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Should Hubble Telescope Get Upgrade? the news is shuttle astronauts will be sent to service the Hubble Spac

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We all know Hubble telescope. NASA is going to carry out shuttle servicing mission.Without servicing, the observatory is not expected to last more than two or three years. Its batteries and gyroscopes, which are used to point the telescope, are degrading and they will now be replaced.There is a lot of cost associated with it and there are contradicting views regarding the future of this telescope.What do you guys think? Shold Hubble telescope get upgrade? Does anybody have insight into this?

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My short answer is: NO. I've seen the argument that for the cost of a repair mission, NASA could build a brand new and improved Hubble successor (basically Hubble II) and launch it on board a traditional rocket for about the same cost. So that would be my vote.

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I am continually apalled at the amount of money that gets thrown at projects like the Hubble when there are so many other better uses for the billions that NASA gets every year. The US education system is failing continually, particularly in areas of urban poverty. There American workforce is getting dumber, fatter, and lazier by the minute. Money should be invested in edcuating these people and making them healthy or the US is going to go bankrupt within the next decade.Additionally, the way in which the current administration is completely ignoring environmental matters is embarrassing. What's the point of saving a populace from phantom "terrorists" and "weapons of mass destruction" if the planet is going to be uninhabitable?Scrap hubble, save the earth, feed the children. When that's done then go back to playing astronaut.

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I think it would be good to upgrade the telescope because technology has advanced a great deal since the construction of the telescope and no real effort has been made to upgrade it with the newest technology so it can obtain more data than it is doing now. It would be of great benefit to astronomers throughout the world in studying other galaxies as well as our own solar system. The US government already spends huge amounts of its GNP on defence and the military and in comparison to other country it spend very little on scientific research. The US cannot keep on being a world leader if it does not willingly spend more money in such areas.

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I agree, the US government needs to aim there money spending on more scientific research equipment. As technology is advancing at a higher rate as time progresses, it would require less effort to upgrade the telescope now than before, as wellingtonboots stated. Also, it would be nice to discover new things out there in space, and to get a clearer picture of what we know already. Conclusion: Should the Hubble Space Telescope undergo an Upgrade? - YES

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I agree with most people on this thread. They should spend all that money on more important things. Every year the whole world spends so much time and money on unnesesary things when their are so many more important things to focus on!People are very strange things!

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Well if they can find something usefull up there that we can use down here, I say go for it, upgrade the darn thing, why take a step back or have yourself at a stand still if you can move forward.I'm not sure exactly what they do with it or what they are looking for, but hopefully it's something we can use lol.

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