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Posts posted by OpaQue

  1. I love it when... my dog puts his head out the dog door when I come home :P

    haha.. I wish my dog did that!
    (sorry.. 1 point is too less.. I put my 3 best :) )

    I love it when....

    - I go to a place and find my friends waving at me.
    - I arrive at signal just when it go Green
    - my customer switch from shared hosting to dedicated server

    XD can write a 10000 more.... I dun want to steal the fun. :)

  2. * How often will the new mycents update?--- Not Decided yet. But Every member is checked only once per 24 hours.* What is the name of the new mycents? Is it still mycents v4?--- I feel, myCENT v4.0 is good name :)* How does the moderator editing the mycents work?--- This Feature does not exist.* Can you code a sidebar widget that tells the recent myCent rewarders?--- rewarders as in?* Can you have contests like SOTW or Army System where the winners get myCents as rewards? It could be loads of fun :P--- Possible :)* Can you add a link to Xisto Billing at the top menu? Something called 'Hosting', or 'Hosting CP' or 'Xisto CP' or just 'Billing' or 'Support'?--- No Space currently. But yes, this will be done.* Can you make it so that Blog Posts get myCents too? This could really promote blog posts in the forum.--- I have no plans for incorporating blog posts into mycents. However, there is a new Question/Answers script which I m planning to bridge with member-database which will help earn myCENTs for taking part in Q/A. (This is still a Plan)

  3. @deadmad7: Your Code won't serve the purpose here. I can only have a "direct" url to image. The URL should download binary data of image and render it in browser... your code, downloads the html and then renders it in browser. so your output format is HTML.@truefusion - thanks man :) This helps. Doubt 1 :-Don't you need to add "content/type" header to tell the browser that the file is actually an image. If you do this, I think you will not have to rename the file to *.jpg. Doubt 2 :-I hope the server does not allow the file to be downloaded without compiling the php. (because of jpg extension). Or it may need some special lines in .htaccess file.

  4. Okay, so now that the question of myCents is out of the way, I have a question for everyone who might know the answer (since this is an active topic, I suppose the quickest way to get my answer is by posting here, hope you don't mind):
    Why, oh why, can't I pick up the money I got from referrals on my Xisto account? It says there that eleven people clicked on the link, but still I can't see the button that would say "Take your money, you've earned it". Anyone have a clue why?

    Thanks for the answer in advance.

    You are talking about the Affiliate System at Xisto - Support.com/billing.
    It gives you a link to refer people to earn 15% commission on any signup.
    The option to pick up your cash is available once you earn $50.

    ohhhhh i really like that feature! it is well needed and a good addition. it will help promote more new topics. it might give the moderators a harder job if people start new topics about topics that have already been started if they know they will get more mycents. that will be a concern.
    litte A- i would assume a referral would actually have to buy hosting to get any credit for a referral. i may be wrong but that seems like common sense but a good question none the less! i am curious about the answer

    I can code a bridge between referral system & mycents. But we need a reliable referral script for forums first :). This is already in my Task list, but I m not discussing it or mentioning any date/time. :)

  5. Dear all, myCENT v4.0 is Up! YaY!!! Please check your forums or Xisto - Support/billing for the update :)


    I ran the script first to calculate the posts and 2 members were missed. I will manually update their credit.


    7593 ... Rob Valkass

    93501 ... alex gmark

    Then the script was executed again to do adjustments and also distribute some bonus mycents for post date relevancy. The new script will give more credits to members depending on how soon a reply is made to a topic (after its created.. and ofcourse, the topic starter gets maximum credits for taking effort to start a topic) :)


    This email just contains the extra amount each member got. Sorry, the first mail which included the actual credits was not delivered. However, I got the mails in my mailbox and I can mail it to you on request.


    The Forum Profile should reflect the correct myCENTS and EARNINGS.


    Xisto - Support Billing has been updated with the new Amount. If you remember your old balance, subtract to know about your myCENTS..(sorry again.. :P )


    :EVIL: myCENT stats (since forum upgrade to v3.0) :P


    web_designer made 46 USD from 443 posts. [HIGHEST]

    truefusion leads by making 32 USD from 89 posts.

    rpgsearcherz gets 31 USD from 160 posts.

    k_nitin_r gets 23 USD from 98 posts.

