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Good Grief Graphics

"sigathon" Went on a sig frenzy over the weekend

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Nice designs. I liket he third one. The last one seems to confusing. The background texture is ok just the colors. I like the font in the second sig it looks cool.Nice job

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Here is my feedback on the different sigs:Sig 1. I thinks its a good job you've done and i cant really recommend anything...Sig 2. I think its ok but preferably a different color could have been used.Sig 3. Looks a lot like the first one but looks too messy... Sig 4. I like the background but the arrows could have been a different color something that blends in a bit more with the background. And some borders could have been good.I would have to say i like the first one and the last one, if the last one had the suggestions i made, i would have probably gone for the last one. Anyways those are my feedback keep up the good work. :angry:

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the third one is the first version of the first one, i had another rneder on thje right side. I wasn't going for a cartoonish mountain look as much on this one like I did for the first one.The last one I just put my logo I came up with on it. It has a 1 px white boreder btw, dosen't show up on these forums though. (It looks really cool with a black bg) I need a better logo, but I haven't been able to come up with something better yet.

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they look pretty much the same to me. i dont really like the colors but the effect is ok. and in the last one, the text does not look that great in my opinion. it doesnt blend with the background.

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