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Hot Debate: Your Views On Gays & Homosexuality ...

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TBH i don't think there's anything wrong with being gay.Firstly, you're born that way. Nothing you can do about it.Secondly, you're not hurting anyone by being gay or having a homsexual relationship.For the religous zealots out ther yelling about Sodom and Gamorrah, God destroyed it because they were on the whole participating in orgies, beastiality, molestation, and otherwise disgusting things that even homsexuals of today would say was wrong.Homosexuality is similar to race in that the eprson has no say in what race/sexuality they are and it has abosultely no bearing on how intelligent/mean/evil you are. In that respect, discrimanting against homosexuals should be unconstitutional ( in the US or where ever) as it is discrimination of the same level as race which denies people rights absed on how they were born.

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uh yeah, tehre is Something you can do about it. Don't be gay. Oh yeah, and you aren't bon gay. And yeah, I think that discriminating your actions should be against the law, it breaks one of the ammendment thingies.


The constitution is so outdated as is the bible. We have to stop living by these things. There are a few things that I think should be a given for all people no mater age, sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, or anything else.


You have the right to be happy, no one can take this from you.


You have the right to express yourself in anyway, as long as it does not directly harm someone, or is intended to harm someone.


You have the right to love how you want to love, not book can tell you otherwise.


You have the right to pratice any religion or no religion with out fear of persicution.


You have the right to be free.


Unfortunatly, humans are pretty much scum and treat each other terribly. We stick our noses in other peoples buisness and tell them how they should live their lives. We are cruel to one another, and we are just b******* in general. We need to get a grip on ourself and let everyone live there life how they want to live it.

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Uh yeah, there is Something you can do about it. Don't be gay. Oh yeah, and you aren't born gay. Also yeah, I think that discriminating your actions should be against the law, it breaks one of the ammendment thingies.


That has got to be the absolute most ignorant post I have ever read. Don't be gay? That's like saying don't be yourself or don't be [insertethniciyhere]. And yes, people are born gay, It's been proven.


Seriously you can't tell someone, "Oh you're not the same as me, i'm sorry but you're not allowed to love someone." Everyone no matter who or what they are has a right to love someone and be who they are.


@tattoopunk: yes the constitution is outdated, but seeing how our government is BUILT on it, we don't have a choice but to update it as new issues arise.


I have to disagree, humans are not all scum. I am one of the many naive people that believe humans are naturally good. It's just that when we fear what is different or unknown, we turn into complete morons.


Honestly, I laugh at politicians who are trying to "protect the sanctity of marriage" by banning gay marriage. Marriage is about love. No matter who you are or what you believe, most marriages when not done for personal gain of some kind are about love. Discriminating against a group of people because they love the same sex does nothing but discriminate and tarnish the sanctity of marriage by saying "youre not good enough for marriage"


JUST like racism, JUST like Nazi Germany before the death camps.

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I have to disagree, humans are not all scum.  I am one of the many naive people that believe humans are naturally good. It's just that when we fear what is different or unknown, we turn into complete morons.


Humans are neither good nor evil. Those are made up concepts. Humans are human, with a variety of drives, hopes, and fears. How we act on those combined with the circumstances determines whether or not we are 'good' or 'bad'.


Essentially, we have it within our power to be both. Even at the same time. We also have the power to help people towards one or the other.





And yes, people don't choose to be gay. Irelevant of whether genetics are totally or wholly responsible, it is blatantly obvious there is no choice about it involved for most people. If there was, I would have chosen to be gay years ago, when I met this really nice gay guy who liked me. Man, if only that had done it for me.


Oh well, found a rockin awesome girl, but it took a while. Still, it sure would be NICE to be able to choose.

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Reply to #33So, tattopunk, you are saying that we should not live by the letter of both the bible and the constitution, but follwing this jist of them. That everyone here should be able to do [nearly] anything they want and we shoyuld all have absolute tolerance?I can deal with that, to a point. Catholics have nothing against homosexual people... up to the point when they are lovers. There view is that if two people of the same sex really do 'love' eachother, then they can be togather, and live through the pain of criticism. What they cannot do is have sex, for the same reason why protected sex is worng. You are doing it both for the gratification and a sort of 'proof' to your lover how much you do care for them. But by using protection, or having sex with someone of the same gender (same thing in this case) the lovers are trying to push into the back of their minds the possibility of children, which is the whole point to sex. This is why they cannot be married (I'll replace that with "bonded togather by God for eternity") because it is not how God intended. By other chuches [aside from Catholic] allowing gay marrige it completely destroys the merit of the sacrament of marrige for Catholics. If homosexuals are going to do it just for the tax benifits then the IRS should create an option for that, but please don't call it marrige.The bible describes life just as it is today, and is very beneficial to read. Why it has always been the #1 selling book for all of history is because it tells parables, which still happen every minute, that can save a person alot of pain [in many ways from many people]. It is certainly not outdated.

