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Posts posted by OpaQue

  1. I will recommend to stay away or Do Not use these Services with your Main - Website Domain.No one knows Google Algo. thats a fact and they change and evolve pretty fast... so its stupid to imagine a company @ $45 per phrase are going to keep up with Google and Give you ranking on #1 Page. a Ranking like "Jims Pizza at Walnut" is a different case... the competition is different. But just ranking "Pizza at Walnut" is a whole different story. Forget about "Pizza Delivery".Please make a Good Website and submit it to Google.com/addurl yourself. Add your Service to Google Locals and Google Maps. Create a Google Page and keep up with it. Exchange links with few good partners in your business.. or if possible - do a genuine press release and it will take care of most of outbound SEO :)As for Inbound SEO -if you have a (dynamic) CMS based website - get a SEO module that will do all the job for you.. while you simply write articles.If you have a (static) HTML website - you need to learn how to write articles (keeping SEO in mind - and give it to your Designer)

  2. After doing SEO for soooo many years.. I would like to say something about this here...1. almost every website you reach out there, uses google technologies someway or other.2. google knows a lot more about your content through your visitorsFew years back - search engine relied mainly on scanning the content and replying with the most relevant result in SE-index / database.Now, Judging the good content is the whole purpose of Search Engines.How do you Define GOOD content?But Hey... Good Content was OLD story... We are now talking about Google. Its now, more than a search engine.My discussion goes to 2 directions here from SEO perspective :-A. Are we targetting any other search engine than Google ? (10% of the Total Market)B. Are we Targetting Google? (90% of the Market)So, Obviously, the answer being B - We are not talking Search Engine Optimization any more.... its Google Optimization.So, How does Google define a Good Search Result?1. Read only your Website Data and Compare it with BILLION others and give you Points ??2. See how many other Sites link to you and Give you Points?3. Study your visitors behavior on your Website and then decide whether you are Good or Bad ?Our Own interaction with Websites give our a lot of key information about how much we like the website. Well, not from one person .. but imagine, millions of people surfing and constantly giving data to google about their behaviour with different sites. If you were Google ? Would you let this Data go Waste?There are many many good websites out there who are competing with each other and you want Google to tell you.. the BEST. The solution is to build a Super Computer with a an Articfical Intelligence superior to humans which properly predicts What "we" are going to like. OR Simply watch us and decide what we like :)The Moral of the Story :- Shortcuts to Top-Page of Google is reducing exponentially by every passing day because Google gets smarter faster than your SEO techniques. So.. Please focus on doing the REAL thing and using your Website as an effective Tool - as it should be. If you still got time - make your site better for your visitors :) google will know... ;) Adding a few keywords to your page aint gonna make any difference... anymore.

  3. If you have spare time from life and office, then perhaps you can think about starting a new occupation :) The Internet is a great place to start learning and I m sure, It will help you get started. Think about your hobbies - may be you will find a way to be useful to the society doing what you like.As for Online money making websites, Beware! As a lot Lot of them are Scam Sites that promise you Money Making Opportunities... To help you make Thousands - they must charge you something in hundreds. - thats the catch...everything else is freely available online :-)

  4. I m no longer the iPhone Fan. My opinion : Com`on Apple - you have earned enough.. Your hardware should be geared towards following standards so that people need not buy special equipment and carry it around everywhere.Apple should have a friendly approach to other Companies and Products like Google Maps which most of us love. Apple should focus its energy on other innovative things instead of competing.. I do not feel they are creating a platform for the users. Their actions speak otherwise.

  5. Hello All,We will be migrating this forum to a New Server soon. Its an Experiment and during this process there are 2 cases :-1. Best Case - All Goes Well @ upto 15 min. downtime.2. Worst Case - All Goes Well @ Downtime more than 15 min.I will update this topic on the Day I do this.Then for 3 Days we would be Testing the New Setup - hoping for the Best. If Things do not proceed as Expected, We will be forced to revert back to Old Setup. And It will again mean we are back to stage 1 process of re-migrating the data but vice versa. i.e. Getting latest updates from New Server back to Old-Server.If new Setup Rocks - I will party for a day and get busy with with Post-Migration Work from the next day on wards... :wacko: Wish me Luck ^_^

  6. I know a lot of my friends here dislike the name Xisto. I dunno .. I failed to explain then.


    But there are two types of Questions,


    1. Question with only ONE answer.

    2. Question with Many Answers.


    Hence, Xisto was a name chosen for a site which focused more on Type 2 Questions.



