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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. I will tell you the inside Story. Most web hosting companies maintain the average load of server at 10.00. At Xisto, We target 1.0. :-) Thereby, We proudly say that we do NOT oversell I am glad that you ran this test and bought the result out :-) I am sure, all members who have a doubt about our free hosting quality will reconsider us.I will agree that our hosting system is not that great or our free hosting registration steps are a bit hectic and require some patience and understanding. But, when it comes to Web Hosting Uptime, Features, Quality and Performance, We are ready to challenge even the BIG Players of the market.Thank you jlhaslip for posting the results.
  2. The caching happens server side and refresh will work perfectly. It will in no way affect CSS :-)
  3. Islam says "Our Quran has everything mentioned right from evolution to the date today".Hinduism says "Our Vedas have scientific knowledge about everything n everything". Bible also says how it has bought the world in existence. -> So ?? .... <- Spiritual masters have great thinking levels because of their years of meditation / spiritual practice. You cannot compare their intelligence. Each one of them has known "God" or realized "God" or felt "God" and have told us everything about God to the best possible extent they could. God is an experience.. just like swimming. I can teach you the moves, but you will understand and know swimming only when you follow and do it yourself. Everyone says God is everywhere and inside everyone. Why?? How many of us have actually tried to search GOD within yourself. How much of you actually know yourself? When we learn to see ourselves deeply, we will be able to understand God the way it was written about in the mystic literatures (Quran, Bible etc. ) Until then, we will just keep arguing about its literal meaning like fools (or illiterate kids). :-) Only then we can imagine why a great person like Jesus never complained about those who hurt him. How could one be soooo humble and modest? How many of us actually understand him? What do you think Jesus would had said when a person told him about other religions like Islam, Buddhism or Hinduism?
  4. WhoA! I will put 100,000 INR more and get Honda Civic :-) The only reason I would not want to invest so much in a PC is because of new technologies stepping in the market day by day. By the end of a year, if you compare the price difference between the same equipment, you will find a heck load of a difference.
  5. There was a time when I used to meditate about 2 hours easily becoming a part of a universe. The feeling is something like, your body is left alone with its eco-system and you (your conscience) is getting free and released by every minute from the schedules, worries and tensions of day to day life.There are types of meditation but in the end, the most perfect student is the one who can listen to his guru (or his inner voice) and follow the body. Meditation is nothing but keeping your mind fixed. You cannot say "Concentration". Meditation is more of "Surrender". A Person in deep meditation "surrenders" himself to the universe. He accepts everything in his mind and feels the silence and calmness within himself. This is the art.As you go deep into meditation, you realize there are different gates within your body. We all agree that practice makes a man perfect and the body has its own way of training itself. So the more you meditate deeper and deeper, the more your conscience spreads from inside and unlocks different levels of mental alertness from within. Your thinking changes from "you" to "us". Because, you act more by the nature and less from yourself doing selfless actions.To you Abminara, I suggest that you meditate before early morning sunrise for 30 min. and if in the evening, before sunset. Meditation can however been done at any time of the day. But, if one understands how much our bodies are made according to the natures timetable, we can follow the time suggested by great saints who were masters of meditation and yoga.Yoga is a science which helps your body and mind(the physical part) to optimize its journey towards the inner self. So, with good yoga practice, you get your body ready for pranayam. With the science of Pranayam (the art of breathing), you welcome more oxygen into your system and also push it to remote nerve cells thereby energizing every cell of your body and feeling life to its fullest extent. The science of Pranayam is like fire. Its a blessing if used correctly under the good guidance of a guru. Or with ones own discipline, one can follow the spiritual path and step ahead with your journey into meditation.
