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Entropia Universe The most expensive game on Earth

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Entropia Universe, the most expensive 'game' on the planet...


The Entropia Universe is more than a game. The Entropia Universe is for real. Real people, real activities and a Real Cash Economy in a massive online universe.

From EntropiaUniverse.com


Yes...Entropia Universe, the game in which someone paid $100,000 for a virtual space station (for news article click here). I got sucked in for the first time about 6 months ago, it was called 'Project Entropia' then. With the allure of making REAL MONEY in a game...Entropia Universe has a unique system where you can withdraw 10 PEDs (Game Dollars) into 1 USD ($1), so if you have 1,000,000 PEDs you could withdraw them and make $100,000 of solid cash. Sounds good? I thought so... After about a week of playing my character had made little if any progress. I was beginning to see why the developers (Mind Ark) said it wasn't a game, it wasn't any fun! All I could do was sweat gather (what newbies do to make PEDs) and sell the sweat I got to other players to make tiny amounts of money. I gave up...it was surely impossible to make any kind of money in that game.


Well, after a month I came back...Entropia Universe WAS more than a game, you could do ALOT of stuff . I decided to deposit some money into the game. So deposit I did, I put $20 into the game and got 200 PEDs, ALRIGHT! I spent that money in a flash on new armor, probes, and equipment (I was an enmatter miner). Within a DAY all that money was gone, and I had barely gotten anywhere. I had gained a bit of skills but not much, I couldn't do anything but sweat gather until I deposited again, and sweat gathering for a week would only make you about 20 PEDs, that's just $2...so I decided to deposit AGAIN! In went another $20 and I decided to use it for ammo and go hunting...it lasted alot longer than it did when I was mining, but within a few days it was gone and I was broke. It is impossible to actually make a profit when you have low skills. I put another $20 in and hunted some more...within a week I had spent $60 and had gotten NOTHING back.


After talking with some people I realized this was normal, there is a complex looting system in place to ensure people can't make more money than the company is recieving in deposits (I won't explain it all here, it would be too long). Well, I decided enough was enough...but now I am back and going for the point where I can finally stop depositing while I pump money into the game and get nothing back...if any of you are tempted to play feel free to let me know and I could help you out in the game, I have gotten fairly decent. You can't message people unless they are on your VIP, so just send me a PM here on the Forums with your characters name and I'll try and contact you. And yes, I am still depositing lots of money...I just paid 100 PEDs ($10) for a HAT in the game. :( ...and it isn't even very fun...

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Something that should be told about Entropia Universe and its maker

Entropia Universe


Wel it isnt a news that Mind Ark is making money by attract people with small profits from time to time. If you hunt you may get some loots, if you mine , you may find some precious stones.


You can also scamm newplayers at the sweatcamp or trade items amount the players to make some profits.




Those elements are all quite common in real life. I can live with them. But there is one thing in Entropia Universe that I consider unacceptable -> PvP sone.




I cant believe that a game company goes that low to make profit from players. They openly admit PvP sone is made for players who want gain more profit. Because in PvP sone you can kill and loot other human players.




This is a theme that we are qutie familair in those man-hunt Hollywood movies. Some poor homeless guy signed up for the man-hunt then they got shooted by rich folks with big guns.




Mind Ark states that everyone goes inside the PvP sone are agreed to play that game. But most of the players don't realise they are not signing up to be the hunters, they are signing up to become the prey.




If you think longer enough , there is only one hunter here, that is Mind Ark.







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free peds

Entropia Universe


Well, I also spent allot of cash in entropia, still does.. But I found out that instead of sweating id just use entropiaclix.Com, well I don't get rich but its better than sweating, and more fun to..


-reply by Morphius

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About PvP

Entropia Universe




This is in regards to..Jingyi's slandering of the PvP system.


First off NOT all the PvP zones are lootable and the ones that are lootable have big red warning messages come up. And you can't wander into there, you have to buy and take a toxin shot. When you walk in there, you agree that you can be looted. There are arena's and zones that you can't loot people in, so for a PvP experience in Entropia, go to them.


Just please don't slander something you have no idea about.




-reply by SideWinder

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Black Holes

Entropia Universe


A High Tech view of the Black Holes in Science today, was the Hell in the Bible. Similar descriptions.


With High Tech Science, when a Sun gets out of Balance of Elements it Dies, and so does it's Solar System. When a Galaxy of Solar Systems get out of Balance they Die.


When a Universe of Galaxies gets out of Balance, it Collapses into a Black Hole, regenerates and explodes into a new Big Bang, and makes a new Universe.


This is how High Tech Science Humans have Eternal Physical Life After Birth. With their High Tech they can escape their Planet, Solar System, Galaxy, and Universe, and travel to another Universe.


This also proves there is more than One Universe, for all the Black Holes our Science can find today.





-reply by Dolores Lear

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Rel: Black Holes

Entropia Universe


Replying to iGuest


Black holes are made by STARS imploding, not universes. Its when the gravitational "pull" of a star overcomes its "push" from the energy given out through nuclear fusion within the star. This happens in few cases when a star dies.


