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Coding Html Properly In The New Age

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Is it me, or is it people who talk without any knowledge? AJAX technology isn't getting old and PHP isn't even something similar to AJAX, PHP is a scripting language which syntax is similar to C and it has a lot of features copied from other languages and usually is used for web programming, so if you know PHP with OOP then it is quite easy to learn some other languages.. and AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, so that means that you can change or do anything what Javascript can do with a page without refreshing all of it in a browser, using XMLHttpRequest() with Javascript, you can connect to a server and send a request and get an answer, I mean send and receive data.. it was created to send XML data, but personally I send plain data, due to it is smaller in bytes and control the data with PHP on the server, but you can use any language or control method you like.And a guy said that he doesn't like CSS, but likes to use plain HTML, HTML isn't created for changing font colour, font size and tables aren't meant for creating your layout bars, it is a bad habit to not like CSS, due to the site look needs to be different only by changing CSS and leaving the same HTML, even though a lot of people have problems with IE, but you really can make it work on almost all browsers the same (usually) !!!

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