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Your Most Favourite Computer Language

the best computer language  

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I say C#. Its similar enough to Java or c++ that you don't have to learn too much. It is also faster than java but slower than native applications written in c++ or object pascal (delphi). C# can also be used as part of vb.net or managed c++ programs as well as on the web through asp.net.

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We know that pograming is oriented think. For system programing: C/C++(Borland Dev Std), Assembler.----| Delphi,Pascal,Modula etc not a full languages, it's just for study. |--- my IMHOFor inet programing: PHP, JavaScript.For modeling: GPSS

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i started out with C but then i went directly to C# jumping over C++ (which is something not to do) but i found C# to be very effective and time consuming so my vote goes to C#.

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my favourite programming language is java, I also like c++ and c#.know I'm exploring Java Server Faces , java web framework, and I someone would ask me which web technology I would prefer , I can easily say that JSF is my best candidate:)

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My favorite is PHP because it's easy to learn/program in and it's very vaste in it's abilities. I've learned how to program in PHP, Perl, C++, C, Python, and JavaScript, and after learning the bunch I desided PHP is my fav. Perl and Python are pretty easy, but I'm not fond of CGI languages and C++ and Java are nice, but are kind of hard expecially GUI. JavaScript is probably my second favorite, but it doesn't have the same abilities of PHP mostly because it's client-side and not server-side.

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Like everyone else has said, there's no such thing as a "best" programming language. Every language has its own strengths and weaknesses.I've used BASIC (first Atari BASIC - that was how I started programming - then Visual Basic), VBscript for ASP, and PHP. I've also dabbled in Java and C/C++.Obviously, Java and C/C++ are more powerful languages. But, going on the ratio of ease-of-learning to power, I'd have to say my favourite is definitely PHP. I learnt it in a snap. I was particularly impressed with how easy it was to connect to a database through PHP. I spent hours trying to manage it with ASP (it probably would have been a lot easier if I'd had MS Access, but I didn't - I was left struggling with ODBC). But when I tried to do the same thing in PHP, it just worked! That sure gave it the wow factor for me. Of course, building your GUI in HTML makes things a lot easier. And PHP can do a lot. It does everything I want it to. What more can you ask?But I'm not going to be running around proclaiming PHP as the One True Language to which thou all shalt switch. It's a scripting language. And although it's made some slight movements towards becoming a "real" programming language, it will never do the sort of stuff that C/C++ can. That's why I'm learning C++ now.

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Yep, there isn't a best programming language. Never will be. Language wars kind of scare me, and remind me of certain other "fandoms" that I'd rather leave in the dust. :unsure: Each language has their own uses. No language can take over all other languages, except for in a small sector of life.


Anyways, I have to go with a lot of people here that PHP is truly very easy. It took me very little time to learn it. Apparently I accredited this to previous experience with Java, but that seems to not be the case, as everyone procclaims PHP is easy. Precisely because of this ease, it happens to be my favorite. But favorites don't mean much; it's not as if my favorite is the best of the best. It's not. Javascript is useful too, but I just didn't find it as easy as PHP.


Java and C++ were fun, but well, they're not that easy. I'm just one of those lazy folk that prefer easy languages, so...well, that's that.

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I think C++ is well suited for most of applications. Java is open/platform, but is an "emulated" language, you need a virtual machine in order to run the code, so it doesn't make much difference with an interpreted language.C++ can compile to native machine code that run fast, and can be used for task that are suited for other languages. For instance, i compiled CGI programs writen in c for server side execution (for very fast runtime) compared to those writen in php (similar sintax, but interpreted by an engine).

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C and C++.C and C++ are the most powerful languages.C makes most operating systems, and C++ makes most elegant programs.C++ is better than C in my opinion, but they both rule.I started programming C++ and it's actually more easier then it sounds.It just needs some practice. C With Classes For The Win!!! :)

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