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Favorite Classic/old School Games?

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What are your favorite or most fondly remembered classic games. Personally, I have to wonder how much games have really evolved when I think back to my old favorites and new games leave me wanting in comparison. I don't think it has anything to do with technological development but rather whether a developer is able to accomplish their goals for a game regardless of what technology is available.1. Marathon. This game was my very first mac game and one of the first 3-D shooters ever. It had such a dark, gritty and claustrophobic atmosphere and I'd also probably consider it the first true survival horror game. It took place on a moon-sized spaceship that had been infested by alien slavers and placed you in the role of a lone security guard who had to follow orders given by maniacal AIs. Unfortunately, this title was a little obscure and doesn't nearly the amount of recognition it deserves.2. Super Metroid. I shouldn't have to explain this choice. This game holds its own to this day as one of the best adventure/free-roaming games ever.3. Myth and Myth II: Soulblighter. These are extremely addictive and arguably the most realistic strategy games ever. They were all about troop management and gave you every bit of control you could want including various formations and other types of micromanagement. You had to build up the experience of each unit to ensure that they would remain effective as missions progressed. It had a really advanced tactical element as well because you soon find yourself always on the look out for bottlenecks and high grounds (for projectile units) and other areas where you'd gain the upper hand.I'm sure I'll remember more has this thread gets going.

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my old favourite are on the megadrive. this is the second console i had before that i had the "spectrum" it used cassette tapes which you can easily copy on your casstte recorder.it had a gun and a keyboard at that time it was quite good! but took a hell of a lot of time to load one game up. maybe about... half an hour or so. becasue of that i didnt really play much of the games.but i still remember the megadrive clearly that was like about 10 years ago. i had pacman! went through 4 levels i think than lots of different worlds using about 3 lives! still aint completed that fully yet. always kept on dying on the last red level. it was really fast and the ghosts kept getting you.hm.. oh yeh "streets of rage" that is wicked. completed the game many times over. probably the best classic game i ever played. now other games are copying the same style. beating the people up in one section and moving on to the next. i always had the ninja girls jumping back and forth on the screen got kill so much times.sonic series that got to be the best for me. i well of a fan of the game. i never completed the 3rd game. in the circus round i always get stuck in a room where you jump up and down, and try to jump through the whole when it opens. got bored and just left it. now its kinda boring when i turned 3d, not as good as before.

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Games on cassette? Haha. I have to draw the line there I'm afraid :D I'm kidding. But yeah, I know what you mean. Those old NES and atari games weren't much to look at but some of them could be as addictive as morning coffee. I miss those old arcade shooters like duck hunt. There could be huge market potential for a comeback of console "blasters" but I think nowadays anyone who tried to reintroduce them would be tarred and feathered by parent groups. I think the very idea of selling something that even resembles a firearm to minor is probably strictly prohibited...Ah well. Duckhunt. Now that was a game.Here are a few more of my favorite classics.4. Mortal Kombat II: Probably the best of the MK games to date.5: Myst and Riven: These games are so under appreciated. It's just sad that most people won't even look at them since they're not violent and rely entirely on puzzle solving and observation. They're absolutely beautiful to look at and incredibly immersive. Just turn the lights off, crank up the surround sound and give yourself a couple good hours. It's like reading a good book. You're almost sad when it's over too. The later myst games, 'Exile' and 'Revolution' are just as good and even more beautiful.

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Final Fantasy 1, Chrono TriggerOf the two I'd say that Chrono Trigger is my favorite. Better story and a more enjoyable game over all. Still one of my favorite games to play because it seems all modern RPG's have that same story, just different characters and a different time. I really havent enjoyed a good RPG since Final Fanyasy 7 But if ther are some I've over looked then I appologise.

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Does Kendo Rage count? Its a neat game for super nintend or do we need to chose a game that is 8-bit?.If you have never ehard of Kendo Rage then surely you must have heard of Chrono Trigger. Now that game rocked. That Chrono Cross is blaspamy but the original SNES game was dang good. If that is not a classic even if it is not <=8 bit you should slap yourselves...

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Hey. It's all good as long as it stands the test of time.

