been a very benevolent and peaceful ( that is what God wants all to be ) is ? Read here for the entire story : http://see_the_truth.webs.com/Inquisition.html The darkest chapters in the history of human civilisation has been charted out by this evil regime called Church.
yo seem to be a freind of Truefusion and have come to pressurise people by repeating the lie again and again and then people will think that a lie is a true. There is no proof of Christ existing historically. Period. Do you agree to this or not ? I have given enough arguments for it and all know it is true. We are living in the age of reason and your methods of trying to say Christ existed is laughable. So do you agree that if Jesus existed then Krishna existed by the same yardstick of logic that you say : literary sources ? Yes or No i want . I dont want you to do the typical christian way of finding corners and never speaking logic and giving correct answers. btw your statement of addressing him as Him made your cover open. You are a blind christian cult guy. Sorry to say this but that is true. Jesus is a good saint i still agree and from the start i have said the same .. but unless archaelogical proof is found ... he is as good as a legend as Krishna or Greek Gods !
It is not about Jesus It is about whether Jesus existed Historically. It has been proven by comparative studies ( as the persons who belive Jesus existed and do not belive that other great people from other societies existed) , archaelogical evidence ( none ) : It is proven that Jesus did not exist at all. Because if you base the existence of Jesus on books or gospels or christian sources then the same logic is applied to Rama ( Ramayan is a book that talks about his life and actions and places ). We have to apply logic and prove things when people say our diety existed becoz it is listed in our books and yours not because there is no archaelogical evidence and we dont trust your books .. hence by this logic and this is the only logic that can be applied for such cases ..then Jesus doesnt exist. Maybe we find a edict or a paper written by him then his historical authencity will be proven .. till then he is mythological for me like any other mythological figure.
Nice Essay evilsmiley25. It is to the point and takes practicalities of the issue at hand.Bringing back dinosaurs back to life from DNA doesnt seem plausbile because we havent been able to make even a single life cell till now from DNA lol. and we want to achieve an amphibian form back that was not single celled but a very compilcated organism !!. It is similar to say that : let us go the andromeda galaxy when we havent even crossed the solar system. Cloning has been done.. but creating lifeforms from scratch for single - celled animals which exist should be tried first. I do not know if this morally correct because science doesnt have the element of morality embedded in it.
this guy wants to make you sad by showing of his new "booty ". What you can do are 2 things : 1. You get a BF for yourself and show it off to him. 2. You go and congratulate him for getting a kid for himself with a nice greeting card. Just try the second one and he will surely be getting nightmares after you do the second thing. He will be devastated. In such matters of intangibles , the best way is to make him feel that his actions have no effect on you and that you are still being a well - wisher and that you dont care 2 damn for this girl or his kid or his life. this I am suggesting only because he is trying to offend you with his new girl etc. He is evil and you need to show you are an angel. that would make him go crazy when he sleeps in the night and later on he will be repentant too. All the best girl !
Do you want me to psot when you said that radio carbon dating doesnt prove existence of Ashoka ??. you have clearly said that. So I am not putting words in your mouth.Infact you are going what we say is tangential with all that you are saying. If you want to debate then debate statement by statement and not just saying a lot of words that confuse the reader. look at what you are saying : Clearly if the Christian God is the ULTIMATE GOD ( which is easy to prove he is not ) ..then why doesnt he come down to earth in human form or any Form ( as he can do anything ) and make the world a better place. Why does he has to send a son who doesnt achive anything that is peaceful after his death and performs small time miracles which a lot of Saints all over the world have done Like sai baba. Infact if Jesus was god's son then why didnt it happen that peace and honesty came down on human beings. You would surely agree that after 2000yrs of Jesus existence , man has only degraded much and there is more corruption and wars eveywhere. Clearly you are missing the point. According to me Jesus was a good saint and that many like Jesus come and go. Only when God descends himself which he has done in the form of Krishna , Rama would things be set right for a a long time and then again the same set of events will occur. That is more logical than a unseen HE God who claims he is the final God but doesnt have the guts or mind or will to come down in any form and set an example of how life should be lead. Also we are going away from the discussion. So all of us agree now that Jesus 's existence isnt proven historically till now ?
If Government is not the parental entity to the society then who will be ? People : Yes. But governemnt is from the people and hence one cannot say that people are not controlling the government ( it doesnt happen in real life it is the other way round actually ) .. but in any case i feel influencing the government which practically owns everything in a country is the right step. And there are guidelines set by the government to the media for good and morally right potrayal of what the show. I shall post the guidelines too but since the government is corrupt and hence they allow media to pass movies which should be rejected by the censor board but they dont do it because they are paid to get things passed. "The only role government should play is the enforcement of laws against violence toward others, including physical violence, whether intentional or negligent, and theft." Well the government would be like this : Ok let the rapes happen and then we will punish them. If that is the only thing they are doing then we dont need government because even people can beat up rapists and that would instill fear. One has to have prevention too. Having a morally good and free medis is necessaty and the government when does this based on the culture of the society they are trying to stop the disease from occuring so i think Government cant just be sitting with noose to hang all these people ONLY. They have to create conditions in the country so that such events dont take place in the first place and media is one of the things that Government can influence to make conditions in society more conducive for woman to live terror - free from men.
