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Hi To All Fanatic Webmakers

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Hi fanatic webmakers,

Today (20 november) I signed me up at Xisto.com.

Because Xisto and Xisto have a very nice webhosting offer.

Why a free webhosting?
Because I ain't have the money lol! If I pay I get maybe 100 mb webspace and none php cgi etc... Now I can for free. The services is very well as well!

By the way my name is Frank. I live in the Netherlands, in a tiny village Egmond-Binnen. I'm 16 years old and still student (one year to go).

Why do I like making websites?
Because I make pictures of rare people at party's, school, outside etc.. On a website everyone can see the pictures and laugh then.

What kind of CMS Portal do I use?

I use Dragonfly a CGI structure. It's easy to modify. Question: Is CGI allowed?
Have a look at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

I think you have enough information about me if I tell more I can tell my pincode :)

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Hej Franklin,welcome here! CGI is possible as you may have found out. What did you mean by "telling your pincode"? So you're website is going to be some kind of freakshow or what?regards,ruben

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