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Illegal Imigrants

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Illegal immigration,
how do you feel about it

i google some info that says in about 5 years the population will be 450m americals over 1/2 illegal imigrants

i think if the us had a ****ed up economy they WILL run across to canada and theyd kno how it felt PS:im not illegal its just a survival technique if ur dien in Us will u stay there? and just get poorer and poorer and just not afford food? honestly ?
what would you do? if you were an illegal imigrant?

My answer:

You people are (edited out language) ignorant they buy what you sell at the stores don't they?There charged taxes for it aren't they?They steal your jobs because they are willing to work and not be lazy. Its that simple.Even if the SS is forged the employer has to pay taxes for it. Hence they get a paycheck which they cash somewhere and are charged taxes for.Also if you are crying so much about them not paying taxes which is soo untrue then make then legal and they'll gladly start paying.

Edited by Simba49 (see edit history)

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Simba that is highly in-correct, have you not heard of "cash in hand jobs"?Most migrants/immigrants etc avoid being on the books (for a plethora of reasons) and also by doing that (taking cash in hand purely and not on the books) they do not pay taxes or anything else.Here in Australia we also have people taking on these kinds of people (or even getting them over here) because they will work for a lot less, they claim these people are more skilled (and the ones here aren't), but the fact is, most of them have no credentials and even no experience in the industry there working in what so ever.It's all about the money. Plain and simple.

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I kind of flip back and forth on this issue, but currently I have no problem with illegal immigration. Most people immediately assume that illegal immigration hurts an economy, which isn't actually true in the majority of cases in industrialized countries. You see, people need money in order to spend it, thus having people making money and spending it on other products in turn helps the economy. Therefor, by having the immigrants coming in and doing our low level jobs, they make and spend money (albeit less usually) thus freeing the native workforce to become more well trained, taking on higher level and higher paying jobs, thus stimulating the economy further. The only time sealing a country off from the outside world helps an economy is when its developing, as a developing nation cant compete on the global market. Once developed, however, economies which see illegal immigration often see more positive then negative aspects. Unfortunately the people just see the easy low level jobs being taken and freak out because they might need to actually put some thought and effort into their choice of career now <_<

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Don't forget we all can't start at the top of the ladder and if all the low end jobs are gone, where on earth do us poor buggers start? (I'm in that exact predicament because of my age now, there taking all the younger ones they can legally pay much lower wages or people that will take absolute insane low ages).Additionally most higher up jobs these days are lazy ones, and that does not bode well with people like me who have lazy hobbies (no time or money for more physical intensive hobbies, let alone a good location for them), so lower end physical work suits me best.I'm stuck in a rock and hard place (kind of an odd "metaphor?" considering a rock is hard itself..... , maybe between 2 very hard rocks lol).

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Obviously too much of it could cause problems, but overall its a good thing. Also since your age is a factor that complicates the issue, then its not that they steal 'our' jobs, its that they steal your jobs :P I dont know, I have a hard time knocking illegal immigrants because they are willing to do work that most people native to a country wont do for that low, meaning they have a greater desire to do the work for less rewards... we built capitalism, here are the consequences <_<

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Yeah, but a lot of the people that migrate here (not all of them, that would be silly to assume but, but I can almost guarentee a considerable amount, I won't be too specific to take it loosely), not only purposely evade taxing, and benefit laws (so they can get government benefits, work cash in hand AND pay no taxes), they huddle up with between 6 and 20 people in a 3 bedroom house (in-fact the neighbours next door and right behind me, do just that).But also, it's the quality of there work that poses a problem, especially with some migrant business owners (or rather a lot around here) *shouldn't* even pass OH&S checks but somehow do.The same could be said for some aussies here definitely too, but there so easy to pick out it's nearly a joke.I mean fair enough, there smart enough to huddle up (although in some instances it is illegal to do so, concerning children and there sex/age as well as the limit of people in 1 home and claiming how many are actually there).But this really screws the individual who doesn't now have everything behind them (too young or missed out), and that includes migrants/immigrants w/e.There's also the problem of local or otherwise authorities ignoring these and other problems with some specific backgrounds because there afraid of racial backlash (and frankly I don't blame them), so they get to carry on and more will continue because they know they can get away with it.Wow I think that's long enough haha.

