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Thorium Fuelled Nuclear Reactors: Safe As Wind Safe as Wind

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While using throium in nuclear reactors has been around for several decades it is only recently that the energy output of the reactors have reached a capacity suitable fora power plant.This as-eco-friendly-as-it-gets uranium alternative will not will not cause a reaction unless prompted by a laser and has no chance of a meltdown. The plutonioum byproduct created by this element is not weapons grade and will only last for one millennium as opposed to uraniums weapons grade byproduct that floats around for 10 millennum! This miracle worker can also remove any other radioactive waste.With global warming on the rise and global awareness at an all time high governments should be looking for a safe, effective and practical power source that creates little or no pollution and enough energy to power tens of thousands of houses for days. Nuclear is the best answer and while nothing is wrong with the uranium reactors there is that small chance of a meltdown (Remember Chernobyl?), it creates weapons-grade plutonium and the waste will last for many, many generations to come.I got this information from the fantastic Austrailian science magazine, Cosmos!

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Note: If this content is copied from the magazine, use citation (quote tags).Sounds like a really interesting and plausible method of alternative energy sources.Apparently, a new Solar Tower is being built in the outback of Australia. That too looks magnificant.

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I was in a presentation of physics some months ago and they were already talking about Fusion power plants, they showed different models how it will look and a movie how it works and stuff and what gave me a shock that it is already being build and might be finished after 10-16 years, as I remember in France.. So it will really produce much more energy than nuclear power (and will be safe/safer for the environment ?) I remember playing games where I needed to build Fusion Power Plants, but that day I saw how the scientists thought of to control that reaction in a plasma state and make energy out of it. So I think in English it is called thermonuclear fusion, or thermonuclear reaction. I didn't really get into it, might google it if some information is available. ;)

Oh, it is available in wikipedia -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusion_power and there is even more information on google. :P

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will only last for one millennium

One millenium instad of ten is still one millenium too much. Whe should really start thinking on not-at-all spoiling energies. Have a huge solar cell on your hat for giving power to your mp3 player instead of having a battery cell is one very simple example. Just have to imagine a nice solar-celled hat and find some sexy girls for the advertisement.

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According to Professor Plasma...


At the risk of being black-balled and ostracized by my government and peers, I feel compelled to speak out as a plasma physicist. Since 1959 the scientific community knew that Thorium was a better, safer, and more economical option to power nuclear reactors, yet they pursued uranium - why?


Simply put - because Thorium cannot be used to make nuclear bombs or power nuclear submarines - the two driving forces that gave birth to America's nuclear program. Why is Thorium superior? For Five reasons as follows:


1. Thorium is more stable and contains 20% more energy density than Uranium, thus yielding more energy per ton and dollar.


2. It is impossible for Thorium reactors to have a catastrophic meltdown like we saw with Uranium in Chernobyl. Therefore there is no lethal risk to the community or world.


3. Thorium is more readily available in abundance while Uranium deposits will be fully depleted within the next 10 years, and almost 80% of Thorium deposits are found in the U.S. not in unstable countries.


4. Thorium does not pose the disposal nightmare that we experienced with uranium over the last 3 decades.


5. Since Thorium is not suitable for atomic weapons, we need not worry about emerging nations who really want and need and nuclear energy while we fear a secret nuclear weapons program.


So with all these benefits, why are we still using dangeous uranium that makes every nuclear reactor a ticking time bomb? In simple terms - the military industrial complex, big oil, and all the politicians whose campaigns were funded and supported by both.


In 2004, Thorium plasma batteries made their debut as compact portable devices that could provide reliable power for 3-7 years, non-stop, without a recharge. Three inventors came up with 3 different but similar designs and all three worked flawlessly - providing a green alternate energy source with no adverse safety or environmental concerns.


