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Canadian 39th General Elections Results

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Well, some of us, here are Canadian. Just in case they don't know the results yet. Here they are:

Seat Changes:

1. Conservatives: 124 seats, change from 2004: 99, percent in change: +25.3%

2. Liberals: 103 seats, change from 2004: 135, percent in change: -23.7%

3. Bloc Québécois: 51 seats, change from 2004: 75. percent in change: -5.6%

4. New Democratic Party (NDP): 29 seats, change from 2004: 19, percent in change: +52.6%

Popular Vote:

1. Conservatives: 5,370,903, percent of total: 36.3%, change from 2004: +6.6%

2. Liberals: 4,477,217, percent of total: 30.2%, change from 2004: -6.5%

3. Bloc Québécois: 1,552,043, percent of total: 10.5%, change from 2004: -1.9%

4. New Democratic Party (NDP): 2,590,808, percent in total: 17.5%, change from 2004: +1.8%



Conservative Party of Canada


Source: Wikipedia


In my opinion, I rather have the Liberals winning than the Conservatives, never liked them in the first place. My first choice is the Green Party of Canada.



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Do you remember when we had the Marijuana Party? I think it was usually during a lunch hour at school.Seriously though, this is a lame duck Parliament. Another Minority Government. If you do the math, the Conservatives require the support of either the Liberals (unlikely) or the Bloc (more likely) in order to have a Majority to pass Legislation. The Bloc Quebecois hold the key to the Conservative's success. The NDP and Liberals combined do not have sufficient seats to veto the decisions.Expect another Election soon.

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I saw the results and the Marijuana Party along with some others like the Communist, and some even flakier ones were all throuwn into one pile in the less than something like 5%. Only potheads would vote for another pothead anyway and even most of them know that that would probably not really work cause you couldn't take them seriously. Might as well have the Clown party.

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I was surprised that the green party got as much of the popular vote that it did, close to 4.5% if I remember correctly. But they still didn't get a seat so that's probably a good thing :)
http://enr.elections.ca/ElectoralDistricts.aspx shows a listing of all the results, and lets you see how many crazy *bottom* parties there are.I had never heard of the AACEV party, which doesn't surprise me since it got a whole 72 votes.

I agree thought that I would have preferred the liberals to stay in power... I was hoping they'd win with a minority government by a very slim margin, just so they realized they need to shape up, but to not let the conservatives have the reigns. Ah well, I'm sure we'll be back to the polls in a year or two haha.

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I'm also smelling another election soon. Plus, it's like the American elections, all we know is that there are 2 sides, Republican and I forogt what was the other one, but anyways, Liberals and the Conservatives are the big 2, third is the NDP, then the Bloc Quebecois, then the Green Party. I was hoping the Grreen Party to get at least 2-5 seats, but my hopes were way too high.xboxrulz

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I'm also smelling another election soon. Plus, it's like the American elections, all we know is that there are 2 sides, Republican and I forogt what was the other one, but anyways, Liberals and the Conservatives are the big 2, third is the NDP, then the Bloc Quebecois, then the Green Party. I was hoping the Grreen Party to get at least 2-5 seats, but my hopes were way too high.xboxrulz

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what is the canadian electoral system like? i can see that it is not proportional representation. is it first past the post? if so what are the electoral areas like, how big?who gets to vote? what is that age, and what about criminals/ ex criminals?i find it really interesting the different systems of election around the world, and yet apparently we all have democracy. but it doesnt seem very democratic that the canadian greens for 4.5% and no seats yet the Bloc Québécois get 10.5% and 51 seats.

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