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Illegal immigration is illegal.I ive in a hotbed of the illegal immigration. What is happening is those who come illegally are grouping together and not assimilating. Not just that, they are disregarding the non-Hispanic American culture as inferior. This has lead to a lot of hate and resentment. Illegals are a threat to the union in my mind. Perhaps they will be the final nail in this coffin.

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It's not just those who come into the country illegally that group together. Any ethnic, racial or religious group that moves to an unfamiliar location will group together. This is initially due to being unfamiliar and insecure. Possibly later down the road if things haven't improved, then there are other factors involved, not least of which is mistrust both on the part of the immigrants and also of the society they've emigrated to. Everyone regards their culture as superior, so it's not just their fault that it's led to hate & resentment. I'm not saying that this illegal immigration is correct, I just don't feel it's a simple black-and-white equation. It's a complicated issue that you can't judge unless you know the full story, and even then each case will be different. Moral and legal theoretics have a way of presenting different facets under mitigating circumstances. To theorize: Say it's illegal to jump the border. But the guy is poor and he doesn't have enough to send his kids to school. So he sneaks across the border because he knows he can get the money for it there. Then would you say his actions are justified? what if his kid was dying and he needed the money to buy medicine? would that change your vote? I'm just saying that it's hard to get an across the board label you can slap on anyone who falls under the general category.

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Indeed, I know many people here who moved from Asian countries originally for school, live here legally now, and barely associate with any non-asians, usually from there own country. Now this is not to single out asians, it is simply my personal experience so I sue them as an example. I've seen similar with other ethnic groups as well.The non-taxing thing, make them legal and they'll be taxed, of course they'll avoid being taxed because if they are taxed they'll be DEPORTED. If you are illegally in a country you wont go screaming to ask to be taxed if being found is equivalent to being sent home.Personally again I dont see a problem with the whole lots of people living in a one person apartment or whatever, I know technically its against the rules but just like working for less wages, if these people are willing to live in *BLEEP* conditions why not let them? It is there choice to do so, just because we are spoiled as a culture doesn't mean everyone who comes here should need to be.And finally, I will agree with the lack of quality issue. This is sometimes the case, sometimes not, just like with legal workers and should be regulated properly. Unfortunately just like someone with incompetent legal workers its not hard to "convince" inspectors to look the other way, but this isn't even an issue of illegal immigration frankly.So yes, to sum up I still dont think illegal immigration causes anywhere near the problems people think. The media has told us it causes all these issues so the general populace believes it, not surprising, but not necessarily true.

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Most immigrant's come her 4 a better future 4 their kid's. They work really hard 2 make some thing of their life's. and there was some one saying that they have to pay taxes and some of that money went 2 help health care for immigrant's and they were all mad about it. Well you know what your all so paying 4 well fare for American's that could just get off their *bottom* and get a job but no they want's 2 wait 4 a check that the government pay's them.

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If all illegal immigrants simply wanted to come to the U.S. to get jobs and support thier families that would be a good thing. However, the truth is another thing altogether. They come here to use our schools for one. Taking advantage of schooling that they in no way pay for. The majority of schools are not funded by sales taxes. Sales taxes are the only taxes you safely say that illegal immigrants pay. (There are also alcohol and tobacco taxes of course.) Currently there are over 4 million illegal immigrants in US schools costing about 124 billion dollars since 1996. Overall there has been an estimated 397 billion spent on social services for illegals since 1996. This includes things like Medicaid food stamps and welfare. There are currently 365 thousand illegals in our prisons and another 679 thousand illegals who also happen to be fugitives for other crimes besides being here illegally. The cost of imprisoning the illegals exceeds a billion dollars. So no illegal immigration is not helping this country it is hurting it and costing billions of dollars. One report stes that California alone spends 10.5 billion dollars a year on illegals. So please do not ell me that Illegal immigrants simply come to the US to help their children as it is simply untrue.

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I live about 3 hours from the Mexican border, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I have been robbed at gunpoint in my garage by someone who could barely speak English -- at least half of his vocabulary was "Geev me ure wallet!" He said it several times, to be sure I could understand it.Needless to say, I didn't ask for his papers, so I can't tell you for certain that he was illegal, but the experience has not inclined me to be more trusting of their "contributions" to our society. Recently, Albuquerque has become a "sanctuary city," and the government is amazed that the crime rate is now rapidly rising. :mellow:

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