    On the Otherhand, StackOverflow is a best example of Type-1 discussion.


    I also had another plan on building kdiscuss based on stackOverflow type Question/Answers Website. Wat Say? ^_^


    Please .. Please .. shower your Opinions.

  7. Dont Rev a Sportsbike Recklessly - Hayabusa stopped due to overload.A Sportsbike is Great Power with Great Responsibility. Its a feeling of Rocket on land. So... the moral of this post is that, REVing superbikes is DIFFERENT that reving any NORMAL bike.These rocketmachines are designed to take you to SPEEEDS that just goes beyond thrill and CONTROL. And thiscalls for super sensitive accelerators.. just like power steering. So long story short, I was playingwith my friends new hayabusa (a limited edition one.. and happened to rev it too hard, which stopped the engine)// skipping the mental truma of managing to screw up a $$$$$$ machine //The problem is, the bike would behave as if its run out of battery. Needless to say, We needed help.There is a fuel pump primer controlled by a fuse which ensures that engine is running as long as things a manageable. If the ECU of the bike feels that your RECKLESS REVING is going to make thing bad then it resorts to blowing up this fuse (we call it relay fuse). Once this fuse is Blown, your Bike is safe from MAJOR MECHANICAL DAMAGE! God Bless that person of thought of this and installed that fuse in the first place, which helped us prevent a major ****.So this relay-fuse was the thing that was blown out and caused the bike not to start by cutting off the fuel supply.Replacing this fixed the bike instantly..I hope this info. helps any friend whose superbike is handled by a noob...Regards.Cheers!

  8. I am not running the script automatically because every round of script requires us to do moderation of the latest posts so that spam posts do not get mycents. You can now see that guest are allowed to posts but are subjected to moderation, This adds to the work load we already have. Whoever executes the script monitors for any reports or errors - Things like mismatched email address in Billing and Forum.. and so on. But be assured, whenever the script executes (usually once a day).. it takes care of all un-calculated actions like new posts and new topics, post edits etc. and credits you with appropriate mycents accordingly.Soon, I will ensure that more rounds of moderation are performed and the script is executed more than once a day.

  9. You are right, there are many advertisement posts that need to be straight off deleted than quoted and warned. It makes no sense - unless its got a discussion going on about that topic.There was an advertisement posted right on this thread! I deleted it now.. This is all because I have activated posting permissions for guests. However, Guest posts require moderation to become visible on the forum to everyone. I still have to figure out a way for this spam problem though.. Captcha is not effective and many many spammers are being hired globally to do this dirty work purposely.Anyway, I searched "google" for the music site on asta and deleted all the threads I found. If you find any more, PM me please. or use the "report" button.

  10. "Lorem" 'ipsum' dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus auctor, lectus in rutrum sollicitudin, diam ipsum porttitor dui, luctus ullamcorper magna sem non enim. Nunc pulvinar libero ut ipsum condimentum tincidunt. Suspendisse velit mauris, mattis eu auctor sit amet, eleifend sed orci. Quisque id accumsan neque. Suspendisse et lectus id ligula convallis tristique sed non risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam a lacus ligula. Aenean luctus convallis diam sed euismod. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin pellentesque ultricies risus, at gravida quam posuere eu. Phasellus varius metus at tellus viverra congue. Aliquam tincidunt lacinia rhoncus. Aenean feugiat justo ac quam tristique tristique at vitae diam. Nam pretium sollicitudin mauris, ac fermentum lectus vehicula quis. Integer pharetra volutpat lacus, sed bibendum lacus tristique ut.


    Praesent at hendrerit eros. Sed tempor libero non est fermentum non luctus lorem porta. Maecenas nulla augue, cursus a pulvinar ut, mattis aliquam magna. Duis accumsan fermentum porta. Cras ullamcorper diam semper augue sollicitudin quis volutpat magna laoreet. Cras vel lectus id nisi consectetur faucibus. In vel sagittis leo. Suspendisse vel orci a neque interdum aliquet.

