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Php Development On Linux

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I use XAMPP for php development on linux. I found that sometimes it is too heavy with the LAMP server. But it is okay for the starters. I was thinking about the low footprint lamp stack. I want it to consume less space and less clutter on my /usr/bin directory. I don't know if some of you agree with this. But in case of windows uniform server is much less headache than xampp. In case of xampp you have to manually fix few stuff like php.ini and other settings while dealing with the frameworks. In my opinion that is very tiresome work. I managed cakephp in few minutes on uniform server but in case of xampp it was throwing a lot of errors. I don't know how to fix this but anyway that's not the question for now. I think i would like to see similar lamp server for linux. Any ideas where we could find such alternative. So what do you prefer ? php under some huge IDE like eclipse or netbeans ?I can't use such heavy IDE's because of the speed and the system resources reason. So any other way to get lampp server on ubuntu ?

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For the IDE, a lot of whom as I know on Linux loves to use VIM, but you need time to learn to use it.But for simplicity you could use gPHPEdit, it's light and you can get  gphpedit


If you want a much better IDE, you can always try Active state komodo IDE


If your system is slow, you just could drop support for Apache and install light httpd or even better Nginx, which as said is much lighter and faster, but it also requires time to learn to use it.


LAMP is easy to install, especially on a distribution like OpenSUSE, you just need to install the PHP modules you want and enable them, I think the best way is to use a step by step tutorial and whenever you get an error trying to run cakephp, just google that error and find a solution, as most of thsoe errors are common in my humble opinion.

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I thought about Vim but decided not to use it because if there are already some of the softwares that make my work easy then there is no need to make it more difficult. I am not completely keyboard warrior, i use mouse often and for that reason i guess i need IDE. I do think about using those keyboard tools as they reduce my overall input time and mouse hovering time on computer and gets work done quickly.

Other than that i also tried Geany and gPHPedit. I am impressed with both of these editors. But i always wanted to use something that is connected with the LAMPP or small webserver. I am quite addicted to softwares like phpdesigner. So therefore i think such softwares on linux a must. Though there arent any as far as my observation goes, so hope phpdesigner owners make linux version soon. (or maybe i'm missing similar softawre that works like that?)

LAMPP (now XAMPP for linux) is the one i'm using it as of now. I did came across few issues with xampp. Like not able to be writing the files on htdocs folder or getting permissions for writing files on that folder etc. I followed xampp on ubuntu tutorial and so far it is fixed. I am going to use geany and xampp on linux for now till i get some good decent IDE.

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I guess you would want to use Eclipse, NetBeans for PHP, but as I understand, they're not as light as you want them to be.

Personally, I think Komodo is the best IDE for PHP for FREE and it works on Linux and is similar to PHPDesigner7.

Here is a link I found, for PHP Designer alternatives on Linux:


You can use PHP Designer with Wine on Linux :unsure: But I think it will take some extra resource rather than using a native linux IDE, but anyway here is the instruction:


So have you tried ActiveState Komodo IDE? http://www.activestate.com/komodo-edit

When you say that you want an IDE which is connected with a small webserver or LAMPP, what you mean? That it connects to an FTP or that it has a real time PHP debugging? like in PHP Designer?

Here is some list of IDE's on Linux:


Edited by Quatrux (see edit history)

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I just checked the stackoverflow thread and found out that most of the advice you given is already there. So i guess i'm pretty much limited with the current choices. I have to see what others are using. Maybe Kdevelop or QT designer with php plugins can be one option to get php rolling on linux box. I am not sure of this option by the way.I did checked the Wine option but as computer is on low resource i don't think it is good for coding php or any other programming language. I will have to spend a lot of time waiting and debugging. I don't know about Komodo edit, because i can not pay for any IDE as of now. I do however can donate some funds but purchase is not an option for now. So if it's pro and free type of catch then i have to pass on the komodo edit for now.Coming on the point of IDE that allows connection with small web server, yes i mean that it allow debugging and compiling within itself like php designer. I know Eclipse and Netbeans can do that. So that is the type of program i am looking for except that i don't want eclipse and netbeans.

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Yes, Komodo IDE is not free, but Komodo Edit is free and open source, but it has no features you need though.. Komodo Edit has no features of an IDE, like debugging, DOM viewer, interactive shells, and source code control integration.Don't know what to offer more :unsure:

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StarScream,I am guessing that you used a newer version of PHP when using XAMPP and have the Windows Uniform server running an older version of PHP. When switching to a newer version of PHP, the warnings that appear can be disabled but, ideally, you want to know when you are using deprecated features of the programming language and should be avoiding them. A lot of old PHP code that small organizations use generate warnings and the small organizations do not have the resources to have their software patched to avoid the warnings and they may not have the ability to configure PHP to hide the warnings so the organizations use an older version of PHP. With more organizations sticking to older versions of PHP comes more web hosting firms that continue to offer web hosting on older PHP platforms and that holds back the entire PHP web development community.Eclipse and NetBeans are the two most popular free and open-source integrated development environments for PHP. You should not really bother about setting up a low memory footprint development environment because it would not make much of a difference to the application that you build - when you deploy it on a production environment, there is no need to have an integrated development environment setup. Most integrated development environments are memory hogs. Consider Eclipse, NetBeans, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft SQL Server Administration Studio, Oracle SQL Developer, and Oracle Data Integrator. Minimizing the memory footprint for an integrated development environment is not really a priority for most software vendors and few developers actually demand it - they invest heavily in their development machines so do not see a need for pushing vendors to reduce memory usage and instead demand more features.If you do not have a system capable of running an integrated development environment, you can still use text editors. On Windows, you can use Notepad++, EditPlus, or TextPad. On Linux, you can use gVim, vi, emacs, gEdit, or NEdit.The LAMPP server itself does not consume as much of the system resources as most enterprise grade application servers but if you are still short on resources, you can use FastHTTPd or nginx instead of Apache. You should be able to run a web server with even 64MB of RAM, provided that you disable the graphical interface of the operating system.

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I don't care about what software organizations and people who run bloated php code or anything about their workstations. So please excuse me, i don't want to make tangent post by replying on your post that has nothing to do with first post. I am talking about memory footprint of eclipse and netbeans which creates problem on my desktop and laptop. It is slowing down my system and i can't use them for the same reasons. Instead i am looking for PHPdesigner type of IDE which me and Q discussed earlier. I have not raised anything or any point related to bloated code and enterprise code at all. I am running this stuff from home and i am in need of IDE that solves my problem.In case of linux, i have a limited options for php development. I don't want to use IDE like eclipse and netbeans because i am low on RAM. I say it again and again, i don't want to run netbeans and eclipse. This thread is about alternative to those IDE. Another point, i can't rely on text editors with syntax highlighting because they often lack in auto completion which is needed as i want to save time in compiling. So let's get back on thread shall we ? Let me know if there is any IDE which can replace Eclipse and Netbeans and does the job of compiling PHP code and also has autocompletion. :(

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