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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Thanks a bunch alex7h3pr0gr4m3r! I have put the Avatar up
  2. The Feedbacks have not been approved yet. I will approve some now to get the posts number up
  3. Usually DNS updates get the site down for atleast 5-6 hours. Thanks to the expertise of my L3 engineers, we developed a script to add extra DNS extries for Nameservers so that, your site has 0 downtime. You must change your nameserver soon because NS1 will no longer receieve any DNS updates from our cluster of servers. If you do not change it, your site will stop working in future without notice because of any DNS changes. Your subdomains / addon domains or parked domains which you configure later on will not work. The new nameservers are the only nameservers which will be up-to-date with the information it needs to have about your website. I once again request all our members to please update the nameservers as soon as possible to avoid running into any type of confusion later.
  4. If you do not change it, your site will stop working in future without notice because of any DNS changes we might take from our end. The new nameservers are the only nameservers which will be up-to-date with the information it needs to have about your website. This update does not affect sub-domains If this site is registered by Xisto - Web Hosting.com, you will have a login to Xisto - Domains to change your NS. (if you don't, send us a ticket with your domain name. We will change and send you the login details) If your site has been registered by some other third party domain registrar, Please login to their Control panel and make the nameserver change as requested Usually DNS updates get the site down for atleast 5-6 hours. Thanks to the expertise of my team, we developed a script to add extra DNS extries for Nameservers so that, your site has 0 downtime. The difference thats going to happen now is, your initial request of Webpage would be answered by the server at ThePlanet which is highly optimized for US/UK Traffic. After this, you will be bought to our server. This update should affect the look-up time + reliability of our Nameservers.
  5. Its called FURL mod for invision. However, I have my own codes included too. This site will get you started with all kinds of invision mods : Invisionize.com
  6. IP address is required by very hosts. They operate through NS Name itself. So, with registrars like Xisto - Domains, ignore IP. You need not enter it. Just enter :- ns.computinghost.com ns2.computinghost.com If it does not accept, Try again now. "I registered through a reseller" => Ask this reseller to change your nameservers to :-ns.computinghost.com ns2.computinghost.com
  7. Please read this announcement as well http://forums.xisto.com/topic/55193-important-nameserver-update/
  9. Skepticus, I am quite disappointed by reading your reply. My first impression, looking at your post was "WOW, This guy knows a lot, May be I can learn something new... or expect a new idea".But its disappointing that you have given us all the points about how each theory contradicts the other and also the lack of Scope of understanding of general audience who basically have limited background for understanding a theory as complex as evolution.I pretty much had an idea about the debate that would arise off this topic.Anyway, I still put forward my same question. Science must try to define Life. May be then, they can use some laws of spirituality. Because I see only one thing connecting these two words "Science" & "Spirituality" with which all would agree.That is Life.If Science can define Life. Then Spirituality which deals only and only about life and conscience can come in picture
  10. Dear Members, In our ongoing efforts to make our services more reliable and simple, We have made an important DNS move for better uptime of our services. We request you to change your Primary Nameserver by logging into your Domain Control Panel. We regret the inconvenience due to this DNS move but this is very necessary for improving our DNS system. Benefits of this move:- Reduced DNS Failure (Especially North America) Server at ThePlanet Datacenter. Better Protection & Safety for DNS records. Incase of any server failure in our cluster, DNS will not fail. Seperate Server for DNS to help us handle DDOS attacks in peace :-) Xisto.com Members having SUB-DOMAINS i.e. xxxxxxxx.trap17.com need not worry about this update. Members having Domains need to change the Nameservers as mentioned :- Change: NS1.TRAP17.COM => To: NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM => Change: NS2.TRAP17.COM => To: NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM => Thank you for your support and co-operation. Sincerely, Shridhar M. Pare Owner / Founder Xisto Corporation -- View the Full News Article here -- https://support.xisto.com/index.php?_m=ns&newsid=10
  11. Dear Members, In our ongoing efforts to make our services more reliable and simple, We have made an important DNS move for better uptime of our services. We request you to change your Primary Nameserver by logging into your Domain Control Panel. We regret the inconvenience due to this DNS move but this is very necessary for improving our DNS system. Benefits of this move:- Reduced DNS Failure (Especially North America) Server at ThePlanet Datacenter. Better Protection & Safety for DNS records. Incase of any server failure in our cluster, DNS will not fail. Seperate Server for DNS to help us handle DDOS attacks in peace :-) Xisto.com Change: NS1.ASTAHOST.COM => To: NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM => Change: NS2.ASTAHOST.COM => To: NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM => Thank you for your support and co-operation. Sincerely, Shridhar M. Pare Owner / Founder Xisto Corporation -- View the Full News Article here -- https://support.xisto.com/index.php?_m=ns&newsid=10
  12. Bhagavadgita says, In the end, there is no such thing as God or Satan. There is neither Good Or bad. There is just one (Conscience). And you are me and I am you. You do not have to search for God. You have to start the journey from inside within you. Once you reach the end i.e. when you meet your conscience, you discover yourself as God.