  6. I ran the script first to calculate the posts and 2 members were missed. I will manually update their credit.


    7593 ... Rob Valkass

    93501 ... alex gmark

    Then the script was executed again to do adjustments and also distribute some bonus mycents for post date relevancy. The new script will give more credits to members depending on how soon a reply is made to a topic (after its created.. and ofcourse, the topic starter gets maximum credits for taking effort to start a topic) :)


    This email just contains the extra amount each member got. Sorry, the first mail which included the actual credits was not delivered. However, I got the mails in my mailbox and I can mail it to you on request.


    The Forum Profile should reflect the correct myCENTS and EARNINGS.


    Xisto - Support Billing has been updated with the new Amount. If you remember your old balance, subtract to know about your myCENTS..(sorry again.. :P )

  7. interesting. will there be time limits set to edit your own posts?

    No. :)
    -- another news: I chucked off the domain "knowledge2.us"... if anyone remembers, I had registered it for people who complained having to type long name in url bar. Just now, I found this one "myKS.us" - I feel, its cooler, smaller n better ;)

    myKS.us : KS as in Xisto and not... kamasutra :P
    compared to old domain "Xisto", it has 2 less characters.

    so... like it ? :unsure:

  8. for anyone who uses the chat room, it has been buggy recently. we have been given an error message when we try to enter. it's almost like when we click to enter the chat room, the request gets stuck in a queue or something. i have successfully entered by hitting the back button and trying to enter again. sometimes it takes 20 attempts but eventually, you are able to enter. once you get in there, there are no worries. it's just when you try to enter the room.

    Invision is Crying because of this. I am sure, its their Hosting Provider to blame. I have complained about it there, Hopefully, its fixed soon.

  9. [sorry, this is a double post, my dear staff - please dun ban me :P ]


    I have AUTOMATED the e-mail linking procedure. So most of the complaints related to mycent system about changing email address should be solved. Basically, you can now change your email address at forum and billing safely, without breaking the mycent system.


    EDIT feature will work for all posts made after Thu, 06 May 2010 00:00:00 GMT. (just being precise)


    Also, the added feature about MODERATORS/STAFF not getting the power to mess with myCENTs required a little change in DB structure, however... it killed the whole purpose of MyCENT in first place. I mean, myCENT was introduced to help moderation.. However, I programmed a method where myCENTs would still be used for moderation.. but in a way which will keep things transparent and at the same time also help us deal with spammers.


    Negative MyCENTS will not cause Deduction at Billing Center. However, Negative MyCENTS will be stored in your account until you clear the balance. Previously, any spamming causing a negative MyCENT balance would affect your "real" credits.


    Also, The EMAIL report containing "Accounted Posts" will give you number of only UPDATED/CHANGED/NEW posts only and not the total posts you have which were accounted.


    My CODING of myCENT is complete and I m in the TESTING phase. However, If I find BUGS or any NEW idea.. I will shamelessly delay it further.. updating everyone, ofcourse :)If you are short of mycents, like I said, just PM me :)


    FOR TICKET RELATED QUERIES, PM me and I will investigate your case personally.

    OR kindly open NEW thread to complain (in mycent v4.0, Topics get more myCENTS than before :-) )


    Peace... umm.. , actually, ENJOY and HAVE A BLAST - until we are back w/ myCENTS to TRAP you! XD

  10. Almost done guys.. patience.

    Most of the new Members who don't get hosting here are applying at Qupis. So, things are CooL! no worries.


    Anyway, the UPDATES!


    I have AUTOMATED the e-mail linking procedure. So most of the complaints related to mycent system about changing email address should be solved.


    EDIT feature will work for all posts made after Thu, 06 May 2010.


    Also, the added feature about MODERATORS/STAFF not getting the power to mess with myCENTs required a little change in DB structure, however... it killed the whole purpose of MyCENT in first place. I mean, myCENT was introduced to help moderation.. However, I programmed a method where myCENTs would still be used for moderation.. but in a way which will keep things transparent and at the same time also help us deal with spammers.


    Negative MyCENTS will not cause Deduction at Billing Center. However, Negative MyCENTS will be stored in your account until you clear the balance. Previously, any spamming causing a negative MyCENT balance would affect your "real" credits.


    Also, The EMAIL report containing "Accounted Posts" will give you number of only UPDATED/CHANGED/NEW posts only and not the total posts you have which were accounted.


    My CODING of myCENT is complete and I m in the TESTING phase. However, If I find BUGS or any NEW idea.. I will shamelessly delay it further.. updating everyone, ofcourse :)If you are short of mycents, like I said, just PM me :)


    FOR TICKET RELATED QUERIES, PM me and I will investigate your case personally.