    Mauris pellentesque scelerisque augue, id bibendum velit fermentum quis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus

    et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas lectus tortor, posuere mattis laoreet et, interdum eget massa. Sed rhoncus, orci sit amet suscipit elementum, neque neque dignissim ligula, ac aliquam eros augue a ligula. Nulla mi arcu, varius a dapibus eget, lobortis eu mi. Pellentesque sed libero vitae metus porta convallis. Proin vel quam orci.
    Nullam auctor hendrerit faucibus. In rhoncus sagittis faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla facilisi. Sed ac nisl sed urna ultricies vestibulum. Fusce odio risus,

    vulputate eu adipiscing vel, sollicitudin at ipsum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed blandit, ante nec posuere varius, quam velit sagittis sem, at condimentum velit lacus nec elit. In sit amet libero ut nunc imperdiet accumsan. Praesent sit amet turpis nec nisl ultrices vehicula quis at lorem. Donec et eros odio. Nam eleifend, felis ultrices euismod mattis, est dolor lobortis eros, condimentum commodo augue lacus vel diam. Vivamus nec turpis purus, ut pulvinar lacus.


    define:Fusce pellentesque nibh sed augue consequat pharetra. Ut sed ipsum nulla, sollicitudin luctus velit. Sed non lobortis sapien. Nunc mattis metus eu justo tempor non egestas odio iaculis.


    search:Ut consequat mauris sit amet urna vulputate tristique


    consectetur nibh bibendum. Nullam ornare pharetra dolor quis ornare. Sed iaculis fermentum molestie. Morbi dignissim dapibus varius. In bibendum, arcu sed congue pharetra, ligula magna ornare metus, quis condimentum nunc dui et nisl. Duis eget diam vitae lacus sagittis sollicitudin eu vitae tortor.


    Integer varius aliquet magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur eget lorem orci. Nunc tortor metus, cursus nec imperdiet id, porta ac justo. Nunc iaculis faucibus sapien quis congue. Morbi a gravida eros.



    </p><p> Nam est sem, luctus eu rhoncus sit amet, venenatis at elit. Integer sagittis semper enim et rutrum. Nulla porttitor augue eu purus feugiat eleifend. Aenean luctus, ipsum vestibulum dignissim ullamcorper, nunc ante placerat ipsum, eu pretium diam lacus auctor lorem. Nam luctus, tortor in congue venenatis, lorem elit dignissim erat, eget placerat enim massa et mi. Sed pretium scelerisque purus, vel ornare felis fermentum non.</p>


    [marquee='']Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus auctor, lectus in rutrum sollicitudin, diam ipsum porttitor dui, luctus ullamcorper magna sem non enim. Nunc pulvinar libero ut ipsum condimentum tincidunt.[/marquee]


    Suspendisse velit mauris, mattis eu auctor sit amet, eleifend sed orci. Quisque id accumsan neque. Suspendisse et lectus id ligula convallis tristique sed non risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.




    Proin pellentesque ultricies risus, at gravida quam posuere eu. Phasellus varius metus at tellus viverra congue. Aliquam tincidunt lacinia rhoncus. Aenean feugiat justo ac quam tristique tristique at vitae diam. Nam preti


    um sollicitudin mauris, ac fermentum lectus vehicula quis. Integer pharetra volutpat lacus, sed bibendum lacus tristique ut.


    Praesent at hendrerit eros. Sed tempor libero non est fermentum non luctus lorem porta. Maecenas nulla augue, cursus a pulvinar ut, mattis aliquam magna. Duis accumsan fermentum porta. Cras ullamcorper diam semper augue sollicitudin quis volutpat magna laoreet. Cras vel lectus id nisi consectetur faucibus. In vel sagittis leo. Suspendisse vel orci a neque interdum aliquet. Mauris pellentesque scelerisque augue, id bibendum velit fermentum quis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas lectus tortor, posuere mattis laoreet et, interdum eget massa. Sed rhoncus, orci sit amet suscipit elementum, neque neque dignissim ligula, ac aliquam eros augue a ligula. Nulla mi arcu, varius a dapibus eget, lobortis eu mi. Pellentesque sed libero vitae metus porta convallis. Proin vel quam orci.

    Nullam auctor hendrerit faucibus. In rhoncus sagittis faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla facilisi. Sed ac nisl sed urna ultricies vestibulum. Fusce odio risus, vulputate eu adipiscing vel, sollicitudin at ipsum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed blandit, ante nec posuere varius, quam velit sagittis sem, at condimentum velit lacus nec elit. In sit amet libero ut nunc imperdiet accumsan. Praesent sit amet turpis nec nisl ultrices vehicula quis at lorem. Donec et eros odio. Nam eleifend, felis ultrices euismod mattis, est dolor lobortis eros, condimentum commodo augue lacus vel diam. Vivamus nec turpis purus, ut pulvinar lacus.


