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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Make sure the URL is gamma.xisto.com/cpanel or SERVERNAME.xisto.com/cpanel-Shree
  2. Please do not hesitate to put ANY DOMAIN sync Requests to CH-SUPPORT dept. Some people don't even know about the migration and they panic on our support desk. We are giving TOPPEST priority to CH-SUPPORT as peoples business and their emails are in concern. I apologize for not giving proper time to Trap/Asta Dept. But I will get them cleared today :-) My promise. -Shree
  3. All Domains / Parked domains / Subdomains which are not working.. Send list to CH-SUPPORT -> https://support.xisto.com/ immediately. Mention the Server you are on. -Shree
  4. An Official forum Update... Finally about the Server Migrations Well, I am sure most of you were waiting impatiently for me to speak on the forums but I want to heartly apologize to all of you. I can just say one thing.. "We did our best". I would firstly like to thank all the forum members who were in touch with me during the migration and took the effort of letting everyone know about the migration. My special thanks to our Staff who managed the forums and also kept their side with Xisto. I m grateful for this amazing team work and have no words to thank everyone. If you were wondering, Why ALERTS were not given out? I work with a company in USA, California called Psychz. I need a US base support to do research work and deploy setups like a cluster. This base helps me being located in India and invest openly and securely with the help of my trusted partner. Things were going as planned when suddenly I got the alert that plugs have been pulled and Migration was started. I was pretty confused myself of what was happening because the Migration was planned but not scheduled. Without wasting further time, I started checking up with the DNS settings to make sure our main websites https://xisto.com/ and Xisto - Support.com are up at any cost to let our members know about the ongoing migration. Instead of posting at the forums, I alerted the Xisto - Support.com news section which automatically updates the feed on frontpage of Xisto - Web Hosting, Xisto and Xisto. Xisto and Psychz have a LARGE number of servers which were been co-located at a DC formerly known as Calpop. The facility no longer wanted to accommodate our needs in regards to power, or cooperate with us in regards to remote hands. It got to the point where the owners no longer wanted our business when we requested additional fibers from other carriers to allow better and faster speeds within our network. Later I realized that my partner hurried because he was given 3 day time to move once we had settled the payments with them. Nor did he had time to communicate properly nor did we had time to assume anything. All we knew that we trusted each other and we followed the instructions. BIG number of servers were moved manually and IP forwards were carried out serially to make sure no mess up happened. From the past week, Entire staff of Xisto and Psychz were working round the clock for 15+ hours according to each ones capacity to handle the tickets & chats being hammered on our system. There was a bit of further delay because of Gamma server which broke down suddenly during the migration. We had to stall the plan for fixing it inorder to continue migrating the remaining servers and as soon as we had time, We got Gamma upgraded with brand new motherboard, upgraded it to Dual Xeon and added an Extra GB of RAM. The kvm setup was done and controls were handed to our Support Dept for getting the re-installation done. Well, its our style to get the best out of everything. In our new facility we have quite alot of space, power, and bandwidth to grow. We have core router running and will have a secondary core router to handle any future growth or attacks. Some of you may have seen the network improvement in regards to speeds. This is because we have access to over 400+ ISP for peering! Our current changes include our own IP space directly where we can migrate 20 years down the road if needed with 0 DNS porpagation. The IP will move to any facility we move to. Secondly we have added 400 ISP peers that will allow your connection to directly connect to your machines without many network hops. This will allow visitors from UK, to Asia market to browse your website in a better optimal rate. Thirdly we are currently located in the XO facility where there are many carriers, uplinks. Our network now has the ability to peer, and move ISP in incredible speeds. Finally since we're located in a facility where many ISPs are housed power , back upsystem, UPS, and air flow are properly maintained. We are confident that this bump in the road will allow us to achieve the stability, and speeds that other networks wish they had. Again I do apologize for this emergency move, but the instability of the system within the facility were damaging quite alot of our equipment which many may have experiened within the past week of migration. Details about the new Faciliy & Network we are connected with:- XO? Member of Network World 200 More than 4,000 employees $1.43 billion in Revenue (2007) Headquartered in Herndon, VA Network Assets Approximately 1 million miles of metro fiber An 18,000-route mile nationwide inter-city network Nearly 1,000 central office collocations More than 3,000 fiber-fed buildings on net Fully peered T1 IP network with more than 100 private and public peering relationships 28-31 Ghz spectrum in 75 markets Customers Serves businesses, government, carrier and wholesale customers nationwide More than 90,000 customers, including: 50% of the Fortune 500 Federal, state and local governments; regulatory agencies; and educational organizations 13 0f the world’s 25 largest telecommunications companies The five largest U.S. wireless companies The five largest U.S. cable companies 2 of the 5 most popular search engine companies. More information:- https://www.xo.com/about-xo I thank all members for the unbelievable support, understanding and co-operation. I never had imagined such a support from any client base. Now I feel proud to service my growing customer base and I promise to keep up with our given commitment for the new Beginning :-) Cheers! :-) Warmest & Best Regards, Shridhar M. Pare Owner / Founder Xisto Corporation
  5. Reseller hosting does not come with Free Domain.Reseller hosting quality is the same as that of Xisto - Web Hosting.com.
