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Is There A Minimum Resolution For Video Cards?

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I have a very old (9 years) CRT monitor and hate to throw it away unless it's life is all used up :D So in the time being I'm thinking of getting a better video card than what I have now. My question is, is there a minimum resolution size for video cards? I'm asking this because this old CRT can only support up to 800x600 resolution.Thanks.

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hmm, I don't think so, but it would be rather useless to run a card at anything lower than 640*480, this resolution is supported by every graphics card, but, windowsXP does not allow you to use anything lower than 800x600, so you won't have any problem using that monitor (except if that monitor can only use a 60hz refresh rate at a resolution of 800x600, because that refresh rate is to low for a CRT monitor and causes head aches and it's not good for your eyes too).

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Yea I can't see why they would limit the minimum res, but windows does as mentioned.I've got to say though, why would you ever...EVER buy a NEW video card with the intention of only running it at 800x600 at the highest resolution? I can't imagine spending money on a new videocard and limiting it that much haha. Just buy a cheap used monitor for like $50 thats bigger and has a good max resolution :D

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Or how about buying a second hand PCI video card with say 8 megs of memory? it should only cost you 5$ or $10 max, and you can happily use your antiquated set. Why bother though? a nine year veteran should be in a museum.

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Perhaps there's nothing old about the rest of his hardware?I use a 17inch IBM monitor, not the newest thing out but anything higher then 800x600 resolution makes everything far to small too even see close up without straining.... so what's the point in that?I honestly think 800x600 is a perfect medium, there are only some issues with games that like 1024x768 by default but they don't look too bad and as long as your monitor supports it of course (World Of Warcraft for example).The only problem I can think of right now is the fact that alot of video card drivers (nVidia from what I have seen) when installed tend to make my video display always be at 1024x768 again. That might be based on the capabilities of the Monitor/Graphics Card though so i'm not sure.And yes, you definitely do not want to have a 60hz refresh rate, 75hz at the very least I would say but that's just my preference.What hardware do you currently have?

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why would you ever...EVER buy a NEW video card with the intention of only running it at 800x600 at the highest resolution? I can't imagine spending money on a new videocard and limiting it that much haha

yeah, I'm quite puzzled too. WHY?! Give me your mailing address and I'll send you a still working but old graphics card that is probably as old as your monitor! Actually, I've got several. Maybe you could hook up some dual monitor action with each monitor being 800x600.

Any grpahics card will work fine running at 800x600. Just don't go buy the latest for an old junky monitor.


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Yep, exactly what Chesso said. All my other hardware are new. I custom built this computer with the intention of getting a new monitor (possibly LCD) in the future. But for now, I have this ancient CRT monitor that doesn't support higher than 800x600. Asking this question because I was afraid that the newer video cards will not support 800x600 (maybe 1024x768 minimum).I don't have top of the line hardware, but they are good enough for everyday use and light gaming (usually tycoon games :D).Thanks for the offer nightfox :P I'm just one of those cheap guys who won't let go of a working hardware until it breaks down. Saw a LCD for around $150 the other day after rebates. Not a top name brand, but I might get that if anything. Then I can push it to 1024x768 and higher :P Many thanks for the replies.

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In theory, there is no minimum resolution. Video modes are defined by the card manufacturer in accordance with VESA specifications (latest release VBE v. 3.0). This means a video card company could define a video mode to be 1px by 1px at monochrome. In practice, the minimum resolution for video cards is 320 x 200 x 8 bit color. This is VGA mode 0x13. To be in accordance with VESA, all video cards must support all VGA modes. For basic OS runnin environments, such as desktops and the like, modern OSes mostly have a minimum resolution of 640 x 480 x 8 bit color (which is an SVGA mode), although programs on the OS could run in lower VGA modes. And if 800x600 is large enough for you, then I don't see a reason to get a new monitor untill you can find the one that sings to you that you can afford.~Viz

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