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MP3 Players

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Also, MiniDisc players use Sony's patented ATRAC3 format, which I personally think is better than mp3.  In mp3, data is compressed on all frequencies, causing an evenly-distributed loss of integrity.  However, ATRAC3 compression degrades only select frequencies that you don't tend to hear so much in music.  Hence, the songs can be compressed without much of a noticeable loss of quality.


All considered, I highly recommend Sony's MD players above flash or HD mp3 players.


The problem is that converting from mp3 to atrac3 (since that is all they play) degrades quality below the original mp3. Worse, getting music back off the device, or using it as a portable HD doesn't workw so the device overall has less value. Also, most mp3 players play other formats, all of which generally have better quality than mp3, in particular AAC (used in ipods) and Ogg Vorbis (used in the Rio Karma and a few others). Even wma is better, and all of these are better and more portable than Atrac3.


Finally, at least in America, MD players are rare and not nearly as well supported, not to mention expensive.

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I TunesBut i really don't listen to MP3's they sound like crap compaired to my perfered medium, vinal. Nothing sounds as silky smooth ans super sexy as a fresh vinal. If you take good care of them they last for ever. Plus vinal is waht made cover art amazing, not the cassett not the cd, vinal. The size is perfect for gorgous designs. A few of my favorites are Alice Cooper's Schools out, looks like an old school desk, opens like one and even las legs that you can fold out of the bottom. Dead Kennedys Bedtime for Democracy, amazing art and it folds open to display like a poster. Same for Heart's Dog & Butterfly. But the best of all is Styx's Paradise thearter, not only is the packaging amazing, but the vinal is amazing, there is actually an image etched into the vinal (doesn't effect sound quality at all) as well as the band logo etched. Can your MP3 do that? Didn't think so.

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Nothing sounds as silky smooth ans super sexy as a fresh vinal.   Plus vinal is waht made cover art amazing, not the cassett not the cd, vinal. 


Actually, take a vinal recording and use a high end record player to output it to a high end A2D converter and encode it in a lossless codec set to some stupid high bitratew and you will get the same level of sound.


As for cover art, my computer screen + huge HD allow for as much cover art as anyone could ever design. Too bad the studios don't take any advantage of that.


Also, is your vinal portable? Easy to store/share/maintain? There are disadvantages to vinal as well. Also, unless you are using a REALLY high end player(like a laser player), then they do wear out.

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You always lose quality every step you go away from the origional.Can you hold your monitor and fold it open? Flip through your mharddrive to find that album that will amaze youe friends? Oh look I've got a copy of The White album, on my hard drive. Thats nowhere as impressive, or gratifying at that. as holding a piece of music history in your hand.Wear? I have albums dated back to the 60's and 70's that have seen there share of use, and they play like new, if you care for you music and clean your plarer's stylus reguraly you will have your music forever. What happens if your harddrive frys?

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if we are to continue this discussion, i recomend that we do so in the convert now topic, it has more premise there.

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Can you hold your monitor and fold it open? Flip through your mharddrive to find that album that will amaze youe friends? Oh look I've got a copy of The White album, on my hard drive.  Thats nowhere as impressive, or gratifying at that. as holding a piece of music history in your hand.


Wear? I have albums dated back to the 60's and 70's that have seen there share of use, and they play like new, if you care for you music and clean your plarer's stylus reguraly you will have your music forever.  What happens if your harddrive frys?


You assume I find history gratifying, or that my friends would be impressed. As for the HD dying, the exact same thing as if somebody cracked your records:They would be very damaged, beyond repair. Unlike records, I can make a backup of my HD easily...

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I understand, we have different views, for me there is nothing like holding a limited pressing of my favorite album, you it is just the music itself if I am correct.

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I understand, we have different views, for me there is nothing like holding a limited pressing of my favorite album, you it is just the music itself if I am correct.


The music is the main thing, the problem with vinyl is the annoyance and the non-portability. I like to be able to listen to music in the car, in a train, etc. For this, digital is much much better, and can have fantastic quality. On the other hand, I have a small apartment, with people coming over and all that, and vinyl is expensive/hard to maintain/and easy to break. There just aren't any compelling reasons for me to use it. As for cover art, it can be cool, but having it digital means I can toss it in photoshop, and make it more than just the cover of an album, if I want to.

