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Everything posted by abazi16

  1. abazi16


    Yeah, but what if God(Allah coz I'm a Muslim) doesn't have a face like us, why everyone believes that The God is like humans with legs, arms, face He is more complicated than that. In the bible you read that God is the father of Jesus Christ, ut it can't be possible coz to be the father of someone you must be a human a living organism and God isn't like that we know that all humans one day die and God can't die. If you read the Qur'an you will see things more clearer than now.
  2. I live in Kosovo.I'm in High School, Natural Science Gymnasium.The first shift starts from 7:00 - 12:00 and the second one (mine) 12:20 - 17:20. We don't change our class the professors do, we learn English and French as foreign Languages (some learn german).After elementary school (the ninth class) we choose of which high school now we want to go:- Economic School- Technology School- Medicine School- Art School- Gymnasium (this only for those who are sure that will to to an university)and Technology School.
  3. I answered with Yes 'cause I'm not sure but maybe it can happen that other life exists in another planets, maybe not so intelligent like us but living organism. About the pyramid thing: I saw a documentary of this topic and it was very interesting but confusing too 'cause everyone has his own theory, however we know that Egypt had a lot of slaves so maybe if they all were organized maybe the could build them, and maybe they had good architects and were are not written papers 'cause of wars or something, I'm not sure but it's hard to believe that Aliens did build the Pyramids because if it was so why aren't they coming bake to visit us. Our Art professor at school told as that Mesopotamia people believed that Aliens were here on Earth but are not coming back because we didn't welcome them like they deserve it. :SHowever interesting topic.
  4. Thank you for the great tip, I personally use Flash Disinfector you jsut open this program it asks you to insert the Flash Disk and it cleans it from all Autorun viruses it's really good and fast. The best is that it has only 129 Kb. Flash Disinfector Instructions and Download
  5. Actually I design only for hobby because I don't have a lt of spare time 'cause of the school, but when I design I mostly use this applications:Photoshop CS2 - Don't need any fancy description but I make here all the designing of the site, sometimes other designing like logos, banners, and so on.Adobe ImageReady CS2 - Here I slice the design and prepare all the graphics for web.Dreamweaver - After slicing I edit here my site and optimize it for performance, seo etc.Notepad++ - If I need to make some little changes at the code I use this app. it's easy to use like Notepadd but with extras ( that's why are there pluses )WAMP - stands for windows, apache, mysql and PHP I use this software to test the websites if they work in a web site environment. And I installed Wordpress so if I ever start to design for WP I will test them with this app.Oh and FileZilla - FTP application.
  6. Based on a true story (exactly my story): For me it was my first big love but for her only a "friend I know", my story is simple like the most I loved her but she didn't love me, but inside it was killing. We met at a school trip in Summer 2007, with our school we went to some cool places all over green, mountains and so, it was really beautiful but the it was the trip that I would never forget. After some walking in the forest we saw some girl-friends of us and some other people and went to them to chill with them you know, this was the first moment I saw and Maan was she beautiful I know that maybe I'm exaggerating but you know it's called lovee ... We started to play the game where you spin a bottle and ask the person a question, after 1 hour playing it was her turn and the bottle pointed at me and she asked me "Are you in love?" and I answered "Maybe", she said no the full answer yes or no and then I said "No, not really"... After all the playing and so in this trip it was time to go home her way to home was a little like mine so I took the long road to home just for her and we talked all the time... That day was the greatest I had in that year. After this trip we became friends chat on MSN and sometimes in school, I started to really love her but I didn't tell her that because I thought if she doesn't accept me then our friendship will be destroyed. So I was happy with only the friendship but the worst was coming. After some time she somehow started to fade out from my life not all but the friendship was not anymore so strong, I knew that something was happening but wasn't sure what it was maybe she was dating someone :S. However in the school at the lunch time some girl-friends of me started to talk about her and I got closer to listen to them and they said that she is dating another guy (name was specified) and that maybe they slept with another :S... Wow this was the famous part where my heart brake and Man was it hurting, I didn't knew at the moment if I hated her, myself or that guy, I was so disappointed. I even that day had a test I studied but I was so focusing on my own problems so I forgot all the answers and got an 1 Note(it's the worst note that you can get at my country :S). When I came home I was all the time thinking of her and the worst part was that I was imagining how it was with her if I had told her about my love or were it get worse... Man I hated myself for that... In a month the Summer 2008 and I decided that I must forget her, a friend of me said that I must fight for my love you know but I knew that she loved him because I think that the first person that you sleep with some way or other you must love him, so I knew that our love didn't have a future .. ehm I mean my love because for her the word "OUR" associated with me didn't exist she even didn't know about that. So I decided that I must slowly fade out from her even that it was really heart braking. Now I'm seventeen years old I almost forgot her but it's good sometimes to think of like " Oh my first love " . However I was happy that I could share my story with someone. Thank you for listening Sincerely, Shkumbin(Abazi16)
  7. Yeah, that's a good point but the problem is that IE6 is still used by some N00bs( if I can call them so ) that don't know and don't want to know about all the advantages that can bring them Firefox, Safari, Chrome etc. I think that it's our job to open them their eyes and tell them all the possibilities that come with the other browsers, and explain them the "IE6 PNG Problem" and that's why they can't view some web sites. Some Firefox version and Opera and maybe the other browser too support Win 98/Me operating systems because the people that use IE6 with that OS maybe don't change their browser because they think the better browsers don't support their operating systems, anyway that's not true and the upgrade is really easy. IE6 in the time it was released it was maybe the best but now the newer versions (IE7,IE8) didn't bring us a lot of changes so the others took the market.
  8. Ah thank you for the info of CCleaner and Avast I use them for a year now. Yeah I know that the solution of this is not so simple here at my neighborhood I know that some friends of me use still IE6, I said to them to change this to upgrade to e better browser liek firefox or opera, but they just don't want too they are too lazy and they say " who cares it can open web pages I don't need more" ( yeah some of them ). Anyway maybe in the future hoping the in the near future this might change.
  9. The topic you have chosen is really interesting and I've haven't encounter it anywhere else (Y).I'm with you on that 'cause the everyday technology that we use is making us lazy...OK really lazy, It's true that it has all the advantages but the are disadvantages too that we don't want to see... All the Apocalypse Games, war games, Porn when ever you want, you call your brother/sister that's upstairs on the phone even you could go where by walking and do a little fitness...Oh yeah, now what about sports when I was a bit younger me and my friends used to play all the day long football when we came home we made our homework and fell to sleep 'cause we there really tired and happy yeah and fit . The obesity in America is nowadays a huge problem but the solution is simple " Less Tech(game. cell phones) More Sport(swimming, basketball). These there my two cents, I agree with the thread opener.
  10. My Vote: Let it burn in hell! Because of all the bad memories I have with this application... I couldn't visit two sites a day without getting an error or when it worked it all of a sudden just stopped working.And as a hobby I design web pages and I know it's impossible to have support for IE6 without destroying your design :".So, IE6 goodbye for ever, please don't make any trouble in Application Heaven or Program Hell or wherever you're going.
  11. Thank you for the great welcome, I right now feel like a part of the family .Will try my best to contribute here a lot.
  12. Hi, my name is Shkumbin and I come from Kosovo... em you know the new nation in Europe, however the main reason that I'm here is the the offer of free hosting but that doesn't mean that I can't spend here my free time by getting some new knowledge and for sure share something that I know about the internet.Hope that I will enjoy my time here.Thank you
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