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You Don’t ‘fit’ Dinosaurs With The Bible!

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I see the more of the weak minded clinging to religion more than anyone else.

I have to disagree. some of the strong and intelligent minds are in religion. reason is manipulation. think about it with religion you can manipulate more people than you can without help of religion. so it's not about weak mind but more of how lots of multiple manipulating minds are driving certain idea which in turn helps them manipulate each other. Religion is the concept which gives manipulated mind a place to let him try all his techniques to manipulate people. Weak minds a place to relax and avoid complexities of life. Emotional mind to have connection with other emotional people. So in short religion is offering lot of things under one concept. In many cases the very idea of god as universal creator and we're seeking him or her was first part of religion but now it is fading. People are adding more resitriction to their actions and society in the name of that creator. So this is again a manipulation which the prophets and religion creators never thought of. they wanted to make it a place for peace and relaxation, and place to avoid complexity by adding delusion.

I know this all sounds confusing but this is how i started to visualize religion and minds of people. So that's the explanation i've for religion and weak minds.

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I don’t know about the weak minded part as long term Christians are constantly under attack and they are usually in the minority. The truly weak would constantly change positions. On purely the number of post it looks like I am squarely in the minority and I have to offer considerable arguments to even stay even. I personally don’t mind being called weak minded so no offense to me and I hope everything I have said is no offence to anyone else.There is great difference between religions. Just because you call yourself a church doesn’t mean you are religious.As a side note (I thought about making a separate thread but was too lazy), why are there so few new replies. Over the past week there have only been maybe 10 new replies according to the Posts since your last visit tool. Is Xisto dying, closed registration, or something else?

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I personally don’t mind being called weak minded so no offense to me and I hope everything I have said is no offence to anyone else.

IMHO, compared to somebody like Einstein, I fell myself weak minded. Compared to somebody else, maybe not. :)

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I don't know how to define weak mind. Some people can't stand mind hunting aka office or corporate politics but they may stand better on other strategic things or maybe better at some other thinking. Now how can we define weak mind anyway ? For me, it's seeking less-complex-deluded and untrue concepts to avoid complexity and truth for the sake of self-bias and comfort is weak mind. Duh, don't know how many of you are actually getting what i'm trying to say here.


I don’t know about the weak minded part as long term Christians are constantly under attack and they are usually in the minority.

2.1 billion adherents are minority ? really ? sorry, it is more like when christian concepts are trashed by science and reasoning then such deluded concepts are under minority rather than religion.And to attack any religion there needs to be no-tolerance from whole religion side, but i don't see that. with time vatican changed and accepted evolution and many Christians even changed their thoughts with time still keeping their faith in Christ. so minority is about those who completely discard evolution, big-bang and inflation theory and those who don't accept science and logical reasoning proof against bible. I see very less people doing that and are in even less percentage for minority (for example, Mormons are minority cause their concepts of creator and some other are easily trashed with logical reasoning).

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george bush is one big idiot trying to justify invading a country by saying god told him so. he may as well have had a imaninary friend who told him to do it. theres faith which is okay but then there is george bush faith where you decide that will turn round and start saying something you believe in is fact but that is wrong, something can not be fact without evidence to back it up. what annoys me is when religious people say the bible is evidence of god because god wrote the bible then i ask, how can god of wrote the bible if it has the names of the people who wrote each part of it which just doesn't add up. then you get people trying to say that the earth is only around 6000 years old, but hmm areas in cyprus predate that with a cat as a pet 10,000 years ago, that is evidence against 6000 then with carbon dating proves the earth is around 4 billion years old. i dont care about what people believe i just don't like when they try to get you to believe in the same thing, they tell you because you don't believe in god you will go to hell. the thing is i don't believe in god or hell or heaven so that doesn't make the slightest difference to me. i found the perfect way to shut people up who try and make me believe in "god" i just tell them that i m a satanist and they shut up and leave alone, for a satanist saying because your not christian you go to hell, but isn't that where a satanist wants to go.

