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Feedback Welcome - Inti Voyages Please review and comment

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Hi, please review this new bilingual (french/spanish) site that i make for a new client, all comments are welcome so please check it out and let me know what do you think about it.

Site address: Inti Voyages
Theme: Tourism, Travel.
Active: NO, hosted at the best free host, Xisto.

Best regards,

PS: I know that the main limitation of this site is that it is a biligual french/spanish site and because of this a lot of people can't understand the text content, but what can i do, the last decision is made by the client and he dont want an english version, so please take i mind this.

Edited by TavoxPeru (see edit history)

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Can't understand anything from the site, so I'll just stick to the layout. IMO, if you're going to use this to get more business, then you better make it more business-like or more professional. This layout would be ok for a personal webpage or a blog, but if you're going to attract customers, I would say you should improve the layout a bit. Also, the thumbnails of the photos in one of the links are of all different sizes and improperly arranged. Try maintaining a uniform spacing between all the pics by padding and spacing them properly (in a table of course).

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Can't understand anything from the site, so I'll just stick to the layout. IMO, if you're going to use this to get more business, then you better make it more business-like or more professional. This layout would be ok for a personal webpage or a blog, but if you're going to attract customers, I would say you should improve the layout a bit.
Also, the thumbnails of the photos in one of the links are of all different sizes and improperly arranged. Try maintaining a uniform spacing between all the pics by padding and spacing them properly (in a table of course).

Hi, first of all thanks for your feedback, well, i know that the main limitation of this site is that it is a biligual french/spanish site so i know that a lot of people can't understand the text content, but what can i do, the last decision is made by the client and he dont want an english version.

Now, about the layout itself, i give 5 differents layouts to choose to my client, and he is very satisfied with this layout, but i agree with you, and will find a way to improve it a bit.

Now, i'm just checking the thumbnails issue that you mention and i must make a new layout for all the photos, maybe by using a slideshow template or alike. (The thumbnails issue is solved by applying a uniform spacing 28/07/2006)

Thanks for your feedback,
Edited by TavoxPeru (see edit history)

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OK, I have no problem with French nor with spanish, so I can look at your site.
I like to overall look and feel. I would just suggest a small change in the introduction first lines.
Instead of :

sur ce site Internet, jâessaie de partager,

I would rather say "j'aimerais ici partager avec vous".The sentence is shorter, more precise, and has more impact.
As a matter of fact, "Sur ce site internet" is useless, the guy knows that he is on an Internet site. And "I would like to share with you" will have more impact than "I am trying to share" (with whom ?)
I would also move the "http://www.powerwebtools.biz/; to the bottom of the page, in order to leave fullly operationnal the impact of the very nice logo at the upper left corner.

By the way, the purpose of this website should be better explained in an introductory sentance on in a "who are we ?" tab somewhere.

Just a single thing I thing is not correct :
"ActionnĂŠ par Gustavo Cruz O."
What do you mean by "actionnĂŠ" ? Only veryo old robots were actionned by somebody, I guess you wanted to express something else. Tell me the english words you wanted to express in your last line, i will tell you the french for these.

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OK, I have no problem with French nor with spanish, so I can look at your site.I like to overall look and feel. I would just suggest a small change in the introduction first lines.
Instead of :

I would rather say "j'aimerais ici partager avec vous".
The sentence is shorter, more precise, and has more impact.
As a matter of fact, "Sur ce site internet" is useless, the guy knows that he is on an Internet site. And "I would like to share with you" will have more impact than "I am trying to share" (with whom ?)
I would also move the "http://www.powerwebtools.biz/; to the bottom of the page, in order to leave fullly operationnal the impact of the very nice logo at the upper left corner.

By the way, the purpose of this website should be better explained in an introductory sentance on in a "who are we ?" tab somewhere.

Just a single thing I thing is not correct :
"ActionnĂŠ par Gustavo Cruz O."
What do you mean by "actionnĂŠ" ? Only veryo old robots were actionned by somebody, I guess you wanted to express something else. Tell me the english words you wanted to express in your last line, i will tell you the french for these.

Thanks Yordan for your feedback, about your first suggestion i just change the sentence and my client agree with this change and also i delete the powerwebtools. About the purpose of the website my client dont finish yet that text.

Now, with the "actionnĂŠ" term i only want to express that i'm the author of the website, this term appears because i use the google translator and simply cut & paste the translation. :unsure:

Best regards,

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he "actionnĂŠ" term i only want to express that i'm the author of the website

OK, then I would suggest simply change the "actionnĂŠ" to "Textes et graphismes par Gustavo Cruz", or simply "site crĂŠĂŠ par Gustavo Cruz".Regards
Edited by yordan (see edit history)

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OK, then I would suggest simply change the "actionnĂŠ" to "Textes et graphismes par Gustavo Cruz", or simply "site crĂŠĂŠ par Gustavo Cruz".Regards

Thanks, i will use the second sentence because i think is more related with the work :unsure:

Best regards,

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