  6. Right said, you don't have to even name it. Just feel your conscience. Close your eyes and imagine that you just died. You have no connection whatsoever with the world. Your role in this world is over and nothing binds you to your name. Feel every responsibility, every relationship, every expectation, every schedule, simply Everything Detached by yourself and let your mind free. Concentrate at the center of your eye brow and don't wander in thoughts but just the inner peace and your presence. Wait.. 15 mins are not yet over. .... (after 15 mins).. Feel the new You. :-) -Shree
  7. Faster and Secured Hosting. Xisto - Web Hosting will be activating open_basedir permissions on all its servers. Previously, we had it active on only a few select servers, however to make our hosting envoirment secure, We have now decided to activate it throughout our cluster. Some of you might be wondering, What is open_basedir protection exactly? Open_basedir limits the files that can be opened by PHP to the specified directory-tree, including the file itself. This directive is NOT affected by whether Safe Mode is turned On or Off. If you try to open a file using your PHP program, you can open files only in PRESENT directory where your PHP program is OR sub-directories. So, suppose your php program is at :- /www/mysite/myPhpProgram.php You can open files and work with them using PHP in these locations:- user1/www/mysite/ -> present folderuser1/www/mysite/subsite/ -> sub-folderuser1/www/mysite/subsite/subsubdir/ -> sub-sub-folder You cannot open files in these locations :- /www/ -> parent folder not allowed/user2/www/HISsite/ -> other user folder not allowed, even if it has 777 permission --> [CASE-A] Consider CASE-A. With OpenBase_dir Protection ON: You being the programmer are not allowed to VIEW "user2's" file. You are given an error in PHP saying, open_basedir protection enabled. If you are user2 here with folder "HISsite" (permission 777), You get safe because someone could had accessed your FOLDER "HISsite" and tampered with its contents, created files, folders, modified your content etc. With OpenBase_dir Protection OFF: With Protection OFF, anyone can access ANY of your folders and files with permission 777. This permission is usually given to PHP config files, folders were user contents are uploaded by your program like "uploads", "cache" etc. A simple fopen and fwrite function can be used to Inject Code or data into your files. And much more can be done to abuse this power. When a script tries to open a file with, for example, fopen() or gzopen(), the location of the file is checked. When the file is outside the specified directory-tree, PHP will refuse to open it. All symbolic links are resolved, so it's not possible to avoid this restriction with a symlink. If the file doesn't exist then the symlink couldn't be resolved and the filename is compared to (a resolved) open_basedir . The special value . indicates that the working directory of the script will be used as the base-directory. This is, however, a little dangerous as the working directory of the script can easily be changed with chdir(). What if my PHP files are already using/including files from parent folder? Good Question. The answer is, They will fail. You will have to upgrade your script to better versions. But, open_basedir is not something new and all php developers know about it. So, the amount of programs failing should be very rare. Still, I am one of those rare cases? Now what ?? Don't worry, Contact us at https://support.xisto.com/. Select the Right Dept. and Send us a support ticket. We will take care of your situation. (applicable only to Paid Web Hosting Members only) Okay, thanks Shree for explaining open_basedir, Now I know what open_basedir is, so what is eAccelerator all about? eAccelerator is a PHP accelerator derived from the MMCache extension for the PHP programming language. eAccelerator provides a bytecode cache and encoder. eAccelerator is open source and thereby free to use and distribute. Every time a PHP script is accessed, PHP usually parses and compiles scripts to bytecode. Once installed, eAccelerator optimizes the compiled bytecode and caches this to shared memory or disk. Upon subsequent accesses to a script, eAccelerator will access cached bytecode if it is available instead of the script being compiled. This avoids the performance overhead of repeated parsing and compilation. eAccelerator also provides functions for use in PHP scripts that allow access to shared memory, automatic web (content) caching, and other related tasks. and... How does this eAccelerator affect me? Simple, If you logon to your PHP forums/gallery or other application and say, "WHOA! That was FAST!". You can give the credits to eAccelerator! :-) I hope, you appreciate and support our decisions. We thank you again for choosing Xisto - Web Hosting as your hosting provider.:-) Regards, Shree Xisto Corporation NEWS ARTICLE: https://support.xisto.com/index.php?_m=np;group=default
