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Is Google Too Powerful?

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"too powerful", I would say no.Only depends if the power you get was acquired by legal means. And if you don't abuse your power, intimidating others or making illegal things.I would say, if a guy or a company has a lot of money and want to build up a powerful thing, why not ? Only jealous peple who cannot do the same thing would get angry.

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Exactly. And the powerful thing would probably be useful to everybody - that's exactly what Google is. Of course, I'm sure there are people that are against it, but it's only because they can't use it and/or it's hurting their business (I'm talking about AdSense versus Clicksor).

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That is a very daunting prospect, and me, as a infamous Gmail User used to be turned on by their Gmail Charm, but that is freaky.No wonder they "encourage" you to keep your mail, but they write it in such a cunning way.But I doubt it will stop me using it for the most time.I've tried Yahoo and I'll see how that goes, but from past experiences it isn't the "best" in the world, and MSN hotmal just gets too many ads and junk mail tht takes hours to filter, although I do get a bit of junk mail for sales that goes straight to my Junk Mail Box in Google Mail.Now I use the e-mail address with the e-mail client - Mozilla Thunderbird which is retty good, although I still prefer

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They have grown a lot recently, from being a mere search engine to having all these new features.I used to sue http://de.ask.com/?o=312&l=dir over google.com but now I never use ask, because google has so many other benefits and programs to use with it, I recently discovered another, Google Page Creator which is great for a simple, secure and safe quickie website.

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Google is not powerful as of yet, but I have a feeling it will get there. It already is expanding its technologies in different areas of the spectrum. I have a feeling that it will a may be soon to be a tech giant like Microsoft. But only time will tell how far google will go. It is amazing how one company that can build something so spontanously that it suddenly becomes the most used resource out there.I remember the days when we didnt have google, I was using MSN search as well as yahoo. Before, whenever I had to do research on a paper I would actually compare the result of the following two search engines to determine the resource I am to use for my research paper.But ever since google has released its search engine. I have been heavily relying on it as my only source for research and general information. I use it daily to look up web site that I vaguely remeber the url address, images that I need for design purposes, and now for my mail management and job search. Google already released a very popular MAP system that can zoom straight down to you house.SO in conclusion, google is growing at a very fast rate. I believe it will soon start being a tech giant, it just a matter of time.

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your answer is in my pocket one of the best place to advertise your sites is Search engines and the best one is googlebut some action is needed to get rankedto get info inorder to get high rank you should read "seo made easy" Ebookso don't miss the time go to find it

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Google is not too powerful. They have a great product, and they sell it well. They are dedicated to "controlling the world's information", and that is OK with me, as long as they don't disclose information about me. They have been dedicated to ensuring the privacy of their users. They have only been using the information they collect to provide better advertising for their clients. This is a good thing for the user as well as the advertiser, the advertiser gets a more viable link to their potential clients. Their clients get what they want, the advertisers get better business, and Google and their investors profit from this service. I see no problem with Google unless they target smaller companies. I don't care if they improve their product to improve their service, I just don't like seeing companies (like Microsoft) entering businesses that have nothing to do with their objectives. Google is getting a little close to this with their recent move into Radio Advertising, but they haven't alienated me yet.GOOGLE GOOD!!! :)

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Powerful, yes. Too powerful (implying an abuse of power), not yet (yes, emphasis on the yet).


I have a pretty hard time trusting what that guy (Daniel Brandt) at Google Watch says. It seems that the site he originally designed (NameBase.org) was given a low Google PageRank. It's very possible that he was just angry and went on a rant-fest that soon grew to something a lot bigger. Then there was that IMHO very childish fight with Aaron Wall (check out an explanation here: http://www.enthalpy.net/archives/000365.html). If he's an activist (aka doing something for the good), then going extremist won't help him. It's just like those animal rights activists that go around threatening polluters. A bit pathetic in my view.


Back to the topic of Google. It's good, that's why I use it. No brand picking muckery. I do, after all, admire Live Maps as those are clearer than Google's maps, so it's not as if Google has a total monopoly for me. Freedom of choice is everywhere. The one day that Google says, "Google only!" is going to be the day I claim it's a monopoly. Or the day it strikes some deal with an ISP saying that the ISP should charge more when the visitor attempts to view/utilize other search engines. But until that day...

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WAY too powerfulGoogle will take over the Internet Worldyou will see google everywere(you allready dose)look at site ads, site searchsite ads is allways Google Adsand search allways move to Goolge10 years from now Google will start an OS and buld Computersand thay will buy MS, Linux and IntelNoMore

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I trust Google with alot of my personal information, but nothing too important. Every corporation has the possibility of fraud, so I would never entrust ALL of my personal data to Google, but Google does provide a good service and does not seem to me to be greedy. Google's only revenue stream is advertising and upgrades of space in their services. This is different from Yahoo, which has paid hosting, paid email service, their own internet provider for their users, and various other paid services for their users. MSN is, of course, Microsoft, and Microsoft gets revenue streams from a variety of venues. Google only gets revenue from search (and upgrades to space, but this is understandable). I love Google and I think that they provide a very good, and very specialized service that is useful to the general public and should be rewarded with trust in their services.

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Oh no what if Google became as big as Microsoft. Then we'd have to hate Google as well!


A new underdog would have to rise for us to proclaim as gods!


Or one could have a better focus on things. MS (that's an S, not Mdollar) as well as Google are enterprises seeking expansion and in a way power. It's thanks to competiton and other companies one isn't becoming too powerful.


They made an extremely fast expansion and seem to be progressing at a steady pace just like the internet is. I'm not too keen on them taking too much hold over the internet, I highly favor competition.

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