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On genetics: doesn't anyone remeber from sociology class that people are 50% genetics and 50% expirience :P ? This was confirmed in part by many studies done on identical twins. Arguing whether it's genetic or not is fruitless. Its whatever you decide that becomes the outcome, because decision is equally as powerful as genes :P. There's no way you could determine if it's from your genes or life expirience :P !

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On genetics: doesn't anyone remeber from sociology class that people are 50% genetics and 50% expirience :P ? This was confirmed in part by many studies done on identical twins. Arguing whether it's genetic or not is fruitless. Its whatever you decide that becomes the outcome, because decision is equally as powerful as genes  :P. There's no way you could determine if it's from your genes or life expirience :P !


I am not sure if your 50/50 thing is even correct, but it certainly is an overly broad generalization. Your eye color is not experience, nor are things like the ease with which you can gain muscle(though how much you DO gain is experience). And so on and so forth.


Also, it is very possible to tell what is experience and what is genetic and how much of what is which(get that?). It just takes effort and carefull controls, not to mention time and replication. But that is what science is for.


As for marriage, what if two buddhists get married? They certainly aren't getting married in the sense that catholics would like/be used to, nor would atheists(used in the sense of having no religion at instead of non-theism). However, both of these groups(as in myself and everyone in my family) is allowed to marry, have it called marriage, and have it treated as such by law.


It seems strange to me that gay people are not allowed to marry because it disturbes a religious concept of the term, while people who are ACTIVELY counter to the very religion itself are allowed to marry.



On a different note, do not reply to your own posts before someone has responded, edit your post instead. You have been warned.......

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It seems strange to me that gay people are not allowed to marry because it disturbes a religious concept of the term, while people who are ACTIVELY counter to the very religion itself are allowed to marry........


Yes, what a delicious conundrum. People who want a title created by a society who is against them, as the society doesn't feel they understand the underlying responsibilities.


Apart from this, sorry my posts are like my paragraphs: I've accustomed to creating a new one when the predescesor had to many topics in it. It shall not happen again.

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Yes, what a delicious conundrum.  People who want a title created by a society who is against them, as the society doesn't feel they understand the underlying responsibilities.



What society forgets, is that those people are PART of society, and are therefore in the same basket. The perceived difference in interests is an illusion.

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Um, wait. We aren't seeing correctly that they're getting it on with themselves? Or are you saying we have many things in common and just one doesn't bring us apart?

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Um, wait.  We aren't seeing correctly that they're getting it on with themselves? Or are you saying we have many things in common and just one doesn't bring us apart?


I was saying that the homosexuality vs society thing is not true, since homosexuals are part of society. Seeing it otherwise causes needless conflict.

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Ok, I don't know whether any of you guys discussing this topic are gay/bi/tri or whatever, but I am gay. I always have been. I was brought up by straight parents in a straight village with no direct gay influence. Going on the nature/nurture argument, I should be straight. But I'm not. I have had girlfriends. Almost all of my friends are female, but there is no sexual attraction there. That is the difference. It's not about being perverted, it is purely that I have a genetic make-up that means I find the same sex attractive, just like most of yours will probably mean that you find the opposite sex attractive.I have a degree in sociology, and therefore understand the whole nature/nurture debate. Some things are nature - race, gender, sexual orientation, others are nurture - morals, religion, etc.Now I could force myself to sleep with women, but that would not mean I am not gay. Just the same as if you force yourself to sleep with someone of the same sex, it doesn't make you gay. Sexual orientation is which sex you prefer to have relationships with, which is also why it is called a sexual preference. This term prefer is not as in "I prefer Green Day to Slipknot". It is a genetic preference - something your system is geared towards prefering. You can't change it because it is genetic. It's like hair colour - if you have borwn hair, it doesn't matter how much you tell yourself to be blond, or how many times you die your hair, you will always have brown hair. It's the same with me. It doesn't matter how many times I tell myself to be straight, or how many women I sleep with, I will always be gay.Hope this helps the discussion!

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Society without Homosexuals would be a society without.....1) Freddy Mercury (lead singer of band Queen)2) Alan Tureing (the man most credited formodern computers, and breaking the germal encryption codes in world war 2 !!!) without Alan, we may not have won the second world war !3) Brian (forgot second name) (lead singer in Placebo, my fave band)Its totally pointless to categorise people depending on who they prefere to have relations with.Personally, i prefere girls with dark hair, but if socially accepted norm was to prefere girls with blonde hair, would there be a thread in this forum discussing wether or not im ruining society by passing the so called less attractive brunnette gene to the net generation ?

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homosexuality came from many possible source. but it is really interesting to discuss in the manner of biology, the genetic make up.there are many things/actions related to genetic variables;1. physical appearance: hair, eyes, skin2. gender3. emotion (do you know that most crazy serial killers have some extra genes inside their DNA)4. deseasesso, probably it is really true that sexuality can be influenced by genetic.

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