  8. Faster and Secured Hosting. Xisto - Web Hosting will be activating open_basedir permissions on all its servers. Previously, we had it active on only a few select servers, however to make our hosting envoirment secure, We have now decided to activate it throughout our cluster. Some of you might be wondering, What is open_basedir protection exactly? Open_basedir limits the files that can be opened by PHP to the specified directory-tree, including the file itself. This directive is NOT affected by whether Safe Mode is turned On or Off. If you try to open a file using your PHP program, you can open files only in PRESENT directory where your PHP program is OR sub-directories. So, suppose your php program is at :- user1/www/mysite/myPhpProgram.php You can open files and work with them using PHP in these locations:- user1/www/mysite/ -> present folder user1/www/mysite/subsite/ -> sub-folder user1/www/mysite/subsite/subsubdir/ -> sub-sub-folder You cannot open files in these locations :- user1/www/ -> parent folder not allowed /user2/www/HISsite/ -> other user folder not allowed, even if it has 777 permission --> [CASE-A] Consider CASE-A. With OpenBase_dir Protection ON: You being the programmer are not allowed to VIEW "user2's" file. You are given an error in PHP saying, open_basedir protection enabled. If you are user2 here with folder "HISsite" (permission 777), You get safe because someone could had accessed your FOLDER "HISsite" and tampered with its contents, created files, folders, modified your content etc. With OpenBase_dir Protection OFF: With Protection OFF, anyone can access ANY of your folders and files with permission 777. This permission is usually given to PHP config files, folders were user contents are uploaded by your program like "uploads", "cache" etc. A simple fopen and fwrite function can be used to Inject Code or data into your files. And much more can be done to abuse this power. When a script tries to open a file with, for example, fopen() or gzopen(), the location of the file is checked. When the file is outside the specified directory-tree, PHP will refuse to open it. All symbolic links are resolved, so it's not possible to avoid this restriction with a symlink. If the file doesn't exist then the symlink couldn't be resolved and the filename is compared to (a resolved) open_basedir . The special value . indicates that the working directory of the script will be used as the base-directory. This is, however, a little dangerous as the working directory of the script can easily be changed with chdir(). What if my PHP files are already using/including files from parent folder? Good Question. The answer is, They will fail. You will have to upgrade your script to better versions. But, open_basedir is not something new and all php developers know about it. So, the amount of programs failing should be very rare. Still, I am one of those rare cases? Now what ?? Don't worry, Contact us at https://support.xisto.com/. Select the Right Dept. and Send us a support ticket. We will take care of your situation. (applicable only to Paid Web Hosting Members only) Okay, thanks Shree for explaining open_basedir, Now I know what open_basedir is, so what is eAccelerator all about? eAccelerator is a PHP accelerator derived from the MMCache extension for the PHP programming language. eAccelerator provides a bytecode cache and encoder. eAccelerator is open source and thereby free to use and distribute. Every time a PHP script is accessed, PHP usually parses and compiles scripts to bytecode. Once installed, eAccelerator optimizes the compiled bytecode and caches this to shared memory or disk. Upon subsequent accesses to a script, eAccelerator will access cached bytecode if it is available instead of the script being compiled. This avoids the performance overhead of repeated parsing and compilation. eAccelerator also provides functions for use in PHP scripts that allow access to shared memory, automatic web (content) caching, and other related tasks. and... How does this eAccelerator affect me? Simple, If you logon to your PHP forums/gallery or other application and say, "WHOA! That was FAST!". You can give the credits to eAccelerator! :-) I hope, you appreciate and support our decisions. We thank you again for choosing Xisto - Web Hosting as your hosting provider.:-) Regards, Shree Xisto Corporation NEWS ARTICLE: https://support.xisto.com/index.php?_m=np;group=default
  9. OpaQue

    Forum Script

    If you are good with PHP, I will recommend not to waste further time and start directly on a PHPBB Forum. Get deep inside the structure, study its hierarchy and customize it with your own codes. Building a forum right from scratch for a single person is going to take a lot of time.
