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I6networks....does Not Work!

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This hosting site (i6networks.com)should be avoided at all costs ,its a big waste of time.......
They send the confirmation email four days late (and it is supposed to be "automated")
And heres exactly what they send

=== Please print for future reference ===

Congratulations! Your web hosting account is ready! This e-mail
contains basic setup instructions and details on the features of
your hosting package.

For more information you can always reference our online customer
support area at: http://www.i6networks.com/support.shtml

Login & Password Details

Domain: stufflabs.org
IP Address: Auto

Document Root: /home/hyydexqg/public_html/
Temporary WWW site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
Secure Server: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

You must use these settings for:
FrontPage, FTP, Mail, Control Panel, WebMail & Telnet.

Uploading your files with FTP

To upload your files with FTP you will need an FTP client.
Here is the info you need to configure your FTP client:

Domain: stufflabs.org

You can substitute your domain name, for the IP number once
your registration or transfer is complete.

Upon connecting, you will see a list of the following directories:

/www - This is where your site files will go <--- IMPORTANT
/public_html - same as the www folder
/tmp - This directory holds your access log files
/mail - Mail area for your domain (no need to touch this!)
/public_ftp - Files for your anonymous FTP

To upload your files to the server double click on the "www"
folder. Place your website files here.

Your Domain Name

If you are registering a foreign domain name you will need to
handle the registration process. Our name server information is
as follows:

Primary: ,
Secondary: ,

Web Control Panel

Each account comes with access to your web control panel. This
utility allows you to manage your account through your web
browser. Your control panel is accessible at:

IMPORTANT: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

If your domain is in the process of being transferred, you
can use your IP address to login:


Use your user name and password (above) to login.

Managing Your Account & Billing

If you need to update your credit card information, make changes
to your personal information or want to see your billing history
and invoices. Visit: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Note: If you change your control panel password, it does not get
updated in the billing system.

E-Mail Setup

Your e-mail accounts are configured through the web control
panel (above). To configure your e-mail program to fetch
your e-mail, use the following information:

Account Name: hyydexqg@stufflabs.org (catch all)
POP (incoming) Server: mail.stufflabs.org
SMTP (outgoing) Server: mail.stufflabs.org

NOTE: To SEND email make sure you have this option turned on
in your email program: "My Server Requires Authentication".

Please keep in mind, your email will not function correctly
until the domain name transfer process is complete.

Free CGI Scripts

There are some free CGI scripts which are available for use
and/or download. You can access the scripts via cpanel.

Web-site Statistics

Your daily web statistics are found in your control panel.
The stats are updated each day in the morning. Your raw log
files are also accessible in there!


To access your mail through your browser please use:
- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

You can also access webmail from within the control panel.

How to Get Support

If you require technical support please open a support ticket
via this page. Our staff are standing by 24 hours per day!

Contact Center
- http://www.i6networks.com/contact.shtml

Support Center:
- http://www.i6networks.com/support.shtml


Thank you for choosing to host your website with us!

i6 Networks
Amazing Free Web Hosting

Generated by i6 Networks

And i am yet to figure out how to reach my c panel and on top of that they have not given any name servers for my domain name....
NAd ya i also tried i6networks.com/cpanel but it Said "LOGIN ATTEMPT FAILED"
Edited by Anik (see edit history)

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Their mail seems rather clear. Your control panel is here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
I tried to connect to it, it works. I could not connect because I don't have your password, but I see that the link is functionnal.
So, seems that everything they told you is correct. Of course the 4-days delay is not very professionnal, hopefully it's their single evidence of lack of professinalism.

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Their mail seems rather clear. Your control panel is here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I tried to connect to it, it works. I could not connect because I don't have your password, but I see that the link is functionnal.
So, seems that everything they told you is correct. Of course the 4-days delay is not very professionnal, hopefully it's their single evidence of lack of professinalism.

Well that is my previous hosts cpanel not theirs....
You see they have not given their Name Servers.....

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what are the advantages and disadvantages of i6networks in other web hosting?

I6networks....does Not Work!


What are the advantages and disadvantages of i6networks in other web hosting?


When it was created and who develop the i6networks?


-question by marvin

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I suppose this is what you get from some free web hosts that aren't good. If you really want good support and level of service, you should try more reputable free webhosts such as Xisto or purchase paid hosting, also from reputable webhosts.

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