Since these stand-alone batteries can be manufactured in various sizes consider the following applications:


* Laptop and other PCs

* Electric bicycles & scooters

* Automobiles

* Trucks

* Ships & Barges


But think BIG and one of these plasma batteries the size of a shoebox could power a complete 5 bedroom house and every appliance in it. Or one the size of Hummer could power a complete 300 unit condominium complex without any external power grid connection. But think even bigger still... A battery the size of that same 5 bedroom house could power the City of Dayton - by plugging it into the local power grid. And there would be zero emissions. Thorium plasma power can eliminate every coal plant in the world in less than 5 years. But it gets better still...


If we were to drive electric cars and trucks powered by plasma battery technology, we could reduce global warming by 30% within five years and perhaps 50% within a decade. But what is good for mankind and our grandchildren poses a huge threat of financial loss to others - primarily big oil and politicians. Here is why...


While two-faced politicians talk about greening the world every four years just before they face elections, they are being wined and dined by big oil (Remember the Cheney-Enron affair?) to complicitly keep us addicted to oil. Why?


Because roughly 43% of all revenues paid for gasoline and other fuels are collected by the government in taxes, and these taxes provide more than a third of the nation's operating budget. Adopting green Thorium plasma battery technology would reduce national oil consumption by more than 85% and how would our pols get by with 33% less tax revenues. Once gotten, graft is no sot easy to surrender as one Senator told me last year - "It would be easier to quit smoking after 10 years of chain smoking!"


So in essence, short term greed obfuscates even the chance of any long term vision or concern for our grandchildren. But if we found a way to use Thorium to make some horrific weapons of mass destruction that could kill millions if people in some foreign oil-rich land 5,000 miles away, Congress would be throwing billions into its development. In reality, those who are supposed to be serving "We the people" are simply serving themselves and the oil giants for as long as they can possibly profit.


Actually, my recent information is that the U.S. and Russian militaries are already using these nifty batteries in their most sacred and secret programs (i.e. unmanned underwater missile launchers, spy drones, super long-range torpedoes, etc). So while Uncle Sam ignores our critical and immediate public need for green energy and clean air, they are preparing for some future war that could be years away, even though we now have enough weapons in our arsenal to destroy every major city in the Eastern hemisphere within 10 hours!


Meanwhile, there are over 100 nuclear plants fueled by dangerous uranium vulnerable to natural disasters, terrorist attack, or targeted in the event of our next war. Each and every time a nuclear accident takes place, we all become potential victims left only at the mercy of the blowing winds. Our fates our left to luck.


Japan's nuclear fiasco is perhaps the final alarm Mother Nature will sound for us. Those of you with the interest and intelligence to sort fact from fiction need to start doing a little homework about Thorium plasma battery technologies and put the screws to your local pols, and compel them to put commitments in writing before they get your vote. As you may know by now, their ears only listen to us citizens every four years. Afterwards, they let money do all the talking - at our expense and risk.




While using throium in nuclear reactors has been around for several decades it is only recently that the energy output of the reactors have reached a capacity suitable fora power plant.


This as-eco-friendly-as-it-gets uranium alternative will not will not cause a reaction unless prompted by a laser and has no chance of a meltdown. The plutonioum byproduct created by this element is not weapons grade and will only last for one millennium as opposed to uraniums weapons grade byproduct that floats around for 10 millennum! This miracle worker can also remove any other radioactive waste.


With global warming on the rise and global awareness at an all time high governments should be looking for a safe, effective and practical power source that creates little or no pollution and enough energy to power tens of thousands of houses for days. Nuclear is the best answer and while nothing is wrong with the uranium reactors there is that small chance of a meltdown (Remember Chernobyl?), it creates weapons-grade plutonium and the waste will last for many, many generations to come.


I got this information from the fantastic Austrailian science magazine, Cosmos!

Notice from yordan:
Please do not post copied text in this forum. Read our rules again. Posting copied text is considered as plagiaris and can lead to a ban ;)
Edited by yordan
quoted the text copied from http://www.narutoforums.com/showthread.php?t=715581 (see edit history)

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