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How to Configure Two Ethener Adapters under XP ? Two adapters in XP

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I have currently three network adapters, and no problem, no need to unconfigure anything.Simly, remember that two different adapters must go to two physical different networks. Do you have several separate networks near your computer ?

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Same here, I have 2 physical, 2 virtual and 1 bleutooth network connection, and it works perfectly.I don't realy understand what you are trying to say, but I think you are trying to say that you have 2 network cards (lets call them A and B, makes my explanation more easy) and that if you want to use the other card (:lol:, you have to disable the first one (A) ? Correct?Why, cause different reasons give different answer is think?

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I have a similar issue which I don't know how to solve.. well I didn't really read about it. I have two cards, one is connected to my brothers PC for sharing multimedia and the other to the Internet. So I need to disable one, because I think that the IPs are fighting, because both use nd not or etc. so I need to disable one when starting/restarting my computer, but when it loads I just enable it and it works, even though I don't like it. :lol:

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I have two cards, one is connected to my brothers PC for sharing

So, the problem seems simple.You should leave the one connect to Internet like it is currently.
the second one seems connected only to your brother's PC.
So, the second one can be configured to a fixed IP addreess (let's say and at the other end of the cable your brother's one should be configured to a fixed address, for example.
Can you confirm that when connected to your brother's pc you simply have an Ethernet cable, or are other PC's also connected to yours through the same adapter and a switch ?

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Can you confirm that when connected to your brother's PC you simply have an Ethernet cable, or are other PC's also connected to yours through the same adapter and a switch ?Yordan

Yep, but he also has two adapters, one for his Internet and other cable connects our computers.. yeah, but the problem is his Internet provider use 192.168.*.* and my use 10.0.*.* so it won't work for him if he changes it to that. He said that there is/are some more numbers which can be used to avoid this, but I never googled for it, I just got used to Disable/Enable :lol:

So there are two computers with four adaptors, two Internet providers and a cable connecting our computers through Ethernet adaptors.
Edited by Quatrux (see edit history)

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Sorry, I just start understanding the full problem.your PC has two adapters, and your brother's one has a single one, is this right ?If not, maybe you could post a drawing with the NIC's and cables ?

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Sorry, I just start understanding the full problem.

your PC has two adapters, and your brother's one has a single one, is this right ?

If not, maybe you could post a drawing with the NIC's and cables ?


No, I have two adaptors and he also has two adaptors. I will try to make a picture.

Posted Image


So the 1st PC Internet provider's gateway is and my Internet providers gateway is, so when he turns on samba I enable the second Ethernet card, I need to write to connect to him, it works, but also that is my gateway.

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OK, now it's simple, it's the thing I do every day.Leave the current internet "adapter 1" settings as they are now, on each PC. Each NIC 1 has it's own address, consider both of these address ranges as forbidden. You cannot touch by yourself the addresses 192.168.XXX.XX nor the addresses 10.XXX.XXX.XXXI nead a last info, type "IPCONIFIG /all" on each PC, and look what subnet mask you have, I will assume that the subnet mask is starting anything, first type "ping" and "ping" on each PC. Each command on each PC should give "no answer" because there is no PC reacheable with these addresses now. So, theses addresses are free for your home personnal use.Now, on each PC, leave the "number 1" Ethernet adapter as it is now, and configure each "number 2" ethernet adapter as follows :. Fixed IP address. IP address number : on the left PC, on the righ-sided PC.. Net mask, with Samba, the second PC will mount the samba disk from, and the first PC will mount the samba disk from the second one on address I clear ?If not, don't hesitate ask more.Regards Yordan

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