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Catholicism Vs. Christianity How do they differ?

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Catholics arenCatholicism Vs. Christianity

IF Catholics are Christians, then why call them by BOTH? You are either one or the other, now which is it? You cannot say you're a Christian, but yet claim to be under the Catholic church, you're either UNDER the Christian Church (Christ's church) or you're not a Christian. Simple as that. Nothing further to add. 

-reply by Michelle

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wow what a little research would do michelleCatholicism Vs. Christianity

Michelle just wanted to answer your question/ respond to your statement...You absolutely can be both catholic and christian in fact anyone who professes to be christian regardless of denomination is catholic as well. The word catholic is Latin for UNIVERSAL! So unless you are in rebellion as a christian against other christians (remember what Jesus said about who is for us and and against us) every single Christian should strive to be "Catholic" as it is only universal unity in Christ that followers can fully do the great commission we were put on Earth to do and be fishers of men...By the way fishing in a lake for fish that are already part of your ocean to bring them over to your side of the ocean is really redundant don't you think?

-reply by jonathan

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college project Catholicism Vs. Christianity

whats are the origins of Roman Catholicism?

what is the ideology or beliefs of  Roman Catholicism?

what makes Roman Catholicism? different than other sects or denominations of Roman Catholicism?

what's the nature of its leadership, how is the religion administered?

-question by floyd harrison

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I think people over complicate things. Saying protestants arn't "Saved" or "Christians" isnt correct and is a massive assumption. Just as saying Catholics arn't "Saved" or "Christians" is also a huge assumption.

You see people are putting to much emphasis on the words and not on 'the word'. Its not about where a certain word derives from. Its not about which one was created first or branched off last. Its not about the word having to mean "universal".

The beleif in Christ should be completely centre. And the beleif in who he was and what he taught should be taken only from the Bible. Old and New Testament. Sure people are always going to differ in their interpretations but as long as the fundamentals are their there is no need for segregation or denomination rather. For instance. I don't beleive in the praying to Saints. I just pray to God( Father, Son and the Holy Spirit)... But that doesnt mean one or the other isnt 'Saved' and I'll still love the other with all my heart, because they are my brother/sister in christ. Just like the debate of 'accepting Jesus into your heart' or 'following Christ'. They both mean the same thing whether one is theologically correct or isnt. (Your splitting Hairs! (Being Pedantic)

Theoglogy complicates the matter, The Bible simplifies.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that whoever beleives in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

You beleive that, regardless of Denomination or whether you even attend church and your onto a good thing my friend. 

-reply by Toby

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Catholicism v.s. Protest-antsCatholicism Vs. Christianity

Replying to iGuestGossman, where are you drawing your inaccurate conclusions from my friend? Let's just look at a few fundamental facts here.Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour of The Catholoic Church. Christ founded his Church with Peter in position of authority.(Mathew16:16-19) Peter is the first Pope of the Church with an uninterrupted succession up to the current Pope Bennedict.If you believe that the Bible is the Word of God and the final authority then you're Catholic. Who do you think assembled the Old and New testaments into what you call the Bible? The Catholic Church. The only real problem you have with that particular line of thought is the Bible you're reading was modified during the protestant reformation and seven books from the Old Testament including some books from Daniel were removed from the canon by your friend Martin Luther, deeming the books inconsistant with Christian teaching over 1,200 years after the Holy Spirit guided the books that made up what we call the Bible. Luther actually tried to remove the Book of James and Revelation as well because they disagreed with his phyilosophy on Christianity. One simple question; do you not believe that Jesus Christ, God incarnate, would not leave absolute and complete Truth to his Church? Would you suggest that God would come to Earth as man, teach Truth, be crucified and put to death for our sake, establish an Earthly Kingdom and Church, and then let his teaching be open for interpretation and nothng more than subjective Truth?Also, with respect to Mary(Mother of Jesus mind you), just one simple question. If she was good enough for Jesus, why isn't she good enough for you?As for the Saints, the Saints that we venerate not worship, suffered some cruel deaths so that the Gospel would survive. Peter, again the first Pope, was crucifed upside down for preaching the Gospel. King David venerated the Saints, was he part of a cult?(Psalms97:10, Psalms116:15) Reference Paul on how he feels about the Saints;1 Cor.6 , 1Thes.3:13. The bottom line here Gossman is Jesus never said, "hey guys write this down". The first writings about His account weren't written for several decades after His death and resurrection. What we call the Bible wasn't assembled for several centuries after His death and resurrection. The printing press wasn't invented for over a millinium after His death and resurrection. So, what did Christians do without what we call the Bible? How'd they get by? They did what Christ taught them through Sacred Tradition, what you call "customs". And the Catholic Church has been using those Traditions for 2,000 years. It is indeed the Church Christ started. Explore it just a little. Have an open mind. Read John 17. Christ didn't want the division we have today.Converted Catholic.Neil

-reply by neil

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Catholic vs. ChristianCatholicism Vs. Christianity

I like the KISS sytem.  Keep It Super Simple.

If you believe in Christ you are a Christian, regardless of church affiliation.

