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Technology advantages and disadvantages of tecnology

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If you are going to ask most of the young people nowadys if what will happen if they don't have cellphones and computer(internet) they will answer " Im gonna die, i cant imagine my life without it"...but try to think of it.. what did the advancement of technology did to human? well lets go first to good things...it made our lives easier...before when people wait for days, weeks or probably months to have the response to your love one's letter working abroad...but now jus one click away and walah you are talking to each other..I cant enumerate all the advatages of the technology but i know you have a lot in your mind...lets go to the bad side now...honestly.. lets take it.. it made us lazy.. and let us waste our time to a useless activities..just think it over to yourselves guys.. ask yourself what did my cellphones( which has lots of features,games etc on it) do to me? my laptop? ... its just a realization that everything is good but people make it bad.. bad for themselves...

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Funny : it seems that, in your opinion, "technology" means "microelectronics for public portable devices".Technology is also something else.Solar cells on the roof of isolated houses is also technology. Planes are also technology.Nuclear Magnetic Resonance scanners, widely used in a lot of modern hospitals, are also a piece of technology. This has nothing to do with useless portable communication devices.So, if you only wanted to talk about cellphones, please refer to the "I hate cellphones" topic. And if you don't like laptops, post in the "do you prefer laptop or desktop computers" topic.

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Hi!I agree with yordan - technology is so much more. Whenever anyone mentions the word "technology", I think about the industrial revolution and mass production. Factories have driven a lot of family-owned businesses into the ground. Some industries now require government subsidies to continue to exist. The oversupply of goods, the speed at which information can be sent, and advancements in transportation have fueled globalization to the extent that a firm manufacturing products half-way across the world is a competitor to your business, just as much as the firm next door.Nuclear technologies that were supposed to provide us with an end to our dependence on fossil fuels took us half-way there. We have the technology to build nuclear fission reactors, but do not have any way to dispose of the radioactive wastes. Nuclear fusion is a cleaner means of getting energy, but we lack the technology to build nuclear fusion reactors. Right there, you can observe advantages and disadvantages - the disadvantage of nuclear fission reactors being the radioactive waste disposal, and the advantage of nuclear fusion being cleaner energy.To answer, ydrianne's question, did technology make people lazier? It doesn't have to be technology that made people lazier, but rather it's their lifestyles. If you could sow seeds in an acre of land in a week, and technology makes it possible to sow the seeds in a day, you could either spend the time saved in something productive and others will follow suit, or you could watch a movie, or spend time hanging out with friends, and be an influence on others either way. It is more of a psychological and sociological behavior than a direct cause of technology.

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in some places technology has increased productivity and lowered the price but also means you need less workers so people lose their jobs. technology has allowed us to bridge the gaps between different groups of people, on the internet everyone's the same but the internet provides an area in which online criminals are harder to catch. computers are advancing faster each year. because i remember in 1999 when i was 6 i had a computer which was average at that time but now it would be regarded as a snail.

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