  10. Welcome Back krazygoddess.. Its nice to see members returning back from a good long break I hope you don't have too many negative credits to catch up with.I spiced up the Credit System with some of my good qualities. So, it keeps your account for a good time before it goes ahead with termination. This should help members cope up with personal issues and Xisto credit meter. Do update us when your credits go positive and share with us your experience about it
  11. June 15, 2006, Redmond, Wash: (L-R) Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, Chief Research and Strategy Officer Craig Mundie, Chief Software Architect Ray Ozzie and CEO Steve Ballmer gather prior to a news conference announcing plans for Gates to transition out of a day-to-day role in Microsoft over the next two years while Ozzie and Mundie assume increased roles in the company. Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. Python Completed in 4 hours. Well, I was not into it completely and while I was learning, I installed e-accelerator. Activated it on forums. Then learn't memcached module and how it works. Installed it on server and put some codes in forum config files to use it. Got 1 GB Ram on server shree installed by Theplanet engineers. ;)Thank you for the tutorial docduke :-).The best part of python that I liked was the way it could get inside Windows Env. :-)
  13. The Distribution Switch to which our network is connected was DDOSed causing a partial network failure. The entire downtime was reduced due to our DNS shift in Dec 2007. We regret to inform that today at about 11 AM IST, We started experiencing a network lag. By 12.30 PM IST, the network was down partially with most of our servers affected except Zeta and Mu. By 1.00 PM IST, the entire network had gone down and was recovered slowly by 2.00 PM IST. By 2:30 IST, the network was completely recovered and all servers were operating smoothly. FULL STORY: https://support.xisto.com/index.php?_m=ns&newsid=11
  14. The Distribution Switch to which our network is connected was DDOSed causing a partial network failure. The entire downtime was reduced due to our DNS shift in Dec 2007. We regret to inform that today at about 11 AM IST, We started experiencing a network lag. By 12.30 PM IST, the network was down partially with most of our servers affected except Zeta and Mu. By 1.00 PM IST, the entire network had gone down and was recovered slowly by 2.00 PM IST. By 2:30 IST, the network was completely recovered and all servers were operating smoothly. FULL STORY: https://support.xisto.com/index.php?_m=ns&newsid=11
  15. Thank you for choosing Xisto - Web Hosting Darran and supporting Xisto Yes, you can renew it and it will be extended. You need not worry about your package getting overwritten. In order to renew your hosting and domain registration, you will have to send a support ticket to CH-SALES at https://support.xisto.com/ We will add a custom invoice to your account and renew your hosting upon payment. Thank you, Shree
  16. OpaQue

    Ask Me

    Hi Mike! Great to read your post and to know that you are a certified Personal Trainer from The Netherlands. I like Netherland people.. dunno why? But I had lot of people from there and I have always liked their company and modesty :DWelcome to Xisto! One thing about Xisto you should know is, do not target our members here. Target the entire internet. If you have any hints, tips and suggestions, Do share it with us. You might not get replies immediately, but when we take your contributed knowledge and optimize it for search engines, People will read and respond to it.
  17. We have a directory where you are free to submit your websites : http://www.addlivelinks.com/
  18. The mirror image ends up to infinity... Just like space. What amazes me is, A tiny arrangement of 2 mirrors placed exactly opposite and parallel to each other helps us define infinity in reality. About the Mirror Dimensions thingy, I think you are referring to Parallel universe http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Side Note: Its said, your astral world is the real image and the world we perceive is the mirror image of the astral world. Like the reflection of tree along a river with leaves and branches at the bottom looking like its roots.. What we do and our actions (in real world) build our image/karma in the astral world which cause things in the real world. Because only then, things like luck, fate, destiny etc come in picture (according to me).
  19. www is a shortcut to public_html.So, you are actually working with public_html only and there is only one folder.
  20. I see Microsoft is aiming for more and more power. Its acting like those dumb students in class who try to catch up by copying ideas or buying them off. Taking over Yahoo may no doubt make Microsoft rich and gain more control, but there is nothing innovative I see other than connecting more people or giving same old services under one larger roof. It looks like they are losing their interest in Operating Systems. Hungry M$ needs to chill n relax.
  21. Hello RichardBlank, Welcome to Xisto!I would love to hear more about how you found Xisto. See you around
  22. I would suggest keeping a condom "handy". Awarenesss is good, but cleanliness is ensured by condoms So, you eat both the cakes
  23. faqs.astahost.com replaced to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ :-)Thanks for bringing it to our attention polarysekt.
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