  13. True, its filled with contradictions Because Life itself is soo complex and we are soo complex. How many times have you contradicted something which you had decided. (eg. new year resolutions.. ) They fall under the category of mystic literatures and they should not be deciphered word by word. Its a book for you to guide you. The message it might teach to your collegue might be way different than what it told you:) -Shree
  14. It helps excretion thereby removing toxins. Here are few more suggestions. Till 1200, Try not to eat. Instead, keep stuffing yourself with Fruits. (Rich source of anti-oxidants).If you have TOOO Much of CHEESE and OILY stuff, take 2 lemons. Extract the juice and mix with equal quantity of water and drink it. I call it LEMON SHOTS. Do this as soon as possible(but don't miss it) after eating BIG TIME CHEESE!
  15. If you read the Bhagavadgita, It explains the entire evolution through concepts of spirituality. Reading that, theory of BigBang is meaningless. It talks mainly about CONSCIENCE and the level of conscience every living thing has. Of all, Humans are at the highest level because we are gifted with INTELLIGENCE and the power to discriminate. First we look at the fact about how old this literature is: The Main Concept. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhagavad_Gita) COMING to the OLDEST LITERATURE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedas
  16. I will not say anything about the DEFENDING part because we both can write 10 extra posts of why one should reply or even bother replying when they are asked a question or remarked upon. If you wanted to communicate THE ABOVE to Velma, Sure you can just PM her. Something which I want to tell you. I hope the above statement does not include Velma here. If it does, then its better that I tell my staff to not participate in your threads because there is uncertainty in the way our posts would be perceived by you. In Clear STATEMENT, Who gives you the RIGHT to give other MEMBERS behavior or attitude "NAMES". This applies to everyone here. Did you REPORT her post before openly flaming her. Especially the part "I'm especially talking to you, Velma! Your post contained snide catty language and immature demeanor that would suggest you've got better things to do than respond to suggestions." Just see the way you are writing things on this forum WM!. Keep your feelings to yourself because everyone might not perceive things like snide and catty. Just because you feel "something" does not give you the right to "openly" give adjectives and nouns to people in this community. And I refer to EVERYONE who gives others or their behaviors NAMES. Why get soo aggravated about "words" which can be represented with multiple meanings. Especially words which do not have emotions linked with them. What she has written is her part of opinion. Whether her PM was read or Deleted is a different story. With so many of your assumptions here including the part where you think she is lying, don't you think you are crossing your limits. WM if you feel you have NOT flamed at all... Then say so. There is no meaning of this conversation. If you feel that you have misunderstood any member's post, then like you have openly pointed fingers, an open apology is also appreciated. I request all members who think have "FLAMED" here to openly apologize to the community and not even each other. Lets show that we care. Some points for members :- 1. Please be OPEN. When you read posts, do not link any of your emotions to it. Because you never know the mood of the person typing them. 2. If you feel you are Being flamed or attacked, Read the post 3 more times from a THIRD persons perspective who has come to this forum for the first time. 3. If ANY member starts commenting your WORDS or SENTENCES thereby drifting from the main topic, Everyone has the RIGHT to "Ignore". Its the best policy which shows how humble & modest you are. 4. If you see TWO members fighting like CATS, Please REPORT. 5. You are here to post YOUR opinions about the Topic. The Quality of any Topic is by the number of Different ideas and feedback it receives. Make sure when you write, you are sticking to the TOPIC. 6. I request STAFF to DISAPPROVE any post which contains adjectives and nouns against any other member. The member who makes such a post will be WARNED straight away. Any post which has less of ideas and more of raised fingers will be deleted without warning.