thank you for all your quotes and all of the them are from Christian/western sources . Encyclopedia Britannica is a Christian biased knowledge base which is controlled by Christians. I am not at all against Jesus. What I am against is the fact that when it comes to analysing other faiths persons , these same people who blindly accept the historcity as if he is an historical figure like Gandhi or Putin ... when it comes to Krishna they say he never existed. If I have to look at a people then it would be the Jews who would say if Christ Existed and they do not now belive that he existed or any HISTORICAL records were present then : Look below for the Jewish argument : " I was curious if the Jewish religion believes that Jesus ever existed. If not, then what evidence is used to support this belief? Thank you very much for having this medium of information available. Thank you for your question. The fact is that the Jewish religion is as varied in its beliefs as the number of Jewish people in the world. There are some Jewish people that believe that Jesus never existed that he is a legend like Robin Hood or King Arthur. There are others who believe that he existed, but not as the G-d/man savior that Christianity has made him out to be. Many of these believe that he was simply a second-Temple Jewish man with some different perspectives who gained a following, but proved, just as dozens of others had done, to not be the messiah. There are references to someone with his name in the Talmud. However, because of the time at which this man had to have lived, it cannot be the same Jesus. The only proof for the existence of Jesus is the New Testament itself,there is no outside evidence for his existence. Even the often quoted Jewish Historian Josephus passage about Jesus has been proven to be a forgery. Many people claim that the mere fact that Jesus has made such a global impact is proof enough of his existence, but that brings into the argument the impact of Robin Hood, Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, etc. The book of Mormon has the same proof for its existence and christians will tell you its not the truth. But even so, admitting that he existed still does not prove that he was the messiah. http://www.jewishanswers.org/ask-the-rabbi-1689/did-jesus-ever-exist/ " enemities of Jews and Christians apart , why would the Jews not admit that he existed as they agree to existence of Muhammad who was from the same geographical region ? My hunch will be that he existed because without fire there cannot be smoke. clearly Jesus existed but if he existed them so Did Rama , Krishna applying the same logic.
ahahaha Opaque i am sure if you are in India then you should take the help of your mom. Only she can get all the qualities that you need :)Mom's have such underground networks that they can find any girl of any dimensions and qualities for you. I dont know how they manage it but they too good at it and shall sure give you more than 65000 options to choose from
thank you for welcoming me. I find the forums informative here. The fearless leader who he is ? what is his ID ? If he is a male then i am a male and i am not Gay still ahahah .. so marriage with him maybe in next birth ahahah Thanks for inviting me again !
Very good post Baniboy .. you have answered things that i wanted to and have put logic in the debate.Most of our views are based on self - interest which we tend to call as moral values. But when viewed from totally earth point of view we look at many other factors and not just humans because we are a total system. Population works very well for humans as they have more hands .. they feel they have conquered earth by the law of the more you are the sucessful your species is. But hey we are much less in numbers than bacteria or algae in biomass and numbers So do we say we need to reproduce more and more to make our Ego inflate with the fact that we are everywhere. It wont happen like that. Earth works in cause and effect and many big animals came and went and were reduced to bones by earth. I think humans are no special they are just a species which have been given a temporay home and that our moral values are for our advantage like moral values for any animals are for their advantage !
I do not think you are worth debating. All your statements are counter - contradicting. One one hand you say before that i woulkd not take radio carbon dating as evidence and now you say you know all this. Knowing all this doesnt make the point .. The point is whether Jesus existed or not and you have no proof still to give to me other than lofty talks which are based on blind faith. You find Abrahamic more down to earth ??? what is the meaning of that ? Born of Virgin , miracles , coming back after death etc are down to earth things ??? The only down to earth story is of Buddha. No Miracles only plain logic and psychology has been applied. Have you read anything from him ? Also your talk that Jesus had authority from God is not convincing. There are many God Men who claim around the world that they have authority from God even today and they are doing great work too and they have millions of followers too. So the chosen one can be anyone. Also you have not read Krishna's work and hence please dont comment on something that you have not read. We are not here to discuss religion which you keep bringing in. We are here to discuss whether Jesus existed historically and all here agree that he did not exist histroically. We are not here discussing the bible. We can do that in another thread and trust me Bible has good and bad .. lies and truths like most of the other religious books. Bible infact I dont even consider to be a highest moral book because it is so childish to read in front of Buddha's work or Krishna's Bhagvat Gita. I will start a thread for the same in sometime. Also one last question i Like Jesus can you publicly admit that you have same feelings for Buddha ?
How does one do all this ? Somebody or more people have to do this. We should go out in the open , network with like - minded people in our free time and do it ourselves. Nature may do it who knows .. But that is ofcourse being superstitious. Clearly it is through the actions of Indians who have to do it. Baba Ramdev is coming in .. what we say he wont do etc etc .. negativity we should avoid on people who are trying to do something. because when we say he wont do it or get killed . .we are on the side of evil then ... isnt it the mind of the evil to say bad things about what good people are trying to do ? There is a boiling fever underneath that can explode anytime and then these ministers would be dead before they realise it. My guess is some major war can tilt the nation to the good.. maybe a war made by the americans after their next market crash ? I dont know if that would be the case because that is all future .. What we can do and truthfully is contribute individally even in their personal space to be with righteousness and also oppose evil in action not just in prayers !