    OR kindly open NEW thread to complain (in mycent v4.0, Topics get more myCENTS than before :-) )


    Peace... umm.. , actually, ENJOY and HAVE A BLAST - until we are back w/ myCENTS to TRAP you! XD

  11. Sure they'll blend... they are all blue and so the forum. And I think a banner rotator will be splendid idea!


    Hmm.. who can make me a little php script which outputs IMG file stored in a folder randomly? please.... :)


    I think, we should :-

    Keep the design of the logo.. matching the homepage layout.

    Change the font of "knowledge". (i m still searching a good font to change it on Home Page too)

    Enlarge the text to make it more readable.

  12. I can't see this banner, it says I don't have enough permission or something... maybe something is wrong with the user system or permissions?


    Sorry, I will get this checked :)


    I like Truefusion & SaintMichaels logo and this one by WD.

    Posted Image


    However, Will they blend in properly?

    How about a PHP program to rotate the top banner with the submissions we receive?

  13. Hi Comp2, Welcome to Xisto :) Please make sure you have more than 10 posts. Once you cross 10 posts, you will get a welcome email confirming that your forum account and Xisto - Support billing account have been linked together.The myCENT system is currently down and will be up soon.Please be assured that your posts are calculated and you will not lose any mycents. :)Thank you,Shree


    Maximum number of images users in this group can add to their signature - 2

    Maximum dimensions of images users in this group can use in their signature - Max Width (px): x Max Height (px): - 300 x 300

    Maximum number of urls users in this group can add to their signature - 3

    Maximum number of lines users in this group can use in their signature - 6

    THAT was just SO uncalled for... -_-


    1. Put a max of 3 or 4 images.

    2. I don't know. Enough to allow signatures like my Steam one.

    3. At least allow around 3-4 or so URLs...

    4. Around 10 to 15 lines maybe?



    Maximum number of images users in this group can add to their signature - 3

    Maximum dimensions of images users in this group can use in their signature - Max Width (px): x Max Height (px): - 400 x 400 / COMMON SENSE

    Maximum number of urls users in this group can add to their signature - 5 (no advertisements though and unlimited ks links if possible :D)

    Maximum number of lines users in this group can use in their signature -]12


    Okay... I agree that is a bit awkward but while they have gotten 'GURU' we have gotten (we = members) 'Contributors' added to our title. But I wish it could be edited to just Contributors or Knowledge Contributors (is that too long? maybe Kontributors? get it ? knowledge + contributors = kontributors :D)

    Fantastic idea - new Member title - Kontributors :)




    Maximum number of images users in this group can add to their signature - 2

    Maximum dimensions of images users in this group can use in their signature - Max Width (px): x Max Height (px): - 300 x 300

    Maximum number of urls users in this group can add to their signature - 3

    Maximum number of lines users in this group can use in their signature - 10

    Kontributors, Feel free to post more Suggestions by creating a new Topic / Thread / Sutra :)



  15. Authentication modules CHECK license by communicating to REMOTE server. For. e.g. the chat module on this forum contacts invision before connecting users to chat. If the remote server(3rd party, not ours) is down, you will get an error.The license validation error comes if you access the billing/support area from inside xisto.com web page. This error will be solved later.Please visit the following url directly:-SUPPORT / BILLING: https://support.xisto.com/

  16. I wish I COULD JUST REMOVE that GUEST feature!!! LORD! Sorry, I will ignore the rest of this conversation.

    And Anwii.. I m happy that you get more time to Talk on my forums than me :) no words for you, you are simply Genius.


    And we have been talking logic -- from the second you made 'New Name for Xisto' topic, we WARNED you about Xisto and tried to use logic on you but you simply wouldn't listen to the logic from the votes and changed the name anyway. How are we supposed to TRUST (like wd said) if you are taking our ideas or ignoring them now? You have lost my trust. What's your response to that?

    Xisto is a Plan I discussed with many intelligent people around me in PERSON. A lot of things were talked and decided. So, I just wanted your opinion.. I m sorry, for breaking your heart.. but this new place will be better than before.


    Its difficult to APPLY all suggestions.. trust me.


    And I don't the kKS looks stylish at all, it just looks like a MiSTAKE, you should just write Xisto - Discuss Anything! , it could really help with the SEO and google pageranks. The Open Discussion should also be REPLACED it makes it seem like a public and not a community like forum, it makes it seem like any idiot can come here and post answers. People could become reluctant to post their problems.


    Navigation URL changed - This is the name of the board. It is used as the first link in the navigation menu, etc.

    Board Name Changed - This is the name of the board. It is used as the first link in the navigation menu, etc.

    Thanks man :)
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