    Fusce pellentesque nibh sed augue consequat pharetra. Ut sed ipsum nulla, sollicitudin luctus velit. Sed non lobortis sapien. Nunc mattis metus eu justo tempor non egestas odio iaculis. Ut consequat mauris sit amet urna vulputate tristique consectetur nibh bibendum. Nullam ornare pharetra dolor quis ornare. Sed iaculis fermentum molestie. Morbi dignissim dapibus varius. In bibendum, arcu sed congue pharetra, ligula magna ornare metus, quis condimentum nunc dui et nisl. Duis eget diam vitae lacus sagittis sollicitudin eu vitae tortor.

    Integer varius aliquet magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur eget lorem orci. Nunc tortor metus, cursus nec imperdiet id, porta ac justo. Nunc iaculis faucibus sapien quis congue. Morbi a gravida eros. Nam est sem, luctus eu rhoncus sit amet, venenatis at elit. Integer sagittis semper enim et rutrum. Nulla porttitor augue eu purus feugiat eleifend. Aenean luctus, ipsum vestibulum dignissim ullamcorper, nunc ante placerat ipsum, eu pretium diam lacus auctor lorem. Nam luctus, tortor in congue venenatis, lorem elit dignissim erat, eget placerat enim massa et mi. Sed pretium scelerisque purus, vel ornare felis fermentum non.



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  11. FREE WEB HOSTING / Free Web Solutions
    correctly put, POST TO HOST website hosting. (member testimonials)

    ( these steps are for those people who are extremely impatient and want to get started without reading the instruction manual )

    • Signup here (our forum), Contribute & Share knowledge by discussing here. Everytime you post here, you get points called "myCENTS". You will receive funds automatically when you post and you will be alerted on your email. Once your earning is about $2, you can buy a website package at Shopping Area. Participate in this forum to earn myCENTS. (Please observe forum discipline instructions strictly)
    • Signup at our Shopping Area,
    • This is the area where your earnings (myCENTS) from forum participation will be deposited. This money can be used to buy any of our products using myCENTS. You are not required to have any credit-card and there is no age limit.
      myCENTS: We have a point system called "myCENT". And yes, each myCENT represents 1 American "cent". The goal is to make good posts and gather 100 cents. Every time you cross 100, your cents will be converted to US Dollar and deposited into Xisto - Support.com Billing/Shopping area. So Keep Discussing and Continue Earning More Funds(myCENTS) to buy anything offered at Xisto - Web Hosting.com :)

      Benefits & Rewards - *free web hosting without ADS* - yourName.com Free!

      As a reward for your contribution to this little Community, We will give you advanced & quality Web service or website(s) for Free. This includes your own (YourName.com/.net/.org... etc.) Website (Registration Service), Personalized yourname.com Email Solution, Software & Knowledge for Creating, Administrating, Promoting & making revenue from your own Website. Web Hosting service supporting latest Technology like PHP, ASP, MYSQL, MSSQL, Ruby on Rails, JSP Tomcat, Python, CPanel etc. For advanced web developers, we will even help you setup your own Private Virtual Server for FREE!

      When it comes to Web Services, Our commitment is pure Quality. All our Products can be purchased FREE by contributing posts in this forum..For any kind of Web-Help or Website Solutions, please e-mail - sales [@] Xisto - Web Hosting.com. OR call : +1 (213) 984-1190. :-)

      The Deal / Catch here is Simple, For your Sincere participation for sharing knowledge, We research the Web for you to serve the BEST Web Solutions with Reliability, Uptime & Security. Our mission is to help everyone enrich their lives using The Internet & we believe that today, having Online Presence is a must for everyone.


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  12. @BANIBOY : Go and Eat something... you really are STARVING as your MOOD suggests.. Help, only you if can. else, you are free to keep quiet. Don't act like Anwii. @WD: Thanks. You are right, putting Xisto in the main page makes no sense now :) I will focus mainly on KS and its services.. As for the W3C Logo, I will get it removed as I see no point of why its there.

  13. Please make sure you have configured/created the Database Correctly. Each Database connection requires you to have :-Database user, Database Password and Database Name. Also, the Database user should have enough privileges to connect to your database.

  14. I see so many forums and after I read them in my persistence to follow all the rules than I notice the year posted. Will we always have to see everything from the beginning of time? Is this a good thing? Is this just the way it is? Please share?

    No we will soon add a date cap so that you see posts from only 1 or 2 days old. This way there is a higher chances for replies to your posts.
  • Create New...

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