If you follow the practice the teachings of Christ you are a practicing Christian, regardless of church affiliation.

If you belong to a church that preaches the teachings of Christ, you are a Christian that gathers with other Christians to celebrate your faith, regardless of denomination.

This is where most people start to get confused. A different denomination does not change your basic faith or beliefs.  Which brings us back to the first statement.  If you believe in Christ you are a Christian, regardless of church affiliation (or denomination).

You can be a Christian without being a Catholic but you cannot be a Catholic without being a Christian.


-reply by jaydee

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You said, "I myself am a mixture of just about all* of the religions. I believe that, there is a "Supreme Being" no matter what *ever* you want to call Him/Her"

I found your thinking very "politically correct".  No offense to anyone there. You are a mixture of just about all of the religions.  You do believe that there is a "Supreme Being" no matter what "ever" one wants to call Him/Her. /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley1.Gif

From this, I assume you are a young female/male or what "ever".  You don't seem to have much of your own opinion and you're somewhat of a non-thnker.  /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley3.Gif(no offense) You do want to be a part of what's going on so you just go along with what "ever" so you will be accepted.  That is a very "safe" way to play it but you won't get too far with that kind of an attitude.

Now, remember I said, "no offense", and quite frankly, I meant it.  I know you will probably be a little offended, though, and I really am sorry.  I just wanted to make a point and hope it sticks with you for a long time.

Did you ever suppose that this "Supreme Being" that YOU said YOU believe is there, might WANT you to know WHO He/She is and that He/She has more of a plan for your life then WHATEVER? Or do you suppose He/She is just there in oblivion hanging around with WHATEVER, wondering about WHATEVER, doing WHATEVER??  IF you really BELIEVE there is a Supreme Being don't you think you ought to find out what this SUPREME Being wants.  Just the SAME way YOU would not want to be identified as female/male or what"ever",  and just the SAME way YOU would not want someone to just randomly think WHATEVER about you (like I did above) could it be possible that this Supreme BEING might want us to take time to know Him.  Could it be that this Supreme Being actually CARES about people and WANTS them to get to know Him so He can help them, direct them, etc.  after all He is a SUPREME Being.  He's a BEING not an IT and He has feelings and cares for us/YOU.

I just thought maybe you should investigate a little bit more and find out for yourself.  He's ALWAYS there to answer your questions.  Don't just go along with the crowd,  they don't know where they are going anyway.  Be strong, be an individual and find out for yourself.  You just might be very pleasantly suprised for the rest of your life!!/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley1.Gif

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Catholicism vs ChristianityCatholicism Vs. Christianity

What puts Roman Catholicism apart from all other christian groups is that Catholicism is the original authentic Christianity & the true body of Christ on earth as laid down in scripture.Catholicism is not a mish mash pick & mix sweet shop for Christians as it is with most denominations. It is what it is & always has been from it's very birth.Jesus gave St Peter the keys of heaven, words from his very own mouth & said the gates of he'll would not prevail against it.Christians groups, in what I can only describe as ignorance & jelousy, attack the Catholic church & try to change it but the word of God cannot be changed. This is why the Catholic church has lasted 2000 years & why approximately half of all Christians in the world today are catholic. St Methodius of Patara, 4th century bishop & martyr "in the last period Chrstians will not appreciate the great grace of God who provided a monarchs, a long duration of peace, a splendid fertility of the earth. They will be very ungreatfull, lead a sinful life, in pride, vanity, unchastity, frivolity, hatred, avarice, gluttony and other vices, that the sins of men will stink more than a pestilence before God. Many will doubt wether the catholic faith is the true & only saving one & wether the Jews are correct when they still expect the Messiah..."Hope that answers your question FloydReplying to iGuestReplying to iGuestReplying to iGuestReplying to iGuest

-reply by Daniel

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Catholics were NOT the first christians.Catholicism Vs. Christianity

To start off, I am not by any means claiming my beliefs are the one true form of faith. This is just my interpretation. If catholics are the original christians, how come they are contrary to the teachings of the Bible they hold so dear, which is the exact same copy I read daily. Religion is mans interpretation of the Will of God. Now that being said, each and everyone of these religions you cite be it catholic, protestant, or whatever is exactly that...Man's interpretation of the Bible. If catholics are the first real christians then why did paul have to bring them the Gospel? They were a branch of the original church which has faded into obscurity because of how we, as men, decided that I don't like this part but I like that part. Thats how all these different "sects" of christianity came to being. Its short and simple...If the churches birthday doesnt coincide with Christ's death then how can you say it is the original...Christianity has a founded date too but it is the day of Jesus' birth.Replying to MajesticTreeFrogReplying to iGuest

-reply by chaos520

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I am sorry to disappointing youCatholicism Vs. Christianity

I think you should study some history. All your faith is defined by the councils; the church gave you that book that you follow!Catholicism is christianity, and by this post, I can tell you are american; If you come to Europe and say Catholic vs. Christianity, you will be treated as ignorant; because truly you are...I recommend some books of history!Use your brain!

-reply by David

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