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How Do I Mank A Random Quote Come Up Radomly? if anything is random......

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Well i was just wondering b/c i have a lot of quotes that i would like to put on my site, and i was wondering how i could do is so that there are quotes that will come up randomly? If anybody can help me, i would greately appreciate it, thanks.

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<?php $rdm=rand(1,3);if ($rdm==1) $quote="quote text 1";else if ($rdm==2) $quote="quote text 2";else if ($rdm==3) $quote="quote text 3";echo $quote; ?>the statement $rdm=rand(1,3); basically generates a random number between 1 and 3. Change the 3 to suit your needs.this will work but may not be ideal if you have A LOT of quotes.

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You didn't mention what kind of script you were looking for so this is javascript one.


Here's your script - copy and paste then name the file quotes.js


function makeArray(len) {

for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) this = null;

this.length = len;



// you add as many quotes as you want here just make sure to change the makeArray(number)


ideas = new makeArray(22);

ideas[0] = "1";

ideas[1] = "2"

ideas[2] = "3"

ideas[3] = "4"

ideas[4] = "5"

ideas[5] = "6"

ideas[6] = "7"

ideas[7] = "8"

ideas[8] = "9"

ideas[9] = "10"

ideas[10] = "11"

ideas[11] = "12"

ideas[12] = "13"

ideas[13] = "14"

ideas[14] = "15"

ideas[15] = "16"

ideas[16] = "17"

ideas[17] = "18"

ideas[18] = "19"

ideas[19] = "20"

ideas[20] = "21"

ideas[21] = "22"


// The random number generator.

function rand(n) {

seed = (0x015a4e35 * seed) % 0x7fffffff;

return (seed >> 16) % n;


var now = new Date()

var seed = now.getTime() % 0xffffffff





Here's your html doc



<script src="quotes.js"></script>




<script LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">

// this you put into you html doc where you want your quotes to appear








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Here is an easy way to make a random quote or block of HTML code appear on your page quite easily with javascript:

var a = Math.random() + ""var rand1 = a.charAt(5)quotes = new Arrayquotes[1] = "QUOTE 1"quotes[2] = "QUOTE 2"quotes[3] = "QUOTE 3"quotes[4] = "QUOTE 4"quotes[5] = "QUOTE 5"quotes[6] = "QUOTE 6"quotes[7] = "QUOTE 7"quotes[8] = "QUOTE 8"quotes[9] = "QUOTE 9"quotes[0] = "QUOTE 10"var quote = quotes[rand1]document.write(quote);

Even though this code is simple, there are two downsides to using it: 1. You can only have up to 10 quotes (because the random number is retrieved from a single character in a string of numbers) and 2. Unless you know some Javascript and can do some simple modifications, you would have to place this whole script in the body of your HTML document where you would want it to appear. So you wouldn't be able to call it externally (and would, hence, clutter your HTML). But, like I said before, you could make this script do that. I could change it for you but I am too lazy. I can not be bothered.

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if you want to use files (PHP) it is better for A LOT of quotes. I wasn't sure how many you have. IF you save the quotes in a text file (one quote per line). You can use the following code.<?php $quote=file("quotes.txt");$totalnumberofquotes=count($quote);$rdm=rand(1,$totalnumberofquotes);echo $quote[$rdm];?>

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well, thanks for all of theses, but i cant seem to make any of them work. Or is it because they only work from a server and not in my computer? Or do i have to save the file on were im putting them at as an .shtml? i dont know, maybe im just not doing it right.....If someone could help i would appreciate it. thanks

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PHP code does not display in frontpage or other WYSIWYG editors. You should upload the files to your web space. (1) Save this code directly in your HTML file.


<?php $quote=file("quotes.txt"); $totalnumberofquotes=count($quote); $rdm=rand(1,$totalnumberofquotes); echo $quote[$rdm]; ?>

(2) rename the HTML file so that the extension is .php (3) Upload the file to your webspace (4) upload the quote.txt file to your webspace (same directory as the php file) (5) access the php file by typing


Note: if you are putting this code in your index file, you must rename your index.html file to index.php and delete the old index.html or index.htm.

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  no9t9 said:

PHP code does not display in frontpage or other WYSIWYG editors.  You should upload the files to your web space.


(1) Save this code directly in your HTML file.

(2) rename the HTML file so that the extension is .php


(3) Upload the file to your webspace


(4) upload the quote.txt file to your webspace (same directory as the php file)



Note: if you are putting this code in your index file, you must rename your index.html file to index.php and delete the old index.html or index.htm.




This assumes that your web server supports PHP.

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THANK YOU!!How Do I Mank A Random Quote Come Up Radomly?

Thank you so very much!! I've been looking for how to do this for a while and all the ways I was trying just weren't working right. This one worked!!

-reply by Rebecca


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