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Internet Talk Grrr

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Well see I said that the education systems were messed up, but it is NOT the fault of the teachers. I am not arguing, or fussing we are having a difference of opinion and debating our points. Debating is not the same as arguing. I am clarifying my position.


As for how Pennsylvania does the funding, you really believe this is a good method? So the schools that have the worst students get the least funding, and it only gets worse? And the schools with the best students get the most funding and it only gets better? There is some serious flaws with this reasoning.


Now on to your comment about teachers not excelling because of benifits, now that is crazy. I primarily focused on the statement that they don't have funding for proper teaching materials to keep the education up to date. I think that when you enter the education system you will see it from a different point of view.


Yeah, President Hoover tried that "help the rich and it'll trickle down" method, and look where it got us? Even deeper in the Great Depression.


You have to help the needy first. You can't just stuff so much money into rich people's pockets that hopefully some will fall back out to the little people. Rich people have really deep pockets.


And about the whole funding in general, education should be higher on the government's priority list. Why it isn't, I don't know. If the schools don't have enough money to teach, then the US will simply stay at a certain level of education, and we'll no longer be able to advance. Children are our future, but if those children are stupid, our future is shady, at best. X.x

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I just use normal talk, perhaps using only the following substitutions:-instead of: you, I use u-instead of: Oh my God, I use OMG-instead of: Elite, I use l337-and I use the following too (without offence): STFU, WTF-for indication of comedy: ROFL, LMAO, LOLI never use that language, you're right, I hate it and so should everyone.

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=(You stole my topic. I already made a topic exactly like this, but so much more in depth........Anyways, I totally agree though. I hate all the alternating caps, the '1337' speak, the excessive use of acronyms, etc. It's so annoying you just wish that people over the internet would have fun a different way....Besides, it's so hard to read the Internet languages sometimes since people often have their own different interpretations of what characters a letter should be made of. It takes so long to read it, and two times as long to write it. There really is no point in typing like that unless to grab attention or you just happen to feel like looking like an idiot.I'm a huge grammar spelling freak so it really pisses me off sometimes. >_> It's just really stupid to see people degrade themselves and follow fads and use massive amounts of colors, etc. Tacky stuff like this should be kept to like, titles or something to attract attention. But they really shouldn't be used in the body of a post or something.Anyways, people should just at least learn to limit their use of such languages, or atleast learn when the right time is to use it and when not to use it. Of course, there's also those serious Internet fools who get so engulfed in what they're saying and they get so angry when people correct them. haha. >_>;Another thing, is the excessive use of emoticons....I mean, I'm a victim of emoticons myself and I emote just about every second I'm online. It's horrible because it's so annoying, but like, when I'm talking to people on IM, when you have nothing to respond with, but you need to let the other person know that you're atleast reading what they're typing, you really don't have too much of a choice as to what you put...... I mean, for me, it's either "oh" or ":lol:" Or something of the sort. I could always say "Oh, that's cool" but that's so retarded. Using 'oh' usually shows uninterest and emoting usually shows 'hey look, i don't care." So you're sorta stuck @_@Anyways, the Internet should be a place where you improve your typing skills and your language skills......not where you make them worse. Because after a while of doing it, you get to the point where you do it in real life as well. Like the whole 'u' & 'r' & '4' stuff.......I used to do that all the time and I'd do it in my school papers as well. But I stopped as soon as I realized it. =/

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Yeah, seriously, chat speaking can REALLY get annoying. It just shows people are super lazy. But even if you are going to chat speak, you need to think harder to know what to put because you're always used to putting "this" than "dis". And it takes more thinking in order to read it. So, the best solution. Just don't do it. It shows you're annoying and you just wanna get on people's nerves. Sometimes it's ok to go "WTF" instead of "WHAT THE F----" because it sounds less offensive, but nothing like "ph3@r m3". it just gets annoying. And it's ok to make a few gramar mistakes, the hand works faster then the brain. But, if you're doing it on porpuse, just don't. Thanks for making this thread btw.

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Yeah, I will use "LOL" and "LMAO" and "BRB". Things like that. But I won't use "u", "ur", using numbers for words (for - 4), or l337. Unless me and whoever I am chatting with are bored then we will just type randomly. o.OOn message boards, chat talk gets annoying. Especially sticky caps.

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Hehe. I have to say that i do use "l337 speak" eg. 1 |)0 |_|53 l337 5p34|<.but i only tend to do this when im either pissing around or bored.I am fully able to compile gramatically correct sentances that comply with the english language.But yeh but i cant see how people can talk like this full time. :( must get really annoying to the person they're talking to.

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I sometimes joke and say something like "j00 phail" or "omg high 2 j00" or something, but I dont make a habbit of it. What I hate the most is when someones username uses a number in the place for a letter, like "D4V1D" for David. I think that your user name should be somewhat "professional" like a caps at the begining (exceptions to some, some look better uppercase and some dont...) and nothing retarded with numbers in the middle. I also think that if you aren't original to come up with a name with no numbers in the end, that you should pick a different username. No offence to the people who do, but thats what I think...

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One of my former English teachers lamented how the quality of kids' writing has been steadily declining since AIM/chatting/the 'net in general.  In essays and assignments he'd find that kids would use "u" for "you" and "4" for "for" etc.  He once instructed a block to write an in-class essay; several kids asked him how to spell the word "essay."  After he wrote it on the board, about half of the class started erasing furiously.  After the papers were handed in, about a quarter of the kids wrote "S.A." on top. :P


Hey, I'm still in school, and nobody writes like that. It actually depends on what school you're in. I'm in a private school, and nobody writes like that. Also, what grade were the people who wrote: S.A in? If they were in Kindergarten, I wouldn't blame them.

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i think that shortcuts like these:lol (laugh out loud)lmao (Laughing my a** off)roflol (Rolling on the floor laughing out loud)brb (Be right back)gtg (Got to go)afk (Away from keyboard)wtf (what the f***)are great because in a game I don't need to type "/me laughs out loud", instead I can type "lol" which is faster.The only internet lango that I can't stand is th1s is t3h b3st p0st (or something like that), it make it harder to read than shortcuts like lol, roflol, brb, gtg, afk and etc.xboxrulz

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