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Hi ,Strategy games are my favs, one of my fav is General Command & Conqure : Zero hoursanyway what do u guys think about other strategy games , can u please suggest afew and explain them a biti intent to buy some games ,but i dun have any idea what to buy , can u guys help me out please...

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A good stragety game... well Rome Total War is kind of a stragety game but its mixed with the sort of imperilism style... so it might not be what your looking for. You have to build your empire and manage which is really slow but creating your army is the fun bit the wars are fought on huge maps and the possiblities are endless... another one could be Empire Earth, personally i dont really like this game but many other people gave good feedback about it, i think the game is too broad and it seems very sketchy but others think its like a better version of age of empires with more to do.

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One strategy game that I really liked is Warcraft III and Warcraft III The Frozen Throne. I am not a really big fan of the strategy game because they bore me after a while. After I'm done with the campaign mode I dont really play it anymore!!!

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I'm surprised you just said that about Warcraft...there's so much more than campaign mode, and you've got to love how Arthas progresses to become...(no spoilers, I promise) what he does end up becoming. The cutscenes are amazing, and multiplayer is always fun. If you play on Battlenet, you can always do things differently. Warcraft is a chameleon of a game.

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I prefer non-real-time strategy classics, especially Sid Meier?s Civilization I and II. Those were really good strategy games... I suppose I?m getting older. :D Anyway, Warcrafts & Starcraft are still ok.

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You'd probably want more "modern" type RTS games then I'd presume, with Command and Conquer Generals being a modern day to futuristic kinda game.In that case I'd recommend Ground Control 2 or Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War. You'll need a good computer, and both are graphically quite impressive. I think Dawn of War has gotten better ratings, and has a better online presence, but that's what I gathered, seeing I don't really own either :D, but I've seen friends who have both.

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