-reply by HumanTriangle

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free pedEntropia UniverseThis site gives you free virtual currency for playing games, participating in surveys, submiting codes from pop bottles, and more! You can earn free lindens for SecondLife, free peds for Entropia, free habbo coins for Habbo, free gaia gold for Gaia, or free imvu credits for IMVU.Click the link below to sign up and to find out more.

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Ofcorse you don't earn  money if you don't spend... To make a profit in this game u shuld need atleast 2-3 K PED = 200-300 USD. Then maby u can start make some profit.But the best way to earn money is trade. But sheep stuff sell them for profit.

-reply by Joykiller

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The whole game seems like a scam to me and something I wouldnt ever play to begin with.I usually dont play games that use real world funds for game credits.This and second life for example you spend money and hope to get it all back and more bbut most of the tme you never do anyway so more and more money is pumped into the game and the makers take their share and maybe filter the rest in to making people spend more thinking they will earn more since they got a little.

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I really just need a a weapon or something so I can actually do something without being killed so you should help me out I'm "Thad potato Offenstein" so if you could help I would appreciate it thx.

-reply by Thad

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casinoEntropia Universe

Your skills won't matter, other than allowing you to use larger equipment more efficiently which only means that you feel better about spending more on your actions, skills won't make it cheaper unless you are trying to use a weapon that requires a skill level higher than yours. They still cost about the same as your lower end one.

I've played since almost the beginning of Project Entropia. Invested thousands of dollars into the "professions" thinking the same thing .. Maybe after time this will matter or if I keep this maybe then I can make a bit more when it becomes more rare etc...

 First thing you need to know is, if you want to play the game, you have to gamble. I'm not dumb so don't insult my intelligence by tellilng me about economics, efficiency, or choices. With the amount of money I've spent I have done pretty much everything pretty much every way and there is one common theme. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR MONEY it just depends on how fast you want to do it.  Difference between $0.05 and $5 slot machines.

 Sure a few people are lucky and it is extremely frustrating knowing that the money you are wasting clicking and receiving nothing is going to someone else with huge wins several times in less than a half hour when you have been at it weeks or months and sometimes years and haven't gotten one.  Explain to me logically how I can spend thousands of dollars over many years with many skills and have absolutely nothing to show for it. Without simply calling me retarded, or stupid and telling me I just don't know anything about efficiency.

 Sure... The whole "Trading" concept. You hate the middle man in real life, right? These "Middle Men" Buy for a fair price then sell the items to others and make money without actually offering anything to justify the raise in price from seller to the customer. What a douche bag... These people are nothing but a drain on sellers and buyers, raising prices for the market but ripping off people trying to give a fair price.

Good luck with that one and thanks for being a **** and ****ing it up for everyone else. People like this are partially the reason things cost so much in this game. Everyone wants a piece without bringing anything to the table. That's nice that you didn't deposit anything and are making money.. Off people like myself actually playing the game and depositing thousands. 

Another reason this game has completely turned to ****, is that Mindark the company that makes this game can change anything at any point for any reason. Creating situations like this... Imagine you spent thousands of dollars on a hangar back in the day, now they're pretty much useless and you can't even transport people in your hangar with your spaceship that you worked so hard to get. Another example is a high end weapon you may have paid alot for several years ago and is now useless or extremely less efficient now that they have introduced (Limited) items.

Takes money to make money I guess... Only in this case a good investment can be just snapped to ****t, like a big "**** You"(Mindark gives you middle finger) because the company felt like changing the game without any notice. This is a great one that affected everyone... They changed the amount of ammo each weapon used multiplying it by 100 so they could implement weapon enhancers. Formerly 7 ammo is now 700, which is ok the ammo still costs the same at the TT. What they forgot to change was the LOOTS so you'd get the old stacks of say 50 (0.005 PED worth) ammo instead of the new 5000(0.50 PED). I don't have to tell you how much that cost everybody.

Also this company will not reveal anything about the items or equipment in the game such as scopes or lasers. As an example several years ago, asking about an attachment to a weapon such as a laser sight.Would lead you to an answer that pretty much said "We will not comment on that" (even though we know you spent real money on it to buy and use it...We won't help you understand what it does.).

Not to mention you have to have a computer from NASA nowadays to even run the game, which killed off a lot of users, that the ****ty economic model didn't. They don't have any solid plans for this game, alot of things are incomplete and you will not even realize certain functions aren't integrated. Those functions will look like they will do something and you'll spend money thinking the stats say they do, but alas they don't even do anything but show a different number in the info.

Yea a few people will tell you "I don't deposit at all" or "I withdraw X amount each month with no deposits", most understand that those people are taking it from YOUR wallet and that this game is extremely expensive while its options are minimal. Unless you're extremely lucky or have spent enormous amounts of money on space stations or islands (I'm talking 100s of thousands) or just an unscrupulous douche bag that likes to rip people off.

 Anyways, Good Luck. You'll need it.

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