  6. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -> Working. Your site is up.
  8. https://support.xisto.com/index.php?_m=news&_a=view
  9. https://support.xisto.com/index.php?_m=news&_a=view Please keep a watch on the news section.
  10. YAY!!! I got an AWARD too... The last time I got an award was when I was born, I won the award for being the "FATTEST BABY". Hey Sm, can you like make it into a certificate, put a nice gold plated frame with some diamond studs and send it over? :-)All Eligible Girls... I m no longer fat now. And I have a TRAP AWARD!! :-)
  11. *wonders* not a single award for me :-( why isn't there a "Credit System Coder Award", "Trap Founder award" or "AMAZING - DASHING - SEXY Trapper of Year" ? just kidding .. CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE! Saint, Mind sharing an award man.. 6 is too much. 5 sounds nice I m here to share 1 for you
  12. The Mod I have on Xisto was taken from invisionize. But then I had some compatibility problems. The box in which the activity is shown was not rendering properly.So, I had to go through the codes. Not only I fixed the design but I also added another Query to fetch latest TOPICS as well. My code is horrible so I will not go back into it. But you can always offer some free credits on Xisto to get a PHP person to work on it. It should not take more than 20-25 min. I would had done this for you But I got a list of support tickets begging for my attention. I hope you understand. Take care.-Shree
  13. This Topic will hold all Member Testimonials and Reviews. If you feel like sharing a good word about Xisto, Do so by posting your experience with us.
  14. HaHAHAha! Thats really funny. It looks like you and your pet had a tough fight and .... your dog got beaten up pretty badly.
  15. Some one forgot DRUGS.If you don't mention that, you are indirectly giving them a GREEN signal to go ahead further with their conscience exploration trips.
  16. You can send the Funds directly to Xisto - Web Hosting PayPal account PAYMENTS =AT= XISTO =DOT= COMAfter you send the funds, send a ticket to CH-SALES dept(https://support.xisto.com/) and get your order activated.Not only this, After your account is created, you can send payment to our PAYPAL address any time and we will adjust your payment and credit the same to your account.You can also make bulk or Advance payment in similar fashion. After we get your funds, we will create invoices and credit them accordingly.Therefore you do not have to worry about sending the payment using PayPal.-Shree
  17. My Views======Making God "first place" = (automatically, psychologically and emotionally) making yourself "first place" and then others around you.You always ACT/DO everything in accordance to the people around you or society.Your actions which should be from DISCRIMINATIVE brain telling you RIGHT/WRONG instead gets overRidden by the presence of people around you.After forgetting God(or yourself - my views), your mind wants more attention.For. Eg. A man will smoke in front of a few people (who he knows are non-smokers) just to show off. (base reason : ego)
  18. Change the Primary Source of FUNDS in your PayPal account to Credit Card.Also, I have read a lot of CONS about funding your paypal account with a bank account rather than a credit card.-Shree
  19. We request you to please :-1. Do not Reboot your VPS2. Do not change Global Parameters.3. Do send us tickets for any doubts and queries you may have.4. CHAT Support is best to sort out small issues.5. Do not "&" "@" for mySQL password because those symbols have different meaning in shell.& = will consider background process@ = consider user-Shree
  20. My Techs told me that your issue has been solved. They also told me that your issue took 4 "L3" hours and was fixed without reloading your OS. -Shree
  21. 3.20.02 STABLE Released - 17-03-2008, 07:26 PM => This HELPDESK Support Software update released by Kayako has screwed all the client PCs used by my support techs. Nor can we go back to old version which give errors due to Windows updates. https://support.kayako.com/index.php?_m=newp;group=default I am sorry for your frustration but I m quite desperate for a solution here myself and I am contacting Kayako now and then I will get your issue solved asap. -Shree
  22. Yes, its true that FIREFOX 3 uses lowest memory compared to most of the browsers on the web. I have to approve Qupis applications and I m used to opening 50+ tabs in my browser. Firefox 2 LAGGED. Opera was FAST but somehow I never liked its interface and its rendering of my web pages. FireFox 3 SIMPLY rocks with the lowest system resource usage and BLAZING fast speed.
  23. What If Marijuana Was Legal? 1. We would have a Xisto Forum for Marijuana 2. It could be one the biggest Traffic forum here. What would happen? 1. I would be the official moderator of this forum. (hehe) 2. I would abuse myself answering people's questions and doubts. Because I practice trial & error approach for problems. 3. No more Credit System Upgrade/mods at Xisto. 4. My members will get MaryJane instead of Support Tickets and solutions to their Queries. 5. I might be a millionare due to my Support System. I might even lose customers due to it. (I rather stick to +ve side) Should it be made legal? Looking at Q2, No!
  24. Your credits will be reset to 0. Its not a flaw, its the credit system itself.Do you want to terminate your account?
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