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Actuallt vinyl last a long long time. I have records that are more than 40 years old that play perfectly. Like all media you just have to take care of it, infact they scratch less than cd's do. They are heavy, but with a decent dj bag it's no problem to transfer them without damage them.And no need for them in this world! What are you talking about? Anyone that likes turntableism if fight tooth and nail to disprove you. That's like saying there is no need for the film real or for traditional cameras. Why must the whole world be digital? Why then don't we do away with printed text and move on to an e-book society?Also vinal is cheap if you know where to look. I can get an album for $0.88 where as a cd costs about $15, a new album on vinal runs $12. If you download an individual sond from somwhere like I-tunes you pay $0.99 a song. Vinal is still cheaper.

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And no need for them in this world!  What are you talking about?  Anyone that likes turntableism if fight tooth and nail to disprove you.  That's like saying there is no need for the film real or for traditional cameras.  Why must the whole world be digital?  Why then don't we do away with printed text and move on to an e-book society?


Also vinal is cheap if you know where to look.  I can get an album for $0.88 where as a cd costs about $15, a new album on vinal runs $12.  If you download an individual sond from somwhere like I-tunes you pay $0.99 a song.  Vinal is still cheaper.


I get my music from http://blogs.allofmp3.ru/ so it only costs me about 5 cents a song.


Ever hear of digital turntables?


The reason we haven't moved to an ebook society is that, like you with vinyl, people like having shelves of books. However, with cds they can have the advantages of digital as well as the whole 'lookie at my shelf of music' feeling.


Also, note that most people don't like ebooks because of two things: DRM sillyness, and crappy crappy crappy(not to mention expensive) ebook readers. When books cost 7 bucks, and ebooks cost 7 bucks + a crappy easy to break $100 reader AND are encumbered by DRM + the need for power, then there is no advantage to ebooks.


On the other hand, with music, both vinyl and cds/digital require power. Digital is less restricted because it can be done with batteries + carried around. Cds take up less space and can be purchased used dirt cheap just like vinyl. On most people's (decidedly crappy) sound systems, the difference in sound quality is more or less irrelevant.


In addition, taking a CD over to your friends house is easy, because almost everyone has a CD player. Or listening to it in your car. You have to have the right friends to share a LP these days, but the car thing is outright impossible.


MP3/digital players are just the next evolution of the CD player. They don't even have to have lower quality compared to CDs(or eventually DVD-A), since a number of players on the market(including the ipod) have lossless codec support.

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I'm kind of tiard of this discussion, so i will conceed to you, I shall continue to love vinal and will loook forward to a system that can easily duplicate an amazing copy. It may not be portable, but it is a thing of nostalgia and it will be around forever. Thank's for the interesting conversation, it was much fun.By the way, I checked out your site and love the artwork, great stuff.

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I'm kind of tiard of this discussion, so i will conceed to you, I shall continue to love vinal and will loook forward to a system that can easily duplicate an amazing copy.  It may not be portable, but it is a thing of nostalgia and it will be around forever.  Thank's for the interesting conversation, it was much fun.


By the way, I checked out your site and love the artwork, great stuff.


Thanks for the compliment, I will try and fix it up and actually finish it. And you know, have a single design for the site....which will be totally different from the two already badly thrown together.


I am not saying vinyl is not usefull, or good, or even fun and neat. Its just not something that people would convert to, since mp3 players are built around the idea of portability. Its a mismatch in terms of markets. For audiophiles, vinyl is wonderfull, which is why I kept mentioning the generally low quality of people's systems. Most people just don't appreciate quality. Its sad.

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It is very sad. For the home thearter, or dorm room, it is definatly a must have for me, i don't think i could live without it.

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Posted Image New iPods! I want one.


AppleRumors.com was saying that new iPods were coming including a color screen mini. I was doubtful of a color screen, but was hoping since Apple Rummors, who most of the time cites Think Secret as there info source, is usually pretty close in their predictions. Think Secret said that the new iPods could be seen as early as Wednesday, Feb 23 (today). SO I check Apple.com this morning and there wasn't any signs yet. Then I checked again at luch and lo and behold there were new minis and photos!


The current mini, 4 GB, was dropped $50 to $200 and they tntroduced a new 6 GB mini. The best part 18 hours of battery life!


There was also the new 30 GB photo and they dropped the 40 GB iPod.

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