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I really didn't mean any offense when I said weak minded, but it is true that most of the weaker minded people on the planet turn to religion for comfort.When I say weak minded, what I mean is a person who is incapable of properly clutching and understanding the realities of the world around them. For example, a middle-aged lady whose husband has died and been left completely on her own. All through-out her life her husband was the one who cared for her, protected her, basically shielded her from the harshness of the real world. Now this poor defenseless kitten is left to scrounge together a living and encounters people and situations she wouldn't normally have done when her husband was alive. She feels scared, what better for her than a group of friendly people and a deity she is told will love her for all time.She isn't necessarily an idiot, but her inability to cope with reality makes her weak minded and afraid. She turns to the lord and feels comforted by him.Another example,There is a man who was bullied a hell of a lot when he was at school. He was weird, at lunchtime he would seperate his peas and carrots one by one before eating them and study everything before he put it in his mouth. At break time he would sit at the edge of the playground and listen to music while waving his hands uncontrollably, no rythm to it but he enjoys it none the less. Then when he is older he is still much the same, and as such doesn't have any friends, just work colleagues. He then discovers a place where nobody there will judge him for his little quirks, where he can praise the lord while swinging his whole body around without persecution, where people willingly start a conversation with him and show him respect.Again, this man isn't necessarily thick, but his vulnerabilities make him on edge and intimidated in normal society.A woman who is unemployed, she has three children and there is no father around. She was a failure at school and has problems stringing sentences together coherently. She's not very bright at all yet is a strong woman who can take care of herself and graduated from the school of hard knocks. She turns to jesus because she needs some love in her life, she needs some form of hope. If she didn't believe in the existence of god then her life would seem completely pointless and wasted, she isn't willing to change anything about her life so instead looks to the easier alternative, believing in an after-life and believing that she will one day live in blissful harmony. It's definately better than believing that what everyone else in the world is doing, how succesful many people have become and living in lives of luxury, she is stuck living a miserable existence that is the only thing she will ever experience.Now I'm sorry to create such stereotypes above, and to tell you the truth i'm an unemployed 23 year old single father who is raising a 3 year old on his own, but above are prime examples of lower and middle class people I would consider weak minded. Loneliness, lack of confidence, hopelessness. These are the things that drive many people to turn to religion. That isn't a bad thing either. These people are happy, from going to church and engaging in the activities and social aspects these people manage to turn around their emotions and live happily. Fear turns to Joy, Confidence is restored, hopelessness turns to hope.Now although my religion is an undecided and incredibly sketchy thing, I do believe that with the ultimate being part aside, religion can be a wonderful thing. It's acts of aggression, war, using religion to justify murder and debauchery that really makes me angry.

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hey i just hate it when you get people seeing some like the bible as stone hard fact when in reality it is not, it is a interpretation of what happened and as such is not meant to be broadcasted as the truth or fact it is seen as most just as guidance and not instructions on how to live your life, what to think people who see it like that seem to simply close their minds to anything else because they just do not want to hear it. i think that it is just a good job that they don't say well dinosaurs are not in the bible so they never existed that is just backwards. saying some which we have clear proof of and fossiled remains never existed. its like saying the moon is made of cheese. afterall i see the bible as just a book i don't see why it is translated into being the truth.

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Reading back on this topic I've come to notice how condesending I am and how sure I am about myself. Sorry about that. I didn't really mean to come across the way I did. I mean I have a great respect for religion, including christianity. It's not so much the actual faith part of christianity that I admire however. There are many christian groups out there that do some real good in their communities and this kind of affirmitive action is admirable. Things such as food for the homeless, community programs for young people to help keep them off the streets and away from the ever reaching influences of drugs and alcohol. These are the crhistians that I can agree with and feel I can have enjoyable debates with without having my beliefs shot down and proclaimed heracy. In our world today religions need to be tolerant to the world around them, and words such as heretic and infidel such no longer be in anybodys vocabulary. Having a tolerance for those who do not believe the way you do is a part of life. Anyway, to diverse a little off the christian faith, another prime example non-tolerance for other faiths is the catholic-protestant war. One of the most famous examples of this is the gunpowder plot where Catholics who were under constant persecution attempted to overthrow the Protestant establishment of England by blowing up Parliament. This is not to say that the protestants did not deal out their own share of persecution. In Ireland Catholics were prohibited from owning land, from leasing land, voting, holding political office, living in a corporate town or within 5 miles of a corporate town, obtaining an education, from entering a profession, and doing many other things that are necessary in order to succeed and prosper in life. We could go in to Orange Order and the Orange Volunteers as well but I'll skip that as things in Ireland are only just starting to calm down, especially with the IRA disarming and moving more in to political action. Even The Real IRA have been quiet for some time so everyone is thankful. Anyway, this is a prime example of the hatred that is brought about by non-tolerant religious followers and their leaders. So I don't despise or hate those who believe Dinosaurs walked the earth only a couple of thousand years ago, even though I strongly disagree with the THEORY. What both sides of the Dinaosaur argument need to realise that although there are all these facts floating around, both are simply theories and not fact. I obviously believe my side to be true and am convinced all the evidence given fully supports my decision however on the Christian side of things, you believe the exact same, that the facts point toward your belief and that scientists are evil lying bast****. It's not your fault you're morons really, lol only joking. So it pays to be tolerant to both sides of the argument and I just wish there was a Christian who had been able to come on to this topic and debate the subject in-depth with me as I would love to really get in to it with one. Everytime I try to talk to my Christian friends and acquaintances about it they seem to shy away and attempt to drop the matter. This doesn't really give their theory of dinosaurs existence much credit really lol.

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