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In that case Final Fantasy 7 is a definite. It is cited for the development of the modern RPG. 1up credits it in their 50 essentuals for popularizing console RPGs in the U.S., being the first game to effectively integrate CG video throughout the presentation and maybe most significant of all Final Fantasy 7 set new records for production budget on a single game. How is this revolutionary? Well it is part of contributing to today's rising costs of development where nowday games cost almost as much as feature films...Grand Theft Auto 3 might be another good canidate. Its landmarks include its contribution to the debate over violence in gaming. Merged "sandbox" design with action focus to create "emergent" (I love that word) gameplay. Cemented "thug" & mob themes as the new hotness and is the best-selling series of the current generation mading Rockstar a publishing giant. True they were not original ideas but it buit on concepts like Legend of Zelda Ocerena of Time (another possible classic) and its non linear design and open word.Heck maybe Counter-Strike & Halo might be considered classics. They both made major contributions to online FPS gaming that I so love. Counter Strike as one of the most played and Halo (aswell as Halo 2 & Xbox live) for bringing it to a mainstream audience.I also happen to be a fan of fighting games beyond FPSs and RPGs so I would have to give some credit to Streetfighter 2 as the best of its generation and Guilty Gear X2 (asnd the Xbox Guilty Gear X2 #Reloaded) as on one of the alst great sprite based fighting gamesFor PC maybe give the Comand & Conquer & Sidmier games some credit. Awsome strategy games. You could mention MMOs but that is too new I guess... Well time will tell :D

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I thought the topic is Old School games? O-o. Why is FFVII there??My contribution: SUPER MARIO! On the gameboy. and Tetris.I don't know how big gameboy was in other parts of the world, but when I was young that was all I played. Everyday I'd play super mario, over and over again, trying to get to the last stage... stage 12 I think. I don't think I ever made it there though.Nowadays gameboys are so cool. With colour, and the ability to fold into a smaller shape... (veering off-topic)How about text-based games? Back when we were still using BBS instead of the WWW there used to be text-based turn-based strategy games? I remember my elder sister playing those, I was still too young to understand how they worked. I still have a lot of games on 5 and a quarter inch floppy diskettes. Don't know why I still keep them around, since the computer that had a 5 and a quarter inch floppy drive is like.. dead and defunct for a long time now...I even have the first Sim City. on a floppy.

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Yeah! Super Mario (for super nintendo).Also Super Mario 64, and Zelda: Ocarina of time. (I think they could be considered old school...)Also in the list are Fifa 98 and Twisted Metal 3.

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I started out on a Sega Master System (the first one LOL I think I was about 6 ?). Without a cartridge it had Alex Kid In Miracle World loaded!! I LOVE that game :) I still do (my cell phone ringing tone is the intro of Alex Kid ;)) Since my parents were divroced, the dad figure had to follow suit and bought me a Sega Master II with Sonic, California Games, a shoot them up game and a flight game (Ice or Ace something). I hated all the games on it but Sonic ;)Then I got a SNES, with Mario All Stars (Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario 3 etc... the 3 standard Mario's and Mario : Lost Levels), PilotWings, Mario Kart (my ultimate fave - which I lost ;)) and some space shoot thing LOL. I also have the Super Game Boy (TETRIS!!!) Then I bought a Playstation ages ago, with GT2 (still love it), Tony Hawk 2 (finshed it with all the extra's hidden stuff etc), GTA2, and several more LOL. On the PS my fave was GT2 and Tony Hawk. Now we come to the pc faves ;) And those are perhaps older LOL.I used to have a game called Stunts on DOS, with car racing, racing against time ;) but it was soo hard because if you would hit a wall (or come close to it) your car would be ruined. At this point, I am looking for the game, I miss it LOL. Darkages was one I hated with a vengeance LOL, then I had the ever so nice Ken's Labyrinth :( Still got the floppy with it LOL. After DOS came Phantasmagoria, and to my great sadness, I left the game (7discs) with my "dad thing" so I don't have it anymore ;) Leisure suits Larry 7 was well too much fun LOL, Hopkins FBI (shooter type rpg), Sanatorium (only found a demo, never found the game)... And when I was 15, I got introduced to Myst! I had pages of notes, for the puzzles, I loved it. So I recently bought me Exile (heh, cheapo that I am - naah, just no store had it, bought it in Holland). Oh and one of my faves, Motorcross madness! In short, my ultimate faves: Myst/Riven/ExileMotorcross MadnessPhantasmagoriaLeisure Suits Larry 7 (anyone any idea where I could find it again to buy it since I really do want it back)Stunts (DOS)GT2 (PSone)MarioKart (SNES)Alex Kid (Sega Master)

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Heh, you can tell the approximate age of each poster by what they consider to be 'old school' games. For me, the earliest games I can remember playing were on the good ol' Commodore 64. Now that was a quality system. So many awesome games. My little brother learned the basics of reading before he went to Kindergarten because he wanted to be able to type 'load' and 'save' so he could play those games. Just a few favourites: Impossible Mission, Space Taxi, Wizard, and some other games that I don't even remember the names of anymore.

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Wow, KitKat you're a C64 fan too? You'll have to visit my site. Once it's worth visiting. Anyway my fave old-school games would have to be Katakis (C64), Space Quest (a zillion platforms) and SMB3 (NES)

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