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Cannot Install Adobe Photoshop Cs3

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Hi,I have been trying to install adobe photoshop cs3 for a little over a week now. The problem is when I'm installing at the end it says it has successfully installed shared components, but has failed to install photoshop cs3 and shared components.This is really annoying because nothing that I have found on the internet helps. Other people have had the same problem, but thats because they have installed beta versions, which I didn't install! I have tried the CS3 clean-up tool from adobe - that doesn't help either!The only other adobe/macromedia products that I have installed on my computer are Flash/Dreamweaver/Fireworks 8 - and acrobat reader 7.Any help would be greatly appreciated-jimmy

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Hi jimmy, not sure if you read this article yet, but take a look at:


Start from around Solution #6 and see if you have tried that already.

If that doesn't work, Adobe has to come out with some fix soon because (as you found out), there are many users (if not all) with this installation issue.

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I have checked the event viewer for errors and i found a few that say

Product: Adobe PDF Library Files -- Error 1335.The cabinet file 'AdobePDFL8All1.cab' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.

Does this mean that my cd that I have is scratched and its not reading properly? Or is it something else like my computer? I have tried to install it on two computers now and both times it has come up with the same errors!


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The cd could be scratched yes but there are two sides to the problem here. Physical damage to the cd and the files on the cd.There is a possibility that whoever manufactured the cd managed to copy over a broken file and didn't bother to test it. If this is the case there is nothing you can do, there is a problem with the data ON the cd so you need to get a replacement.If the cd is scratched simple story then just clean itI'd say that a file is broken on the cd since you've tried it on different computers, also some cd drives can read disks that others can't. If a disk is scratched you might come across a cd drive that can read it well and one that will lock up the computer. I doubt that it will be a scratched cd issue, most cds straight from the manufacturer are perfect, if not close to being scratch free. Even if there are scratches it will still work most times.To put it short, clean the cd. If it doesn't work it is a problem with the cd and you need to get a replacement.-HellFire

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This must be a windows problem. I had no problems installing on either PPC or Intel based Macs. Sometimes though, you get a bad disc no matter what. I've had it happen before with a lightwave disc. It was scratched from the factory. Fortunately I was able to download and use the Dongle to activate it.

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I didn't have any problems with installing CS3 Photoshop. I had problems with Illustrator, and the solution was (eventually to reinstall windows) to hunt around in the registry for the folder that wasn't given system level access, it would get to the end and then say it failed to install. I followed all the steps to fix it, but it still kept reverting the registry to user access, so i had to format and reinstall, and after that it installed without a hitch.

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Does this mean that my cd that I have is scratched and its not reading properly? Or is it something else like my computer?

You should try installing your CD on another computer, and see if you have the same problem.I had this "corrupted cabinet" once, and the same CD on another computer had no problem, which means that my hard disk had bad sectors encountered when unpacking the cabinet.

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yeah, i have tried it on other computers and still have the same problem. I have decided to contact adobe and see if I can get a new CD off them!Thanks for your help!-jimmy

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Have you tried making an image of the cd, and running it virtually? I have this copy of NFS:MW where the 3rd and 4th cds will not install directly. They're damaged somewhat, but i created images of them, which took the drive quite a while of skipping and accessing, but finally it made it, and then it installed perfectly fine.

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Thanks Grafitti, I have tried making images of the cd. There seemed to be no problem with Nero copying the disk, do it must be the files on the disk that can't be read by the computer!

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How's your internet connection? since you already have the serial number, could you download the photoshop installation trial package from Adobe's site, and then use your key to register it?

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yeah, I think I might do that as well! It's only a few hundred MB, not a huge download! But I am still going to send the CD back to adobe and get a replacement, at least I then have a hard copy of it if I ever need one!Thanks-jimmy

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Makes sense to get Adobe to refund your rightful property. Just i thought that you might as well get your money's worth during the month or so that it'll take them to replace that cd.

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