  17. @Jlhaslip : Sorry for opening the thread. I had a question for WM. @WaterMonkey: Before I close this Topic, I would like you to clear this confusion about the remarks on Velma's Post. I frankly do not see any need for why you had to comment those statements as snide and catty. Please tell me why you feel Velma (as a Staff) has better things to do than replying to Suggestions. Considering the fact that, most of the issues of Free Hosting members are bought to my attention by Velma and BuffaloHelp. Note to Everyone: If any Xisto Member has any problem, questions, queries, suggestions or comments about our management & Staff, Please contact Xisto - Support directly at support -a- xisto -d- com. We also have a Complaint Section at https://support.xisto.com/ where members may post complaints regarding any of our services. Thank you.
  18. TRAP FEEDBACKER UPDATE:I just finished coding another minor update for the feedbacker. Xisto Feedbacker now allows members to REPLY to individual posts. The Feedback will include the LINK to the post which was Replied by Guests. The next feature I have in mind is alerting the member whose post is replied.-Edited the Topic Starter Post-
  19. I hope to read a review from you about Xisto.com. Waiting for you to get hosted here :-)
  20. The Gallery in the forums did not have enough permissions. I have reset them and you should now be able to post images to gallery. Let me know if there are any issues.
  21. We are talking about Worst experiences here.. And the statement you have put above, I feel most would categorize it under "Heavenly Experiences"... (GF biting ear and reading this... :-( ) PS: Your post is spammish. Please improve.
  22. Reading the posts above, I sure have managed to improve my English a bit :-) English is not my primary language, so without a doubt, I m not the best here. We expect people to use decent english because it simply shows discipline and makes it easier to understand. I don't use BIG words because ... umm.. I seriously do not know Big words. But on a positive side, it helps other people like me to understand my language and its also acceptable among the preachers of the English language. And I consider Xisto's standards by its ability to help members by introducing them to Web Hosting and Designing. Our standards get boosted by our politeness, tolerance, friendly behavior, kindness and gratitude towards each other which brings a smile & joy when replying to topics. Greatness can be expressed well by humbleness & wisdom rather than Big English words.Coming back to the Topic, I agree with Misanthrope's opinion to a certain limit where I have seen members clearly abusing the language to show they are cool or too busy for the world etc. etc. Members like these can be easily distinguished because their attitude reflects in their text. However, I have no issues with those genuine members who seriously have problems with English language and grammar. These are the members who need our help (who appreciate lessons rather than warnings).- I just went through each line in this post for at least 3-4 times and Heaven Forbid, if there are any silly grammatical mistakes, Please email me for my English teacher's address -
  23. It is said that your soul travels outside your body every time you fall asleep and dream. People who had outer body experience have confirmed that this is possible.The sudden jerk or shock which one experiences while sleeping is due to some body process immediately calling the conscience back into the body causing it to snap back with a jerk. Usually the snap backs are perfect and well aligned with the body. But when the snap back is not aligned, you feel a sudden loss of balance and a sensation of slipping or falling.Well, this is just a theory which I fits best to my understanding considering the fact that every person has 30-40 dreams every night and we hardly remember 2-3. Too much of a mystery in this subject.
  24. Google should have its own distribution of linux and they need to concentrate a lot of their resources on it.
  25. All unexplainable phenomenons cannot be termed a magic. For eg. Our existence itself is Magic. No one knows how we all came into existence. Did we all come into existence by Magic? What about Bermuda Triangle? Magic is more about tricks and illusions. So, there is nothing wrong in believing it :-)
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