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Kid Saiyan

Emp Weapons Electro-Magnetic Pulse Weapons

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Okay...i know this may sound crazy but ive heard from my friend that lately, the government has started producing EMP - Electro-Magnetic Pulse weapons. I dont really believe this at the moment as those kind of weapons are usually only for use in stae of emergency... :mellow: well...this might be an emergency but the weapons,as ive been told, are way too deadly. Apparently, these weapons can kill...O.othats all i know so far...any comments?

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EMP is not a new technology. Have you ever watched the movie Sneakers, they have a great explanantion of what EMP devices were being worked on. As far as using it to kill, think about this, people's hearts use electrical pulses to beat, imagine wiping out that pulse with an EMP, instant heart attack. More likely, what the military is looking at EMP for is to make it portable enough that covert ops teams can get inside an enemy base or HQ and set it off, disabling communication and detection for the enemy.~Viz

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EMP weapons to kill people by heart attacks...if the people have a pace maker, then yeah, EMP weapons will do serious harm to those individuals. As far as stopping people's hearts...you need an actual electrical current for that. Even then Volts hurt, Amps kill. That's why people that get hit by lightining, 100k+ volts, live while getting shocked by an electric chair with 25,000k volts and a hundred Amps kills. (really need to double check the exact figures, I think it only takes like 10 milliamps to kill a person) The most effective weapon against eletrical grids ever developed: tin foil. That's right, you can disable electrical substations with renyolds wrap! How much did the military spend developing this destructive weapon: $0. They discovered this when a navy fighter on manouvers dropped chaff (basically aluminium foil) and some fragments were blown by the wind on to some powerlines and caused a short. In fact, manytimes the first warheads launched in Tomahawk cruise missiles over enemy targets have tin foil warheads, not explosives. Spread over a power station, they can cause havoc shutting down the grid for days.

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Uhh .. EMPs have been around for a while now. Even "24," that insipid annoying show, had a storyline about them. I'm not entirely sure if they could actually kill people (interesting question to ask, though), but I DO know that they wipe out data very nicely. I wouldn't mind if one was accidentally set off near IRS headquarters, now that I think about it ... hmm ... no more audits. Mwahaha!

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Hey, 24's good! :mellow:


Yeah, probably couldn't kill a person from a heart attack, although if they were really close to it when it went off, they could probably get a huge dose of electromatic energy, which could cause cancer...


I really want to find a way to secure my computers from EMPs....I know aluminum foil can stop RFID signals, but I dunno 'bout EMPs. :blink:

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If the frequency of the EMP generator was set to the same ressenance as the elctro-chemical pulses in the brain, then yes it can kill. But, it would require a heck of a lot of time to create such an accurate system. EMP is used to disrupt anything that uses electrical charges. For example, new cars can be made useless by EMP generators, as the microchips within the cars are rendered inoperable. And you can't stop EMPs from affecting your computer, unless you want to buy 10 inches of pure lead to surround your microchips and processors.

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Right, in order to harm a person with EMP, it requires a huge amount of pulses to actually damage us... The only thing it could do at its best is disrupt all electrical products. Most of which will be destroyed, for example: computers, data storage devices, etc... EMP has been around a long time and has been demonstrated in different media (tv, movies, etc...) I believe the main reason the government is researching and developing EMP is to find a much more portable way to distribute the generators to our enemy base to destroy all their communication and database... That way, we eliminate their intelligence and have a higher chance to successfully seige their target.........Chin chin....

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Knowledge leads to power, and power leads to corruption. The governments around the world are more than likely studying EMP in such detail because of the militarial possibilites with it. However, scientists are studying it because of the number of physic laws that are involved. Unlocking those laws and theories is their main priority.

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This electromagnetic pulse (more well-known by acronym EMP, of ElectroMagnetic Pulse), can easily include whole continents and affects all class of electrical and electronic apparatuses, like telephones, radios, computers, motors, specially if they are connected to long cables (computer science lines of telephone, networks, etc) due to the induced currents. First registered pulse EMP took place in years 50 during an aerial detonation in the South Pacific, and affected to electrical systems in places so moved away as Hawaii. One calculates that a device with a power of megatones that was made detonate to about 400 km of height on the state of Kansas would generate electromagnetic a pulse able to affect all the continental area of the United States. Little is known on the real effects of the EMP, since the Treaty of Limitation signed in 1963 ended the detonations of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere.During the Cold War both sides worked in thermonuclear devices able to produce a SREMP, a EMP very located generated in detonations to low height. This technology has obvious military advantages, since to the thermal effects and of shock wave of a nuclear weapon the capacity would be added to annul electrical and electronic components in a very ample area. It is necessary to affect which the normal EMP would affect so much to the aggressor as to the attacked one, and are necessary in addition arms of the order of megatones. Nowadays most of the military electronic systems they are protected against the EMP, specially those of small size isolated of great electrical layings.So, there are many countrys that are protect agains this kind of weapon, but this weapon is not used normaly like a pistol or like a missil, this kind of weapon is so dangerous like the nuclear, because it can affect almost all the entire wolrd. So this is real this is not fiction science is true.

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EMP is going to come in handy if and when RFID chips are going to start being implanted in stuff you need to carry around with you (like ID cards) to make it easy for governments to know who you are from 30 feet away. But for the moment that's the stuff of science fiction movies.

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This is all very true, and EMP weapons are definitely a very real threat now that we are all so dependent upon technology. The governments are now very interested in nano sized mechanical chips. These would be entirely resistant to EMP. You can see why, they would be interested in the technology, for essential military installations and troops on the battlefield. The nano mechanical chips would be much slower than normal chips, but they are more robust and apparently use less energy. Also they do not heat up so much, making them useful for applications that regular chips just can't be used for because of the heat.

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EMP can't kill people. It can only disable electronics. EMP does exist and if a terrorist plants an EMP bomb at a place like the NYSE, then all of us are screwed. You won't even notice that a blast occurred, you would just think that there's a blackout everywhere (unless you have a battery powered device, then you would notice something fishy). It will destroy all electronics but won't kill a person.xboxrulz

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