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Mozilla Thunderbird

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I used to waste a lot of time browsing from one webmail account to another. I have 2 mail accounts for the normal friend and family usage. Another 3 for the business and other stuff where i keep the personal matter aside and have made more connection. But it was hard for me to manage all these emails on web. I mean webmail takes more time to load for me as i'm on slow speed connection. I use USB dongle for the wireless access to the internet and often found slow speed at varying times of the day. I tried outlook but never got satisfied with the issues with domain provider and decided not to use it. Then i got thunderbird last month and some of my problems are solved. I use thunderbird on my desktop and laptop whenever i want. I can check multiple email ids from different domains and it's easy to organize stuff. Google mail can use IMAP protocol and can use it for mail forwarding and usage. I also found the hotmail and yahoo supporting hunderbird. But my usage was restricted to domain mails and 2 gmail, hotmail accounts. By using them via IMAP i found that it saves a lot of my time. I don't know if anyone done this already but for me, it was time saver. I check thunderbird every hour and it also lets me clear the inbox quickly in comparison to webmail. So i can maintain speed and check even at slow internet connection. This is really good method for anyone who wants to save time checking webmail. Only issue was with time when i can't use my own laptop and desktop in certain places, like family friends dekstop. I used virtualbox image and portable linux then use it on anyone's desktop or laptop for surfing. This helps me keep my data safe and also it doesn't tamper with someone else thunderbird and PC. So this is good idea for anyone who wants to save time. I still want to see if there are any plugin or add-ons that syncs mail with other devices like tablet. I'll be checking for that as of now. So which desktop mail client you use ? thunderbird or outlook or any other ?

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Only issue was with time when i can't use my own laptop and desktop in certain places, like family friends dekstop.

I use the portable version of Thunderbird, on a USB flashdrive which is always in my PC or in my pocket.So, doesn't matter on which PC or laptop, mine or friend's, at home or at office, the software as well as the mail archived files are on the flashdrive, so no problem anywhere.

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I guess you're using portableapps version of thunderbird ? I never thought about that. So now just downloaded that onto USB Drive. I guess this is much better way than carrying virtualbox image and linux distro inside USB. This also makes setting syncing easy as it can be plugged any time. Only issue is about consistent security updates. I have to update the installation regularly, like once a month, if there is any update for the thunderbird.

By the way what plugins or add-ons you use with thunderbird ? I mean i would like to see if any add-on is worthy to use with thunderbird to save time or to be more productive. I am only thinking about calendar and contact book for now. Also thinking about using notepad like add-on to add things quickly from mail to it, in some cases.

I didn't posted any links for the thunderbird, but those who want to use portable version of thunderbird, get it from portableapps.

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By the way what plugins or add-ons you use with thunderbird ?

I use no plugins with portable Thunderbird. That way, at any moment, I can catch the current version from portableapps site.

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I downloaded the thunderbird from portableapps. It works just fine and you can also update it from the portable drive itself. No need for the settings etc in order to work for it. There are some plugin suggestions from other but not yet seen what and which to choose for my personal use. Till then going to avoid the plugins for thunderbird. I also found sunbird from the portableapps. That application seems to be extention of calendar and contacts. I think it is good app for anyone who wants to keep track of the day. It's free and being portable definitely helps. I don't know why the version of it was not updated lately. But i guess they're going to change the name as per mozzila's site news. It's definitely one good software to have if you're into office or some time critical projects or home work. I don't know if it separate extention of thunderbird or software. I found it useful for my birthday and work reminders as well. So going to keep it and see if it is useful for long term work on computers. You can download this mozilla software from portableapps.com if you want portable version.

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