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Grand Theft Auto 4 Launch Date vgrand theft auto 4

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;) Grand Theft Auto 4's launch date has been announced.Lot of goodies been released too. Read on to see whats being offered FREE! to eXcited gamers...Head over to GTA4.net for more exclusive details on the latest edition of GTA thats to be launched on 29th Apr. 2008Features include:Newz, Trailers, Gameplay footage and goodies like wallpaper and stuff like dat...Speacial Edition GTA IV Revealed...10 new screenshots revealed..Also do check the confirmed fake GTAIV screenshots!N-Joy!

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Grand theft auto 4 is the one game I am completely looking forward to getting. This game is definitely the best game out there in terms of game play. It offers the player the most freedom that any game has yet to try to achieve. Ever since the launch of grand theft auto for the playstation it embarked on a new standard for games with its gameplay. It offer the user not a story but a way to live out that story any way they wished. Do anything they wanted in an open world that spanned across many islands. Although a car was primarily needed to travel from one destination to another, this game gave the player the option to travel on foot if they chose and interact with other things within that environment. In the sequels rockstar definitely stepped up their game and standards for an open world game. It offer a variety of vehicles to choose from that ranged from motorcycles to boats to even airplanes. I believe at one point in the game it also gave the user the option to get a jetpack. Rockstar even dived deeper in terms of gameplay and offered a rpg element, which you can custom build your character. In the sense he grows in size depending on how you would play the game. For example, if he was to swim long distances or boxed in a ring frequently they would often have developed a more musclar built character, while on the otherhand if the player was to eat more than work out, that is visually reflected in the game, making his character slower and fatter in build. Rockstar basically came up with everything they could have or we could have thought we would like in the game and implemented it. The company have done a great job in pleasing the fans of grand theft auto, it obviously impressed me and have me owning many of its products. Now with the release of their next sequel grand theft auto 4, im and just curious on what rockstar will be surprising me with next. So far from the screen shots and the videos that have been released to the public the next installment of the game looks incredible, and teasing use with its April release date. The graphics obviously took a major overhaul, and looks 10 times better than it was before. If they kept everything they had in their pass games and implemented more features, this will and probably a hard game to take out of the ranks with its vast variety of gameplay features that it offers a player.

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I've been doing a bit of research on the game and found out some interesting facts. For those who know San Andreas (the GTA before IV) you could fly planes, jets, choppers and the likes. IV will only allow you to fly Helicopters, Rockstar said this was because IV's map is much smaller and flying would get you over to the other side of the map in no time! fair enough.

The new 'break-in' cut scenes look very interesting also. When Niko (the new characters name) attempts to break into a car, instead of just opening the door and pulling out the person, a new cut scene plays. The cut scenes vary but follow the idea of Niko hot wiring the car, before driving off. He also looks behind himself while doing so (supposedly looking for police).

The next major step forward is Niko's mobile phone. He can now use this more then in the older versions. You can now pickup the phone (using a button on the controller I'm assuming) and use the phone like you would a normal phone. It includes a GPS, camera and phone book. You can also call for a taxi to take you anywhere on the map (once unlocked)

I think my most favourite change is the police interactivity. Before you used to be chased by police and your wanted level would go up, and finding hidden stars would bring it back down.

In GTA IV, you will gain a police wanted level for any crime that you commit, providing there are witnesses present. The police can only chase you if they know where you are, and they need to see you to know where you are. If you escape the search area marked on the radar without being spotted, your wanted level will disappear.

Source: http://www.gta4.net/overview/
it sounds like it will be a good game, but im waiting for a while before i go and get it - maybe one of my friends will purchase it before me so i can give it a go! ;)

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First Ethergeek - Comparing any game to Duke Nukem FOrever is just cruel haha. GTA4 got delayed once or twice, but there has been constant updates, screens, interviews, etc to explain why the delays happened and how they are taking advantage of the situation and extra time. Sure it might get delayed again (probably not from the look of things though) but I can't imagine it not coming out in 2008.As far as the game goes I'm psyched. I think it'll be the game I buy a new console for haha. Just looking at info about it last week got me playing through the 3 series again and I cant wait for 4. The police modifications are sounding awesome, I love the database of all the criminals in the world being accessible from police car laptops, and just alot of the new features seems awesome. It's going to look good, assuredly play good... I cant wait. I've been wanting another GTA since San Andreas. I've loved all the games in the series I've played, and when they switched it up in 3 I knew only great things would be in the future of the franchise. Cant wait WOO

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