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The universe, the world, on to the human mind itself depend on electricity for function. Viewing electricity as software to make hardware work we can delve into the world of toying with that software and then developing the hardware to house its function. Electricity is where it all begins. There is little a person can't do with the right connections, a guitar amplifier or two, a computer, an instrument, a VCR, a TV, and some helpful extension speakers for accoustics. The digital audio of a computer is output as anolog which works great for a guitar amplifier. The VCR plays a duel role as visual intertainment and to help balance the output to the amplifier/s. Everything is fed through the VCR to the amplifiers except instruments. Fortunitely, I had two amplifiers along with in which one was a duel, so we could plug in a couple of guitars and a mic. The second amplifier was solely to feed the extension speakers. Once they're all hooked up, a video, CD or anything on the computer or TV (a PS2 and DVD can also be added) can be played and sung along with. It can be a real party favor.

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That sounds quite costly but it certainly is an original idea or atleast it's news to me.Where on earth did you come up with such an idea as to try that.....The furthest iv'e gone with fiddling around with electronics is my ingenius idea of using a Mega Drive cable for a Super Nintendo that had a broken one..... lol.

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How much does that cost exactly? It's gotta burn a hole in your wallet pretty quick. I mean yeah it sounds fun and everything, but there's a lot of ongoing costs to pay, electric for example. Why not just settle down and play chess with a friend or something? It's fun, to an extent, you can talk. Also you could make the game more exciting by making them eat a red hot chili pepper every time they lost a piece. Haha... That was so funny.

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